CESM Research Tools: CLM4 in CESM1.0.4 User's Guide Documentation | ||
Prev | Chapter 1. How to customize the configuration for a case with CLM | Next |
Once a case is configured, we can then customize the case further, by editing the run-time namelist for CLM. First let's list the definition of each namelist item and their valid values, and then we'll list the default values for them. Next for some of the most used or tricky namelist items we'll give examples of their use, and give you example namelists that highlight these features.
Here we point to you where you can find the definition of each namelist item and separately the default values for them. The default values may change depending on the resolution, land-mask, simulation-year and other attributes. Both of these files are viewable in your web browser. Below we provide the link for them, and then expand each in turn.
One set of the namelist items allows you to add fields to the output history files:
, hist_fincl2
, hist_fincl4
, and hist_fincl6
. The link
CLM History Fields
documents all of the history fields available and gives the long-name and units
for each.
Included in the table are the following pieces of information:
Variable name.
Long name description.
Table 1-1. CLM History Fields
Name | Long-name | Units |
A10TMIN | 10-day running mean of min 2-m temperature | K |
A5TMIN | 5-day running mean of min 2-m temperature | K |
ACTUAL_IMMOB | actual N immobilization | gN/m^2/s |
AGDD | growing degree-days base 5C | K |
AGNPP | aboveground NPP | gC/m^2/s |
AGNPP | above-ground net primary production | gC/m2/s |
ALBD | surface albedo (direct) | proportion |
ALBGRD | ground albedo (direct) | proportion |
ALBGRI | ground albedo (indirect) | proportion |
ALBI | surface albedo (indirect) | proportion |
ALLOC_PNOW | fraction of current allocation to display as new growth | proportion |
ALPHA | alpha coefficient for VOC calc | non |
ALPHAPSNSHA | shaded c13 fractionation | proportion |
ALPHAPSNSUN | sunlit c13 fractionation | proportion |
ANNAVG_T2M | annual average 2m air temperature | K |
ANNMAX_RETRANSN | annual max of retranslocated N pool | gN/m^2 |
ANNSUM_COUNTER | seconds since last annual accumulator turnover | s |
ANNSUM_NPP | annual sum of NPP | gC/m^2/yr |
ANNSUM_POTENTIAL_GPP | annual sum of potential GPP | gN/m^2/yr |
ANN_FAREA_BURNED | annual total fractional area burned | proportion |
AR | autotrophic respiration (MR + GR) | gC/m^2/s |
AR | autotrophic respiration | gC/m2/s |
AVAILC | C flux available for allocation | gC/m^2/s |
AVAIL_RETRANSN | N flux available from retranslocation pool | gN/m^2/s |
BCDEP | total BC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere | kg/m^2/s |
BETA | coefficient of convective velocity | none |
BGLFR | background litterfall rate | 1/s |
BGMOIST | moisture dependence | |
BGNPP | belowground NPP | gC/m^2/s |
BGNPP | below-ground net primary production | gC/m2/s |
BGTEMP | temperature dependence | |
BGTR | background transfer growth rate | 1/s |
BIOGENCO | biogenic CO flux | uGC/M2/H |
BTRAN | transpiration beta factor | unitless |
BUILDHEAT | heat flux from urban building interior to walls and roof | watt/m^2 |
C13_AGNPP | C13 aboveground NPP | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_AR | C13 autotrophic respiration (MR + GR) | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_BGNPP | C13 belowground NPP | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_COL_CTRUNC | C13 column-level sink for C truncation | gC13/m^2 |
C13_COL_FIRE_CLOSS | C13 total column-level fire C loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL | C13 temporary photosynthate C pool | gC13/m^2 |
C13_CPOOL_DEADCROOT_GR | C13 dead coarse root growth respiration | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_DEADCROOT_STORAGE_GR | C13 dead coarse root growth respiration to storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_DEADSTEM_GR | C13 dead stem growth respiration | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_DEADSTEM_STORAGE_GR | C13 dead stem growth respiration to storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_FROOT_GR | C13 fine root growth respiration | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_FROOT_STORAGE_GR | C13 fine root growth respiration to storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_LEAF_GR | C13 leaf growth respiration | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_LEAF_STORAGE_GR | C13 leaf growth respiration to storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_LIVECROOT_GR | C13 live coarse root growth respiration | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_LIVECROOT_STORAGE_GR | C13 live coarse root growth respiration to storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_LIVESTEM_GR | C13 live stem growth respiration | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_LIVESTEM_STORAGE_GR | C13 live stem growth respiration to storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_TO_DEADCROOTC | C13 allocation to dead coarse root C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_TO_DEADCROOTC_STORAGE | C13 allocation to dead coarse root C storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_TO_DEADSTEMC | C13 allocation to dead stem C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_TO_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE | C13 allocation to dead stem C storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_TO_FROOTC | C13 allocation to fine root C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_TO_FROOTC_STORAGE | C13 allocation to fine root C storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_TO_GRESP_STORAGE | C13 allocation to growth respiration storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_TO_LEAFC | C13 allocation to leaf C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_TO_LEAFC_STORAGE | C13 allocation to leaf C storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_TO_LIVECROOTC | C13 allocation to live coarse root C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_TO_LIVECROOTC_STORAGE | C13 allocation to live coarse root C storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_TO_LIVESTEMC | C13 allocation to live stem C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CPOOL_TO_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE | C13 allocation to live stem C storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CURRENT_GR | C13 growth resp for new growth displayed in this timestep | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CWDC | C13 coarse woody debris C | gC13/m^2 |
C13_CWDC_TO_LITR2C | C13 decomp. of coarse woody debris C to litter 2 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_CWDC_TO_LITR3C | C13 decomp. of coarse woody debris C to litter 3 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_DEADCROOTC | C13 dead coarse root C | gC13/m^2 |
C13_DEADCROOTC_STORAGE | C13 dead coarse root C storage | gC13/m^2 |
C13_DEADCROOTC_STORAGE_TO_XFER | C13 dead coarse root C shift storage to transfer | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_DEADCROOTC_XFER | C13 dead coarse root C transfer | gC13/m^2 |
C13_DEADCROOTC_XFER_TO_DEADCROOTC | C13 dead coarse root C growth from storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_DEADSTEMC | C13 dead stem C | gC13/m^2 |
C13_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE | C13 dead stem C storage | gC13/m^2 |
C13_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE_TO_XFER | C13 dead stem C shift storage to transfer | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_DEADSTEMC_XFER | C13 dead stem C transfer | gC13/m^2 |
C13_DEADSTEMC_XFER_TO_DEADSTEMC | C13 dead stem C growth from storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_DISPVEGC | C13 displayed veg carbon, excluding storage and cpool | gC13/m^2 |
C13_DWT_CLOSS | C13 total carbon loss from land cover conversion | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_DWT_CONV_CFLUX | C13 conversion C flux (immediate loss to atm) | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_DWT_DEADCROOTC_TO_CWDC | C13 dead coarse root to CWD due to landcover change | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_DWT_FROOTC_TO_LITR1C | C13 fine root to litter due to landcover change | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_DWT_FROOTC_TO_LITR2C | C13 fine root to litter due to landcover change | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_DWT_FROOTC_TO_LITR3C | C13 fine root to litter due to landcover change | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_DWT_LIVECROOTC_TO_CWDC | C13 live coarse root to CWD due to landcover change | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_DWT_PROD100C_GAIN | C13 addition to 100-yr wood product pool | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_DWT_PROD10C_GAIN | C13 addition to 10-yr wood product pool | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_DWT_SEEDC_TO_DEADSTEM | C13 seed source to PFT-level deadstem | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_DWT_SEEDC_TO_LEAF | C13 seed source to PFT-level leaf | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_ER | C13 total ecosystem respiration, autotrophic + heterotrophic | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_FROOTC | C13 fine root C | gC13/m^2 |
C13_FROOTC_STORAGE | C13 fine root C storage | gC13/m^2 |
C13_FROOTC_STORAGE_TO_XFER | C13 fine root C shift storage to transfer | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_FROOTC_TO_LITR1C | C13 fine root C litterfall to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_FROOTC_TO_LITR2C | C13 fine root C litterfall to litter 2 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_FROOTC_TO_LITR3C | C13 fine root C litterfall to litter 3 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_FROOTC_TO_LITTER | C13 fine root C litterfall | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_FROOTC_XFER | C13 fine root C transfer | gC13/m^2 |
C13_FROOTC_XFER_TO_FROOTC | C13 fine root C growth from storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_FROOT_MR | C13 fine root maintenance respiration | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_GPP | C13 gross primary production | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_GR | C13 total growth respiration | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_GRESP_STORAGE | C13 growth respiration storage | gC13/m^2 |
C13_GRESP_STORAGE_TO_XFER | C13 growth respiration shift storage to transfer | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_GRESP_XFER | C13 growth respiration transfer | gC13/m^2 |
C13_HR | C13 total heterotrophic respiration | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LEAFC | C13 leaf C | gC13/m^2 |
C13_LEAFC_STORAGE | C13 leaf C storage | gC13/m^2 |
C13_LEAFC_STORAGE_TO_XFER | C13 leaf C shift storage to transfer | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LEAFC_TO_LITR1C | C13 leaf C litterfall to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LEAFC_TO_LITR2C | C13 leaf C litterfall to litter 2 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LEAFC_TO_LITR3C | C13 leaf C litterfall to litter 3 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LEAFC_TO_LITTER | C13 leaf C litterfall | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LEAFC_XFER | C13 leaf C transfer | gC13/m^2 |
C13_LEAFC_XFER_TO_LEAFC | C13 leaf C growth from storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LEAF_MR | C13 leaf maintenance respiration | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LITFALL | C13 litterfall (leaves and fine roots) | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LITFIRE | C13 litter fire losses | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LITHR | C13 litter heterotrophic respiration | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LITR1C | C13 litter labile C | gC13/m^2 |
C13_LITR1C_TO_SOIL1C | C13 decomp. of litter 1 C to SOM 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LITR1_HR | C13 het. resp. from litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LITR2C | C13 litter cellulose C | gC13/m^2 |
C13_LITR2C_TO_SOIL2C | C13 decomp. of litter 2 C to SOM 2 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LITR2_HR | C13 het. resp. from litter 2 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LITR3C | C13 litter lignin C | gC13/m^2 |
C13_LITR3C_TO_SOIL3C | C13 decomp. of litter 3 C to SOM 3 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LITR3_HR | C13 het. resp. from litter 3 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LIVECROOTC | C13 live coarse root C | gC13/m^2 |
C13_LIVECROOTC_STORAGE | C13 live coarse root C storage | gC13/m^2 |
C13_LIVECROOTC_STORAGE_TO_XFER | C13 live coarse root C shift storage to transfer | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LIVECROOTC_TO_DEADCROOTC | C13 live coarse root C turnover | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LIVECROOTC_XFER | C13 live coarse root C transfer | gC13/m^2 |
C13_LIVECROOTC_XFER_TO_LIVECROOTC | C13 live coarse root C growth from storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LIVECROOT_MR | C13 live coarse root maintenance respiration | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LIVESTEMC | C13 live stem C | gC13/m^2 |
C13_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE | C13 live stem C storage | gC13/m^2 |
C13_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE_TO_XFER | C13 live stem C shift storage to transfer | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LIVESTEMC_TO_DEADSTEMC | C13 live stem C turnover | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LIVESTEMC_XFER | C13 live stem C transfer | gC13/m^2 |
C13_LIVESTEMC_XFER_TO_LIVESTEMC | C13 live stem C growth from storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_LIVESTEM_MR | C13 live stem maintenance respiration | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_MR | C13 maintenance respiration | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_CWDC_TO_FIRE | C13 coarse woody debris C fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADCROOTC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | C13 dead coarse root C storage fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADCROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITR1C | C13 dead coarse root C storage mortality to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADCROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | C13 dead coarse root C storage mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADCROOTC_TO_CWDC | C13 dead coarse root C mortality to coarse woody debris C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADCROOTC_TO_CWDC_FIRE | C13 dead coarse root C to to woody debris C by fire | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADCROOTC_TO_FIRE | C13 dead coarse root C fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADCROOTC_TO_LITTER | C13 dead coarse root C mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADCROOTC_TO_LITTER_FIRE | C13 dead coarse root C fire mortality to litter | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADCROOTC_XFER_TO_FIRE | C13 dead coarse root C transfer fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADCROOTC_XFER_TO_LITR1C | C13 dead coarse root C transfer mortality to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADCROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER | C13 dead coarse root C transfer mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | C13 dead stem C storage fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE_TO_LITR1C | C13 dead stem C storage mortality to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | C13 dead stem C storage mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADSTEMC_TO_CWDC | C13 dead stem C mortality to coarse woody debris C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADSTEMC_TO_CWDC_FIRE | C13 dead stem C to coarse woody debris C by fire | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADSTEMC_TO_FIRE | C13 dead stem C fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADSTEMC_TO_LITTER | C13 dead stem C mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADSTEMC_TO_LITTER_FIRE | C13 dead stem C fire mortality to litter | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADSTEMC_XFER_TO_FIRE | C13 dead stem C transfer fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADSTEMC_XFER_TO_LITR1C | C13 dead stem C transfer mortality to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_DEADSTEMC_XFER_TO_LITTER | C13 dead stem C transfer mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_FROOTC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | C13 fine root C storage fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_FROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITR1C | C13 fine root C storage mortality to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_FROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | C13 fine root C storage mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_FROOTC_TO_FIRE | C13 fine root C fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_FROOTC_TO_LITR1C | C13 fine root C mortality to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_FROOTC_TO_LITR2C | C13 fine root C mortality to litter 2 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_FROOTC_TO_LITR3C | C13 fine root C mortality to litter 3 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_FROOTC_TO_LITTER | C13 fine root C mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_FROOTC_XFER_TO_FIRE | C13 fine root C transfer fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_FROOTC_XFER_TO_LITR1C | C13 fine root C transfer mortality to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_FROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER | C13 fine root C transfer mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_GRESP_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | C13 growth respiration storage fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_GRESP_STORAGE_TO_LITR1C | C13 growth respiration storage mortality to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_GRESP_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | C13 growth respiration storage mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_GRESP_XFER_TO_FIRE | C13 growth respiration transfer fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_GRESP_XFER_TO_LITR1C | C13 growth respiration transfer mortality to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_GRESP_XFER_TO_LITTER | C13 growth respiration transfer mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LEAFC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | C13 leaf C storage fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LEAFC_STORAGE_TO_LITR1C | C13 leaf C storage mortality to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LEAFC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | C13 leaf C storage mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LEAFC_TO_FIRE | C13 leaf C fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LEAFC_TO_LITR1C | C13 leaf C mortality to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LEAFC_TO_LITR2C | C13 leaf C mortality to litter 2 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LEAFC_TO_LITR3C | C13 leaf C mortality to litter 3 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LEAFC_TO_LITTER | C13 leaf C mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LEAFC_XFER_TO_FIRE | C13 leaf C transfer fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LEAFC_XFER_TO_LITR1C | C13 leaf C transfer mortality to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LEAFC_XFER_TO_LITTER | C13 leaf C transfer mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LITR1C_TO_FIRE | C13 litter 1 C fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LITR2C_TO_FIRE | C13 litter 2 C fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LITR3C_TO_FIRE | C13 litter 3 C fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVECROOTC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | C13 live coarse root C storage fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVECROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITR1C | C13 live coarse root C storage mortality to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVECROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | C13 live coarse root C storage mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVECROOTC_TO_CWDC | C13 live coarse root C mortality to coarse woody debris C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVECROOTC_TO_FIRE | C13 live coarse root C fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVECROOTC_TO_LITTER | C13 live coarse root C mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVECROOTC_XFER_TO_FIRE | C13 live coarse root C transfer fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVECROOTC_XFER_TO_LITR1C | C13 live coarse root C transfer mortality to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVECROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER | C13 live coarse root C transfer mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | C13 live stem C storage fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE_TO_LITR1C | C13 live stem C storage mortality to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | C13 live stem C storage mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVESTEMC_TO_CWDC | C13 live stem C mortality to coarse woody debris C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVESTEMC_TO_FIRE | C13 live stem C fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVESTEMC_TO_LITTER | C13 live stem C mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVESTEMC_XFER_TO_FIRE | C13 live stem C transfer fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVESTEMC_XFER_TO_LITR1C | C13 live stem C transfer mortality to litter 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_M_LIVESTEMC_XFER_TO_LITTER | C13 live stem C transfer mortality | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_NEE | C13 net ecosystem exchange of carbon, includes fire flux, positive for source | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_NEP | C13 net ecosystem production, excludes fire flux, positive for sink | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_NPP | C13 net primary production | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_PFT_CTRUNC | C13 pft-level sink for C truncation | gC13/m^2 |
C13_PFT_FIRE_CLOSS | C13 total pft-level fire C loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_PROD100C | C13 100-yr wood product C | gC13/m^2 |
C13_PROD100C_LOSS | C13 loss from 100-yr wood product pool | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_PROD10C | C13 10-yr wood product C | gC13/m^2 |
C13_PROD10C_LOSS | C13 loss from 10-yr wood product pool | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_PRODUCT_CLOSS | C13 total carbon loss from wood product pools | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_PSNSHA | C13 shaded leaf photosynthesis | umolCO2/m^2/s |
C13_PSNSHADE_TO_CPOOL | C13 C fixation from shaded canopy | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_PSNSUN | C13 sunlit leaf photosynthesis | umolCO2/m^2/s |
C13_PSNSUN_TO_CPOOL | C13 C fixation from sunlit canopy | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_RR | C13 root respiration (fine root MR + total root GR) | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_SEEDC | C13 pool for seeding new PFTs | gC13/m^2 |
C13_SOIL1C | C13 soil organic matter C (fast pool) | gC13/m^2 |
C13_SOIL1C_TO_SOIL2C | C13 decomp. of SOM 1 C to SOM 2 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_SOIL1_HR | C13 het. resp. from SOM 1 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_SOIL2C | C13 soil organic matter C (medium pool) | gC13/m^2 |
C13_SOIL2C_TO_SOIL3C | C13 decomp. of SOM 2 C to SOM 3 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_SOIL2_HR | C13 het. resp. from SOM 2 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_SOIL3C | C13 soil organic matter C (slow pool) | gC13/m^2 |
C13_SOIL3C_TO_SOIL4C | C13 decomp. of SOM 3 C to SOM 4 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_SOIL3_HR | C13 het. resp. from SOM 3 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_SOIL4C | C13 soil organic matter C (slowest pool) | gC13/m^2 |
C13_SOIL4_HR | C13 het. resp. from SOM 4 C | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_SOMFIRE | C13 soil organic matter fire losses | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_SOMHR | C13 soil organic matter heterotrophic respiration | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_SR | C13 total soil respiration (HR + root resp) | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_STORAGE_GR | C13 growth resp for growth sent to storage for later display | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_STORVEGC | C13 stored vegetation carbon, excluding cpool | gC13/m^2 |
C13_TOTCOLC | C13 total column carbon, incl veg and cpool | gC13/m^2 |
C13_TOTECOSYSC | C13 total ecosystem carbon, incl veg but excl cpool | gC13/m^2 |
C13_TOTFIRE | C13 total ecosystem fire losses | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_TOTLITC | C13 total litter carbon | gC13/m^2 |
C13_TOTPFTC | C13 total pft-level carbon, including cpool | gC13/m^2 |
C13_TOTPRODC | C13 total wood product C | gC13/m^2 |
C13_TOTSOMC | C13 total soil organic matter carbon | gC13/m^2 |
C13_TOTVEGC | C13 total vegetation carbon, excluding cpool | gC13/m^2 |
C13_TRANSFER_DEADCROOT_GR | C13 dead coarse root growth respiration from storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_TRANSFER_DEADSTEM_GR | C13 dead stem growth respiration from storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_TRANSFER_FROOT_GR | C13 fine root growth respiration from storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_TRANSFER_GR | C13 growth resp for transfer growth displayed in this timestep | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_TRANSFER_LEAF_GR | C13 leaf growth respiration from storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_TRANSFER_LIVECROOT_GR | C13 live coarse root growth respiration from storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_TRANSFER_LIVESTEM_GR | C13 live stem growth respiration from storage | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_VEGFIRE | C13 pft-level fire loss | gC13/m^2/s |
C13_XSMRPOOL | C13 temporary photosynthate C pool | gC13/m^2 |
CANNAVG_T2M | annual average of 2m air temperature | K |
CANNSUM_NPP | annual sum of column-level NPP | gC/m^2/s |
CFLUX | total Carbon flux | g/m2/s |
CGRND | deriv. of soil energy flux wrt to soil temp | W/m^2/K |
CGRNDL | deriv. of soil latent heat flux wrt soil temp | W/m^2/K |
CGRNDS | deriv. of soil sensible heat flux wrt soil temp | W/m^2/K |
CISHA | shaded intracellular CO2 | Pa |
CISUN | sunlit intracellular CO2 | Pa |
CLOSS | Amt. of Carbon lost by pool | g/m2/s |
CO2FLUX | net CO2 flux | g/m2/s |
COL_CTRUNC | column-level sink for C truncation | gC/m^2 |
COL_FIRE_CLOSS | total column-level fire C loss | gC/m^2/s |
COL_FIRE_NLOSS | total column-level fire N loss | gN/m^2/s |
COL_NTRUNC | column-level sink for N truncation | gN/m^2 |
COSZEN | cosine of solar zenith angle | none |
CP | cp coefficient for VOC calc | non |
CPOOL | temporary photosynthate C pool | gC/m^2 |
CPOOL_DEADCROOT_GR | dead coarse root growth respiration | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_DEADCROOT_STORAGE_GR | dead coarse root growth respiration to storage | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_DEADSTEM_GR | dead stem growth respiration | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_DEADSTEM_STORAGE_GR | dead stem growth respiration to storage | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_FROOT_GR | fine root growth respiration | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_FROOT_STORAGE_GR | fine root growth respiration to storage | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_LEAF_GR | leaf growth respiration | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_LEAF_STORAGE_GR | leaf growth respiration to storage | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_LIVECROOT_GR | live coarse root growth respiration | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_LIVECROOT_STORAGE_GR | live coarse root growth respiration to storage | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_LIVESTEM_GR | live stem growth respiration | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_LIVESTEM_STORAGE_GR | live stem growth respiration to storage | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_TO_DEADCROOTC | allocation to dead coarse root C | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_TO_DEADCROOTC_STORAGE | allocation to dead coarse root C storage | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_TO_DEADSTEMC | allocation to dead stem C | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_TO_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE | allocation to dead stem C storage | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_TO_FROOTC | allocation to fine root C | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_TO_FROOTC_STORAGE | allocation to fine root C storage | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_TO_GRESP_STORAGE | allocation to growth respiration storage | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_TO_LEAFC | allocation to leaf C | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_TO_LEAFC_STORAGE | allocation to leaf C storage | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_TO_LIVECROOTC | allocation to live coarse root C | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_TO_LIVECROOTC_STORAGE | allocation to live coarse root C storage | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_TO_LIVESTEMC | allocation to live stem C | gC/m^2/s |
CPOOL_TO_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE | allocation to live stem C storage | gC/m^2/s |
CTRANS | Amt. of Carbon transferred out of pool types | g/m2/s |
CURRENT_GR | growth resp for new growth displayed in this timestep | gC/m^2/s |
CWDC | coarse woody debris C | gC/m^2 |
CWDC | coarse woody debris C | gC/m2 |
CWDC_HR | coarse woody debris C heterotrophic respiration | gC/m^2/s |
CWDC_HR | coarse woody debris heterotrophic respiration | gC/m2/s |
CWDC_LOSS | coarse woody debris C loss | gC/m^2/s |
CWDC_LOSS | coarse woody debris C loss | gC/m2/s |
CWDC_TO_LITR2C | decomp. of coarse woody debris C to litter 2 C | gC/m^2/s |
CWDC_TO_LITR3C | decomp. of coarse woody debris C to litter 3 C | gC/m^2/s |
CWDN | coarse woody debris N | gN/m^2 |
CWDN_TO_LITR2N | decomp. of coarse woody debris N to litter 2 N | gN/m^2/s |
CWDN_TO_LITR3N | decomp. of coarse woody debris N to litter 3 N | gN/m^2/s |
C_ALLOMETRY | C allocation index | none |
DAYL | daylength | s |
DAYS_ACTIVE | number of days since last dormancy | days |
DEADCROOTC | dead coarse root C | gC/m^2 |
DEADCROOTC_STORAGE | dead coarse root C storage | gC/m^2 |
DEADCROOTC_STORAGE_TO_XFER | dead coarse root C shift storage to transfer | gC/m^2/s |
DEADCROOTC_XFER | dead coarse root C transfer | gC/m^2 |
DEADCROOTC_XFER_TO_DEADCROOTC | dead coarse root C growth from storage | gC/m^2/s |
DEADCROOTN | dead coarse root N | gN/m^2 |
DEADCROOTN_STORAGE | dead coarse root N storage | gN/m^2 |
DEADCROOTN_STORAGE_TO_XFER | dead coarse root N shift storage to transfer | gN/m^2/s |
DEADCROOTN_XFER | dead coarse root N transfer | gN/m^2 |
DEADCROOTN_XFER_TO_DEADCROOTN | dead coarse root N growth from storage | gN/m^2/s |
DEADSTEMC | dead stem C | gC/m^2 |
DEADSTEMC_STORAGE | dead stem C storage | gC/m^2 |
DEADSTEMC_STORAGE_TO_XFER | dead stem C shift storage to transfer | gC/m^2/s |
DEADSTEMC_XFER | dead stem C transfer | gC/m^2 |
DEADSTEMC_XFER_TO_DEADSTEMC | dead stem C growth from storage | gC/m^2/s |
DEADSTEMN | dead stem N | gN/m^2 |
DEADSTEMN_STORAGE | dead stem N storage | gN/m^2 |
DEADSTEMN_STORAGE_TO_XFER | dead stem N shift storage to transfer | gN/m^2/s |
DEADSTEMN_XFER | dead stem N transfer | gN/m^2 |
DEADSTEMN_XFER_TO_DEADSTEMN | dead stem N growth from storage | gN/m^2/s |
DECL | solar declination angle | radians |
DEGDAY | Accumulated degree days | deg C |
DENIT | total rate of denitrification | gN/m^2/s |
DEWMX | Maximum allowed dew | mm |
DGNETDT | derivative of net ground heat flux wrt soil temp | W/m^2/K |
DISPLA | displacement height | m |
DISPVEGC | displayed veg carbon, excluding storage and cpool | gC/m^2 |
DISPVEGN | displayed vegetation nitrogen | gN/m^2 |
DLRAD | downward longwave radiation below the canopy | W/m^2 |
DORMANT_FLAG | dormancy flag | none |
DOWNREG | fractional reduction in GPP due to N limitation | proportion |
DPVLTRB1 | turbulent deposition velocity 1 | m/s |
DPVLTRB2 | turbulent deposition velocity 2 | m/s |
DPVLTRB3 | turbulent deposition velocity 3 | m/s |
DPVLTRB4 | turbulent deposition velocity 4 | m/s |
DSTDEP | total dust deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere | kg/m^2/s |
DSTFLXT | total surface dust emission | kg/m2/s |
DT_VEG | change in t_veg, last iteration | K |
DVOLRDT_LND | RTM land change in storage: LIQ | mm/s |
DVOLRDT_LND_ICE | RTM land change in storage: ICE | mm/s |
DVOLRDT_OCN | RTM ocean change of storage: LIQ | mm/s |
DVOLRDT_OCN_ICE | RTM ocean change of storage: ICE | mm/s |
DWT_CLOSS | total carbon loss from land cover conversion | gC/m^2/s |
DWT_CONV_CFLUX | conversion C flux (immediate loss to atm) | gC/m^2/s |
DWT_CONV_NFLUX | conversion N flux (immediate loss to atm) | gN/m^2/s |
DWT_DEADCROOTC_TO_CWDC | dead coarse root to CWD due to landcover change | gC/m^2/s |
DWT_DEADCROOTN_TO_CWDN | dead coarse root to CWD due to landcover change | gN/m^2/s |
DWT_FROOTC_TO_LITR1C | fine root to litter due to landcover change | gC/m^2/s |
DWT_FROOTC_TO_LITR2C | fine root to litter due to landcover change | gC/m^2/s |
DWT_FROOTC_TO_LITR3C | fine root to litter due to landcover change | gC/m^2/s |
DWT_FROOTN_TO_LITR1N | fine root to litter due to landcover change | gN/m^2/s |
DWT_FROOTN_TO_LITR2N | fine root to litter due to landcover change | gN/m^2/s |
DWT_FROOTN_TO_LITR3N | fine root to litter due to landcover change | gN/m^2/s |
DWT_LIVECROOTC_TO_CWDC | live coarse root to CWD due to landcover change | gC/m^2/s |
DWT_LIVECROOTN_TO_CWDN | live coarse root to CWD due to landcover change | gN/m^2/s |
DWT_NLOSS | total nitrogen loss from landcover conversion | gN/m^2/s |
DWT_PROD100C_GAIN | landcover change-driven addition to 100-yr wood product pool | gC/m^2/s |
DWT_PROD100N_GAIN | addition to 100-yr wood product pool | gN/m^2/s |
DWT_PROD10C_GAIN | landcover change-driven addition to 10-yr wood product pool | gC/m^2/s |
DWT_PROD10N_GAIN | addition to 10-yr wood product pool | gN/m^2/s |
DWT_SEEDC_TO_DEADSTEM | seed source to PFT-level deadstem | gC/m^2/s |
DWT_SEEDC_TO_LEAF | seed source to PFT-level leaf | gC/m^2/s |
DWT_SEEDN_TO_DEADSTEM | seed source to PFT-level deadstem | gN/m^2/s |
DWT_SEEDN_TO_LEAF | seed source to PFT-level leaf | gN/m^2/s |
EFF_KID | effective extinction coefficient for indirect from direct | none |
EFF_KII | effective extinction coefficient for indirect from indirect | none |
EFF_POROSITY | effective porosity = porosity - vol_ice | proportion |
EFLX_DYNBAL | dynamic land cover change conversion energy flux | W/m^2 |
EFLX_GNET | net heat flux into ground | W/m^2 |
EFLX_LH_TOT | total latent heat flux [+ to atm] | W/m^2 |
EFLX_LH_TOT_R | Rural total evaporation | watt/m^2 |
EFLX_LH_TOT_U | Urban total evaporation | watt/m^2 |
EFLX_SOIL_GRND | soil heat flux [+ into soil] | W/m^2 |
ELAI | exposed one-sided leaf area index | m^2/m^2 |
EMG | ground emissivity | proportion |
EMV | vegetation emissivity | proportion |
EOPT | Eopt coefficient for VOC calc | non |
ER | total ecosystem respiration, autotrophic + heterotrophic | gC/m^2/s |
ERRH2O | total water conservation error | mm |
ERRSEB | surface energy conservation error | watt/m^2 |
ERRSOI | soil/lake energy conservation error | watt/m^2 |
ERRSOL | solar radiation conservation error | watt/m^2 |
ESAI | exposed one-sided stem area index | m^2/m^2 |
EXCESSC | excess carbon | g/m2/timestep |
EXCESS_CFLUX | C flux not allocated due to downregulation | gC/m^2/s |
FABD | flux absorbed by veg per unit direct flux | proportion |
FABI | flux absorbed by veg per unit indirect flux | proportion |
FAREA_BURNED | timestep fractional area burned | proportion |
FCEV | canopy evaporation | watt/m^2 |
FCOV | fractional impermeable area | unitless |
FCTR | canopy transpiration | watt/m^2 |
FDRY | fraction of foliage that is green and dry | proportion |
FGEV | ground evaporation | watt/m^2 |
FGR | heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt | watt/m^2 |
FGR12 | heat flux between soil layers 1 and 2 | watt/m^2 |
FGR_R | Rural heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt | watt/m^2 |
FGR_U | Urban heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt | watt/m^2 |
FIRA | net infrared (longwave) radiation | watt/m^2 |
FIRA_R | Rural net infrared (longwave) radiation | watt/m^2 |
FIRA_U | Urban net infrared (longwave) radiation | watt/m^2 |
FIRE | emitted infrared (longwave) radiation | watt/m^2 |
FIRESEASONL | annual fire season length | days |
FIRE_PROB | daily fire probability | 0-1 |
FLDS | atmospheric longwave radiation | watt/m^2 |
FLUXFM2A | heat flux for rain to snow conversion | W/m2 |
FLUXFMLND | heat flux from rain to snow conversion | W/m2 |
FNPP | net primary production | g/m2/s |
FPG | fraction of potential gpp | proportion |
FPI | fraction of potential immobilization | proportion |
FPSN | photosynthesis | umol/m2s |
FRAC_ICEOLD | fraction of ice relative to the tot water | proportion |
FROOTC | fine root C | gC/m^2 |
FROOTC | fine root C | gC/m2 |
FROOTC_ALLOC | fine root C allocation | gC/m^2/s |
FROOTC_ALLOC | fine root C allocation | gC/m2/s |
FROOTC_LOSS | fine root C loss | gC/m^2/s |
FROOTC_LOSS | fine root C loss | gC/m2/s |
FROOTC_STORAGE | fine root C storage | gC/m^2 |
FROOTC_STORAGE_TO_XFER | fine root C shift storage to transfer | gC/m^2/s |
FROOTC_TO_LITR1C | fine root C litterfall to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
FROOTC_TO_LITR2C | fine root C litterfall to litter 2 C | gC/m^2/s |
FROOTC_TO_LITR3C | fine root C litterfall to litter 3 C | gC/m^2/s |
FROOTC_TO_LITTER | fine root C litterfall | gC/m^2/s |
FROOTC_XFER | fine root C transfer | gC/m^2 |
FROOTC_XFER_TO_FROOTC | fine root C growth from storage | gC/m^2/s |
FROOTN | fine root N | gN/m^2 |
FROOTN_STORAGE | fine root N storage | gN/m^2 |
FROOTN_STORAGE_TO_XFER | fine root N shift storage to transfer | gN/m^2/s |
FROOTN_TO_LITR1N | fine root N litterfall to litter 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
FROOTN_TO_LITR2N | fine root N litterfall to litter 2 N | gN/m^2/s |
FROOTN_TO_LITR3N | fine root N litterfall to litter 3 N | gN/m^2/s |
FROOTN_TO_LITTER | fine root N litterfall | gN/m^2/s |
FROOTN_XFER | fine root N transfer | gN/m^2 |
FROOTN_XFER_TO_FROOTN | fine root N growth from storage | gN/m^2/s |
FROOT_MR | fine root maintenance respiration | gC/m^2/s |
FSA | absorbed solar radiation | watt/m^2 |
FSAT | fractional area with water table at surface | unitless |
FSA_R | Rural absorbed solar radiation | watt/m^2 |
FSA_U | Urban absorbed solar radiation | watt/m^2 |
FSD24 | direct radiation (last 24hrs) | K |
FSD240 | direct radiation (last 240hrs) | K |
FSDS | atmospheric incident solar radiation | watt/m^2 |
FSDSND | direct nir incident solar radiation | watt/m^2 |
FSDSNDLN | direct nir incident solar radiation at local noon | watt/m^2 |
FSDSNI | diffuse nir incident solar radiation | watt/m^2 |
FSDSVD | direct vis incident solar radiation | watt/m^2 |
FSDSVDLN | direct vis incident solar radiation at local noon | watt/m^2 |
FSDSVI | diffuse vis incident solar radiation | watt/m^2 |
FSH | sensible heat | watt/m^2 |
FSH_G | sensible heat from ground | watt/m^2 |
FSH_NODYNLNDUSE | sensible heat | watt/m^2 |
FSH_R | Rural sensible heat | watt/m^2 |
FSH_U | Urban sensible heat | watt/m^2 |
FSH_V | sensible heat from veg | watt/m^2 |
FSI24 | indirect radiation (last 24hrs) | K |
FSI240 | indirect radiation (last 240hrs) | K |
FSM | snow melt heat flux | watt/m^2 |
FSM_R | Rural snow melt heat flux | watt/m^2 |
FSM_U | Urban snow melt heat flux | watt/m^2 |
FSNO | fraction of ground covered by snow | unitless |
FSR | reflected solar radiation | watt/m^2 |
FSRND | direct nir reflected solar radiation | watt/m^2 |
FSRNDLN | direct nir reflected solar radiation at local noon | watt/m^2 |
FSRNI | diffuse nir reflected solar radiation | watt/m^2 |
FSRVD | direct vis reflected solar radiation | watt/m^2 |
FSRVDLN | direct vis reflected solar radiation at local noon | watt/m^2 |
FSRVI | diffuse vis reflected solar radiation | watt/m^2 |
FSUN | sunlit fraction of canopy | proportion |
FSUN24 | fraction sunlit (last 24hrs) | K |
FSUN240 | fraction sunlit (last 240hrs) | K |
FTDD | down direct flux below veg per unit dir flx | proportion |
FTID | down indirect flux below veg per unit dir flx | proportion |
FTII | down indirect flux below veg per unit indirect flx | proportion |
FV | friction velocity for dust model | m/s |
FWET | fraction of canopy that is wet | proportion |
GAMMA | total gamma for VOC calc | non |
GAMMAA | gamma A for VOC calc | non |
GAMMAL | gamma L for VOC calc | non |
GAMMAP | gamma P for VOC calc | non |
GAMMAS | gamma S for VOC calc | non |
GAMMAT | gamma T for VOC calc | non |
GC_HEAT1 | initial gridcell total heat content | J/m^2 |
GC_HEAT2 | post land cover change total heat content | J/m^2 |
GC_ICE1 | initial gridcell total ice content | mm |
GC_ICE2 | post land cover change total ice content | mm |
GC_LIQ1 | initial gridcell total liq content | mm |
GC_LIQ2 | initial gridcell total liq content | mm |
GDD0 | Growing degree days base 0C from planting | ddays |
GDD020 | Twenty year average of growing degree days base 0C from planting | ddays |
GDD10 | Growing degree days base 10C from planting | ddays |
GDD1020 | Twenty year average of growing degree days base 10C from planting | ddays |
GDD8 | Growing degree days base 8C from planting | ddays |
GDD820 | Twenty year average of growing degree days base 8C from planting | ddays |
GDDHARV | Growing degree days (gdd) needed to harvest | ddays |
GDDPLANT | Accumulated growing degree days past planting date for crop | ddays |
GDDTSOI | Growing degree-days from planting (top two soil layers) | ddays |
GDIR | leaf projection in solar direction | proportion |
GPP | gross primary production | gC/m^2/s |
GPP | gross primary production | gC/m2/s |
GR | total growth respiration | gC/m^2/s |
GRESP_STORAGE | growth respiration storage | gC/m^2 |
GRESP_STORAGE_TO_XFER | growth respiration shift storage to transfer | gC/m^2/s |
GRESP_XFER | growth respiration transfer | gC/m^2 |
GROSS_NMIN | gross rate of N mineralization | gN/m^2/s |
H2OCAN | intercepted water | mm |
H2OSNO | snow depth (liquid water) | mm |
H2OSNO_TOP | mass of snow in top snow layer | kg/m2 |
H2OSOI | volumetric soil water | mm3/mm3 |
HBOT | canopy bottom | m |
HC | heat content of soil/snow/lake | MJ/m2 |
HCSOI | soil heat content | MJ/m2 |
HEAT_FROM_AC | sensible heat flux put into canyon due to heat removed from air conditioning | watt/m^2 |
HK | hydraulic conductivity | mm/s |
HR | total heterotrophic respiration | gC/m^2/s |
HR | total heterotrophic respiration | gC/m2/s |
HTOP | canopy top | m |
INIT_GPP | GPP flux before downregulation | gC/m^2/s |
ISEABEG | index for start of growing season | |
ISOPRENE | isoprene flux | uGC/M2/H |
LAISHA | shaded projected leaf area index | none |
LAISUN | sunlit projected leaf area index | none |
LAND_UPTAKE | NEE minus LAND_USE_FLUX, negative for update | gC/m^2/s |
LAND_USE_FLUX | total C emitted from land cover conversion and wood product pools | gC/m^2/s |
LEAFC | leaf C | gC/m^2 |
LEAFC | leaf C | gC/m2 |
LEAFC_ALLOC | leaf C allocation | gC/m^2/s |
LEAFC_ALLOC | leaf C allocation | gC/m2/s |
LEAFC_LOSS | leaf C loss | gC/m^2/s |
LEAFC_LOSS | leaf C loss | gC/m2/s |
LEAFC_STORAGE | leaf C storage | gC/m^2 |
LEAFC_STORAGE_TO_XFER | leaf C shift storage to transfer | gC/m^2/s |
LEAFC_TO_LITR1C | leaf C litterfall to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
LEAFC_TO_LITR2C | leaf C litterfall to litter 2 C | gC/m^2/s |
LEAFC_TO_LITR3C | leaf C litterfall to litter 3 C | gC/m^2/s |
LEAFC_TO_LITTER | leaf C litterfall | gC/m^2/s |
LEAFC_XFER | leaf C transfer | gC/m^2 |
LEAFC_XFER_TO_LEAFC | leaf C growth from storage | gC/m^2/s |
LEAFN | leaf N | gN/m^2 |
LEAFN_STORAGE | leaf N storage | gN/m^2 |
LEAFN_STORAGE_TO_XFER | leaf N shift storage to transfer | gN/m^2/s |
LEAFN_TO_LITR1N | leaf N litterfall to litter 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
LEAFN_TO_LITR2N | leaf N litterfall to litter 2 N | gN/m^2/s |
LEAFN_TO_LITR3N | leaf N litterfall to litter 3 N | gN/m^2/s |
LEAFN_TO_LITTER | leaf N litterfall | gN/m^2/s |
LEAFN_TO_RETRANSN | leaf N to retranslocated N pool | gN/m^2/s |
LEAFN_XFER | leaf N transfer | gN/m^2 |
LEAFN_XFER_TO_LEAFN | leaf N growth from storage | gN/m^2/s |
LEAF_MR | leaf maintenance respiration | gC/m^2/s |
LGROW | growing season index (0 or 1) | |
LGSF | long growing season factor | proportion |
LITFALL | litterfall (leaves and fine roots) | gC/m^2/s |
LITFIRE | litter fire losses | gC/m^2/s |
LITHR | litter heterotrophic respiration | gC/m^2/s |
LITR1C | litter labile C | gC/m^2 |
LITR1C_TO_SOIL1C | decomp. of litter 1 C to SOM 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
LITR1N | litter labile N | gN/m^2 |
LITR1N_TO_SOIL1N | decomp. of litter 1 N to SOM 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
LITR1_HR | het. resp. from litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
LITR2C | litter cellulose C | gC/m^2 |
LITR2C_TO_SOIL2C | decomp. of litter 2 C to SOM 2 C | gC/m^2/s |
LITR2N | litter cellulose N | gN/m^2 |
LITR2N_TO_SOIL2N | decomp. of litter 2 N to SOM 2 N | gN/m^2/s |
LITR2_HR | het. resp. from litter 2 C | gC/m^2/s |
LITR3C | litter lignin C | gC/m^2 |
LITR3C_TO_SOIL3C | decomp. of litter 3 C to SOM 3 C | gC/m^2/s |
LITR3N | litter lignin N | gN/m^2 |
LITR3N_TO_SOIL3N | decomp. of litter 3 N to SOM 3 N | gN/m^2/s |
LITR3_HR | het. resp. from litter 3 C | gC/m^2/s |
LITTERC | litter C | gC/m^2 |
LITTERC | litter C | gC/m2 |
LITTERC_HR | litter C heterotrophic respiration | gC/m^2/s |
LITTERC_HR | litter heterotrophic respiration | gC/m2/s |
LITTERC_LOSS | litter C loss | gC/m^2/s |
LITTERC_LOSS | litter C loss | gC/m2/s |
LIVECROOTC | live coarse root C | gC/m^2 |
LIVECROOTC_STORAGE | live coarse root C storage | gC/m^2 |
LIVECROOTC_STORAGE_TO_XFER | live coarse root C shift storage to transfer | gC/m^2/s |
LIVECROOTC_TO_DEADCROOTC | live coarse root C turnover | gC/m^2/s |
LIVECROOTC_XFER | live coarse root C transfer | gC/m^2 |
LIVECROOTC_XFER_TO_LIVECROOTC | live coarse root C growth from storage | gC/m^2/s |
LIVECROOTN | live coarse root N | gN/m^2 |
LIVECROOTN_STORAGE | live coarse root N storage | gN/m^2 |
LIVECROOTN_STORAGE_TO_XFER | live coarse root N shift storage to transfer | gN/m^2/s |
LIVECROOTN_TO_DEADCROOTN | live coarse root N turnover | gN/m^2/s |
LIVECROOTN_TO_RETRANSN | live coarse root N to retranslocated N pool | gN/m^2/s |
LIVECROOTN_XFER | live coarse root N transfer | gN/m^2 |
LIVECROOTN_XFER_TO_LIVECROOTN | live coarse root N growth from storage | gN/m^2/s |
LIVECROOT_MR | live coarse root maintenance respiration | gC/m^2/s |
LIVEFR | live fraction for leaf, wood, froot | g/m2 |
LIVESTEMC | live stem C | gC/m^2 |
LIVESTEMC_STORAGE | live stem C storage | gC/m^2 |
LIVESTEMC_STORAGE_TO_XFER | live stem C shift storage to transfer | gC/m^2/s |
LIVESTEMC_TO_DEADSTEMC | live stem C turnover | gC/m^2/s |
LIVESTEMC_XFER | live stem C transfer | gC/m^2 |
LIVESTEMC_XFER_TO_LIVESTEMC | live stem C growth from storage | gC/m^2/s |
LIVESTEMN | live stem N | gN/m^2 |
LIVESTEMN_STORAGE | live stem N storage | gN/m^2 |
LIVESTEMN_STORAGE_TO_XFER | live stem N shift storage to transfer | gN/m^2/s |
LIVESTEMN_TO_DEADSTEMN | live stem N turnover | gN/m^2/s |
LIVESTEMN_TO_RETRANSN | live stem N to retranslocated N pool | gN/m^2/s |
LIVESTEMN_XFER | live stem N transfer | gN/m^2 |
LIVESTEMN_XFER_TO_LIVESTEMN | live stem N growth from storage | gN/m^2/s |
LIVESTEM_MR | live stem maintenance respiration | gC/m^2/s |
LNCSHA | leaf N concentration per unit projected LAI | gN/m^2 |
LNCSUN | leaf N concentration per unit projected LAI | gN/m^2 |
LWdown | atmospheric longwave radiation | watt/m^2 |
LWup | upwelling longwave radiation | watt/m^2 |
ME | moisture of extinction | proportion |
MEAN_FIRE_PROB | e-folding mean of daily fire probability | 0-1 |
MONOTERP | monoterpene flux | uGC/M2/H |
MR | maintenance respiration | gC/m^2/s |
M_CWDC_TO_FIRE | coarse woody debris C fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_CWDN_TO_FIRE | coarse woody debris N fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | dead coarse root C storage fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITR1C | dead coarse root C storage mortality to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | dead coarse root C storage mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTC_TO_CWDC | dead coarse root C mortality to coarse woody debris C | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTC_TO_CWDC_FIRE | dead coarse root C to to woody debris C by fire | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTC_TO_FIRE | dead coarse root C fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTC_TO_LITTER | dead coarse root C mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTC_TO_LITTER_FIRE | dead coarse root C fire mortality to litter | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTC_XFER_TO_FIRE | dead coarse root C transfer fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTC_XFER_TO_LITR1C | dead coarse root C transfer mortality to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER | dead coarse root C transfer mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | dead coarse root N storage fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTN_STORAGE_TO_LITR1N | dead coarse root N storage mortality to litter 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | dead coarse root N storage mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTN_TO_CWDN | dead coarse root N mortality to coarse woody debris N | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTN_TO_CWDN_FIRE | dead coarse root N to to woody debris N by fire | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTN_TO_FIRE | dead coarse root N fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTN_TO_LITTER | dead coarse root N mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTN_TO_LITTER_FIRE | dead coarse root N fire mortality to litter | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTN_XFER_TO_FIRE | dead coarse root N transfer fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTN_XFER_TO_LITR1N | dead coarse root N transfer mortality to litter 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADCROOTN_XFER_TO_LITTER | dead coarse root N transfer mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | dead stem C storage fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE_TO_LITR1C | dead stem C storage mortality to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | dead stem C storage mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMC_TO_CWDC | dead stem C mortality to coarse woody debris C | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMC_TO_CWDC_FIRE | dead stem C to coarse woody debris C by fire | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMC_TO_FIRE | dead stem C fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMC_TO_LITTER | dead stem C mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMC_TO_LITTER_FIRE | dead stem C fire mortality to litter | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMC_XFER_TO_FIRE | dead stem C transfer fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMC_XFER_TO_LITR1C | dead stem C transfer mortality to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMC_XFER_TO_LITTER | dead stem C transfer mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | dead stem N storage fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMN_STORAGE_TO_LITR1N | dead stem N storage mortality to litter 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | dead stem N storage mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMN_TO_CWDN | dead stem N mortality to coarse woody debris N | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMN_TO_CWDN_FIRE | dead stem N to coarse woody debris N by fire | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMN_TO_FIRE | dead stem N fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMN_TO_LITTER | dead stem N mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMN_TO_LITTER_FIRE | dead stem N fire mortality to litter | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMN_XFER_TO_FIRE | dead stem N transfer fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMN_XFER_TO_LITR1N | dead stem N transfer mortality to litter 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_DEADSTEMN_XFER_TO_LITTER | dead stem N transfer mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_FROOTC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | fine root C storage fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_FROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITR1C | fine root C storage mortality to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_FROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | fine root C storage mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_FROOTC_TO_FIRE | fine root C fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_FROOTC_TO_LITR1C | fine root C mortality to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_FROOTC_TO_LITR2C | fine root C mortality to litter 2 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_FROOTC_TO_LITR3C | fine root C mortality to litter 3 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_FROOTC_TO_LITTER | fine root C mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_FROOTC_XFER_TO_FIRE | fine root C transfer fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_FROOTC_XFER_TO_LITR1C | fine root C transfer mortality to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_FROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER | fine root C transfer mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_FROOTN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | fine root N storage fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_FROOTN_STORAGE_TO_LITR1N | fine root N storage mortality to litter 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_FROOTN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | fine root N storage mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_FROOTN_TO_FIRE | fine root N fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_FROOTN_TO_LITR1N | fine root N mortality to litter 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_FROOTN_TO_LITR2N | fine root N mortality to litter 2 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_FROOTN_TO_LITR3N | fine root N mortality to litter 3 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_FROOTN_TO_LITTER | fine root N mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_FROOTN_XFER_TO_FIRE | fine root N transfer fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_FROOTN_XFER_TO_LITR1N | fine root N transfer mortality to litter 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_FROOTN_XFER_TO_LITTER | fine root N transfer mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_GRESP_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | growth respiration storage fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_GRESP_STORAGE_TO_LITR1C | growth respiration storage mortality to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_GRESP_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | growth respiration storage mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_GRESP_XFER_TO_FIRE | growth respiration transfer fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_GRESP_XFER_TO_LITR1C | growth respiration transfer mortality to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_GRESP_XFER_TO_LITTER | growth respiration transfer mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_LEAFC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | leaf C storage fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_LEAFC_STORAGE_TO_LITR1C | leaf C storage mortality to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_LEAFC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | leaf C storage mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_LEAFC_TO_FIRE | leaf C fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_LEAFC_TO_LITR1C | leaf C mortality to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_LEAFC_TO_LITR2C | leaf C mortality to litter 2 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_LEAFC_TO_LITR3C | leaf C mortality to litter 3 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_LEAFC_TO_LITTER | leaf C mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_LEAFC_XFER_TO_FIRE | leaf C transfer fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_LEAFC_XFER_TO_LITR1C | leaf C transfer mortality to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_LEAFC_XFER_TO_LITTER | leaf C transfer mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_LEAFN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | leaf N storage fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_LEAFN_STORAGE_TO_LITR1N | leaf N storage mortality to litter 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_LEAFN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | leaf N storage mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_LEAFN_TO_FIRE | leaf N fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_LEAFN_TO_LITR1N | leaf N mortality to litter 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_LEAFN_TO_LITR2N | leaf N mortality to litter 2 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_LEAFN_TO_LITR3N | leaf N mortality to litter 3 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_LEAFN_TO_LITTER | leaf N mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_LEAFN_XFER_TO_FIRE | leaf N transfer fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_LEAFN_XFER_TO_LITR1N | leaf N transfer mortality to litter 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_LEAFN_XFER_TO_LITTER | leaf N transfer mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_LITR1C_TO_FIRE | litter 1 C fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_LITR1N_TO_FIRE | litter 1 N fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_LITR2C_TO_FIRE | litter 2 C fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_LITR2N_TO_FIRE | litter 2 N fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_LITR3C_TO_FIRE | litter 3 C fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_LITR3N_TO_FIRE | litter 3 N fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | live coarse root C storage fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITR1C | live coarse root C storage mortality to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | live coarse root C storage mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTC_TO_CWDC | live coarse root C mortality to coarse woody debris C | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTC_TO_FIRE | live coarse root C fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTC_TO_LITTER | live coarse root C mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTC_XFER_TO_FIRE | live coarse root C transfer fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTC_XFER_TO_LITR1C | live coarse root C transfer mortality to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTC_XFER_TO_LITTER | live coarse root C transfer mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | live coarse root N storage fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTN_STORAGE_TO_LITR1N | live coarse root N storage mortality to litter 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | live coarse root N storage mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTN_TO_CWDN | live coarse root N mortality to coarse woody debris N | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTN_TO_FIRE | live coarse root N fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTN_TO_LITTER | live coarse root N mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTN_XFER_TO_FIRE | live coarse root N transfer fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTN_XFER_TO_LITR1N | live coarse root N transfer mortality to litter 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVECROOTN_XFER_TO_LITTER | live coarse root N transfer mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | live stem C storage fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE_TO_LITR1C | live stem C storage mortality to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMC_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | live stem C storage mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMC_TO_CWDC | live stem C mortality to coarse woody debris C | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMC_TO_FIRE | live stem C fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMC_TO_LITTER | live stem C mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMC_XFER_TO_FIRE | live stem C transfer fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMC_XFER_TO_LITR1C | live stem C transfer mortality to litter 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMC_XFER_TO_LITTER | live stem C transfer mortality | gC/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMN_STORAGE_TO_FIRE | live stem N storage fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMN_STORAGE_TO_LITR1N | live stem N storage mortality to litter 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMN_STORAGE_TO_LITTER | live stem N storage mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMN_TO_CWDN | live stem N mortality to coarse woody debris N | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMN_TO_FIRE | live stem N fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMN_TO_LITTER | live stem N mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMN_XFER_TO_FIRE | live stem N transfer fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMN_XFER_TO_LITR1N | live stem N transfer mortality to litter 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_LIVESTEMN_XFER_TO_LITTER | live stem N transfer mortality | gN/m^2/s |
M_RETRANSN_TO_FIRE | retranslocated N pool fire loss | gN/m^2/s |
M_RETRANSN_TO_LITR1N | retranslocated N pool mortality to litter 1 N | gN/m^2/s |
M_RETRANSN_TO_LITTER | retranslocated N pool mortality | gN/m^2/s |
NBP | net biome production, includes fire, landuse, and harvest flux, positive for sink | gC/m^2/s |
NDEPLOY | total N deployed in new growth | gN/m^2/s |
NDEP_TO_SMINN | atmospheric N deposition to soil mineral N | gN/m^2/s |
NEE | net ecosystem exchange of carbon, includes fire, landuse, harvest, and hrv_xsmrpool flux, positive for source | gC/m^2/s |
NEE | net ecosystem exchange (GPP, Re, and fire) | gC/m2/s |
NEP | net ecosystem production, excludes fire, landuse, and harvest flux, positive for sink | gC/m^2/s |
NEP | net ecosystem production | gC/m2/s |
NET_NMIN | net rate of N mineralization | gN/m^2/s |
NFIX_TO_SMINN | symbiotic/asymbiotic N fixation to soil mineral N | gN/m^2/s |
NPOOL | temporary plant N pool | gN/m^2 |
NPOOL_TO_DEADCROOTN | allocation to dead coarse root N | gN/m^2/s |
NPOOL_TO_DEADCROOTN_STORAGE | allocation to dead coarse root N storage | gN/m^2/s |
NPOOL_TO_DEADSTEMN | allocation to dead stem N | gN/m^2/s |
NPOOL_TO_DEADSTEMN_STORAGE | allocation to dead stem N storage | gN/m^2/s |
NPOOL_TO_FROOTN | allocation to fine root N | gN/m^2/s |
NPOOL_TO_FROOTN_STORAGE | allocation to fine root N storage | gN/m^2/s |
NPOOL_TO_LEAFN | allocation to leaf N | gN/m^2/s |
NPOOL_TO_LEAFN_STORAGE | allocation to leaf N storage | gN/m^2/s |
NPOOL_TO_LIVECROOTN | allocation to live coarse root N | gN/m^2/s |
NPOOL_TO_LIVECROOTN_STORAGE | allocation to live coarse root N storage | gN/m^2/s |
NPOOL_TO_LIVESTEMN | allocation to live stem N | gN/m^2/s |
NPOOL_TO_LIVESTEMN_STORAGE | allocation to live stem N storage | gN/m^2/s |
NPP | net primary production | gC/m^2/s |
NPP | net primary production | gC/m2/s |
NSTEPBEG | nstep at start of growing season | |
N_ALLOMETRY | N allocation index | none |
OCDEP | total OC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere | kg/m^2/s |
OFFSET_COUNTER | offset days counter | days |
OFFSET_FDD | offset freezing degree days counter | C degree-days |
OFFSET_FLAG | offset flag | none |
OFFSET_SWI | offset soil water index | none |
OMEGA | fraction of intercepted radiation that is scattered | proportion |
ONSET_COUNTER | onset days counter | days |
ONSET_FDD | onset freezing degree days counter | C degree-days |
ONSET_FLAG | onset flag | none |
ONSET_GDD | onset growing degree days | C degree-days |
ONSET_GDDFLAG | onset flag for growing degree day sum | none |
ONSET_SWI | onset soil water index | none |
ORVOC | other reactive VOC flux | uGC/M2/H |
OVOC | other VOC flux | uGC/M2/H |
PAR240_shade | shade PAR (240 hrs) | umol/m2/s |
PAR240_sun | sunlit PAR (240 hrs) | umol/m2/s |
PAR24_shade | shade PAR (24 hrs) | umol/m2/s |
PAR24_sun | sunlit PAR (24 hrs) | umol/m2/s |
PARSHA | average absorbed PAR for shaded leaves | W/m^2 |
PARSUN | average absorbed PAR for sunlit leaves | W/m^2 |
PAR_shade | shade PAR | umol/m2/s |
PAR_sun | sunlit PAR | umol/m2/s |
PBOT | atmospheric pressure | Pa |
PCO2 | atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 | Pa |
PET | Potential Evapotranspiration | mm h2o/s |
PFT_CTRUNC | pft-level sink for C truncation | gC/m^2 |
PFT_FIRE_CLOSS | total pft-level fire C loss | gC/m^2/s |
PFT_FIRE_NLOSS | total pft-level fire N loss | gN/m^2/s |
PFT_NTRUNC | pft-level sink for N truncation | gN/m^2 |
PLAI | Prognostic Leaf Area Index | m2/m2 |
PLANT_CALLOC | total allocated C flux | gC/m^2/s |
PLANT_NALLOC | total allocated N flux | gN/m^2/s |
PLANT_NDEMAND | N flux required to support initial GPP | gN/m^2/s |
POTENTIAL_IMMOB | potential N immobilization | gN/m^2/s |
PREV_DAYL | daylength from previous timestep | s |
PREV_FROOTC_TO_LITTER | previous timestep froot C litterfall flux | gC/m^2/s |
PREV_LEAFC_TO_LITTER | previous timestep leaf C litterfall flux | gC/m^2/s |
PROD100C | 100-yr wood product C | gC/m^2 |
PROD100C_LOSS | loss from 100-yr wood product pool | gC/m^2/s |
PROD100N | 100-yr wood product N | gN/m^2 |
PROD100N_LOSS | loss from 100-yr wood product pool | gN/m^2/s |
PROD10C | 10-yr wood product C | gC/m^2 |
PROD10C_LOSS | loss from 10-yr wood product pool | gC/m^2/s |
PROD10N | 10-yr wood product N | gN/m^2 |
PROD10N_LOSS | loss from 10-yr wood product pool | gN/m^2/s |
PRODUCT_CLOSS | total carbon loss from wood product pools | gC/m^2/s |
PRODUCT_NLOSS | total N loss from wood product pools | gN/m^2/s |
PSNSHA | shaded leaf photosynthesis | umolCO2/m^2/s |
PSNSHADE_TO_CPOOL | C fixation from shaded canopy | gC/m^2/s |
PSNSUN | sunlit leaf photosynthesis | umolCO2/m^2/s |
PSNSUN_TO_CPOOL | C fixation from sunlit canopy | gC/m^2/s |
PSurf | surface pressure | Pa |
Q2M | 2m specific humidity | kg/kg |
QBOT | atmospheric specific humidity | kg/kg |
QCHANR | RTM river flow: LIQ | m3/s |
QCHANR_ICE | RTM river flow: ICE | m3/s |
QCHARGE | aquifer recharge rate | mm/s |
QCHOCNR | RTM river discharge into ocean: LIQ | m3/s |
QCHOCNR_ICE | RTM river discharge into ocean: ICE | m3/s |
QDRAI | sub-surface drainage | mm/s |
QDRIP | throughfall | mm/s |
QFLX_DEW_GRND | ground surface dew formation | mm H2O/s |
QFLX_DEW_SNOW | surface dew added to snow pacK | mm H2O/s |
QFLX_EVAP_TOT | qflx_evap_soi + qflx_evap_can + qflx_tran_veg | mm H2O/s |
QFLX_EVAP_VEG | vegetation evaporation | mm H2O/s |
QFLX_ICE_DYNBAL | ice dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux | mm/s |
QFLX_LIQ_DYNBAL | liq dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux | mm/s |
QFLX_RAIN_GRND | rain on ground after interception | mm H2O/s |
QFLX_SNOW_GRND | snow on ground after interception | mm H2O/s |
QFLX_SUB_SNOW | sublimation rate from snow pack | mm H2O/s |
QICE | ice growth/melt | mm/s |
QICEYR | ice growth/melt | mm/s |
QINFL | infiltration | mm/s |
QINTR | interception | mm/s |
QIRRIG | water added through irrigation | mm/s |
QMELT | snow melt | mm/s |
QOVER | surface runoff | mm/s |
QRGWL | surface runoff at glaciers (liquid only), wetlands, lakes | mm/s |
QRUNOFF | total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) | mm/s |
QRUNOFF_NODYNLNDUSE | total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) | mm/s |
QRUNOFF_R | Rural total runoff | mm/s |
QRUNOFF_U | Urban total runoff | mm/s |
QSNWCPICE | excess snowfall due to snow capping | mm/s |
QSNWCPICE_NODYNLNDUSE | excess snowfall due to snow capping | mm H2O/s |
QSNWCPLIQ | excess rainfall due to snow capping | mm H2O/s |
QSOIL | ground evaporation | mm/s |
QTOPSOIL | water input to surface | mm/s |
QVEGE | canopy evaporation | mm/s |
QVEGT | canopy transpiration | mm/s |
Qair | atmospheric specific humidity | kg/kg |
Qanth | anthropogenic heat flux | watt/m^2 |
Qh | sensible heat | watt/m^2 |
Qle | total evaporation | watt/m^2 |
Qstor | storage heat flux (includes snowmelt) | watt/m^2 |
Qtau | momentum flux | kg/m/s^2 |
RAIN | atmospheric rain | mm/s |
RAINATM | atmospheric rain forcing | mm/s |
RAINATM | atmospheric rain forcing | mm/s |
RAINFM2A | land rain on atm grid | mm/s |
RAM1 | aerodynamical resistance | s/m |
RC13_CANAIR | C13/C(12+13) for canopy air | proportion |
RC13_PSNSHA | C13/C(12+13) for shaded photosynthesis | proportion |
RC13_PSNSUN | C13/C(12+13) for sunlit photosynthesis | proportion |
RESP_C | Amt. of Carbon lost to atm by pool | g/m2/s |
RETRANSN | plant pool of retranslocated N | gN/m^2 |
RETRANSN_TO_NPOOL | deployment of retranslocated N | gN/m^2/s |
RH | atmospheric relative humidity | % |
RH2M | 2m relative humidity | % |
RH2M_R | Rural 2m specific humidity | % |
RH2M_U | Urban 2m relative humidity | % |
ROOTFR | fraction of roots in each soil layer | proportion |
ROOTR | effective fraction of roots in each soil layer | proportion |
ROOTR_COLUMN | effective fraction of roots in each soil layer | proportion |
RR | root respiration (fine root MR + total root GR) | gC/m^2/s |
RRESIS | root resistance in each soil layer | proportion |
RSSHA | shaded leaf stomatal resistance | s/m |
RSSUN | sunlit leaf stomatal resistance | s/m |
Rainf | atmospheric rain | mm/s |
Rnet | net radiation | watt/m^2 |
SABG | solar rad absorbed by ground | watt/m^2 |
SABV | solar rad absorbed by veg | watt/m^2 |
SEEDC | pool for seeding new PFTs | gC/m^2 |
SEEDN | pool for seeding new PFTs | gN/m^2 |
SHA_AID | shade canopy absorbed indirect from direct | W/m^2 |
SHA_AII | shade canopy absorbed indirect from indirect | W/m^2 |
SHA_ALF | shade canopy total absored by leaves | W/m^2 |
SHA_APERLAI | shade canopy total absorbed per unit LAI | W/m^2 |
SHA_ATOT | shade canopy total absorbed | W/m^2 |
SHA_FAID | fraction shade canopy absorbed indirect from direct | proportion |
SHA_FAII | fraction shade canopy absorbed indirect from indirect | proportion |
SLASHA | specific leaf area for shaded canopy, projected area basis | m^2/gC |
SLASUN | specific leaf area for sunlit canopy, projected area basis | m^2/gC |
SMINN | soil mineral N | gN/m^2 |
SMINN_LEACHED | soil mineral N pool loss to leaching | gN/m^2/s |
SMINN_TO_DENIT_EXCESS | denitrification from excess mineral N pool | gN/m^2/s |
SMINN_TO_DENIT_L1S1 | denitrification for decomp. of litter 1 to SOM 1 | gN/m^2/s |
SMINN_TO_DENIT_L2S2 | denitrification for decomp. of litter 2 to SOM 2 | gN/m^2/s |
SMINN_TO_DENIT_L3S3 | denitrification for decomp. of litter 3 to SOM 3 | gN/m^2/s |
SMINN_TO_DENIT_S1S2 | denitrification for decomp. of SOM 1 to SOM 2 | gN/m^2/s |
SMINN_TO_DENIT_S2S3 | denitrification for decomp. of SOM 2 to SOM 3 | gN/m^2/s |
SMINN_TO_DENIT_S3S4 | denitrification for decomp. of SOM 3 to SOM 4 | gN/m^2/s |
SMINN_TO_DENIT_S4 | denitrification for decomp. of SOM 4 | gN/m^2/s |
SMINN_TO_NPOOL | deployment of soil mineral N uptake | gN/m^2/s |
SMINN_TO_PLANT | plant uptake of soil mineral N | gN/m^2/s |
SMINN_TO_SOIL1N_L1 | mineral N flux for decomp. of litter 1 to SOM 1 | gN/m^2/s |
SMINN_TO_SOIL2N_L2 | mineral N flux for decomp. of litter 2 to SOM 2 | gN/m^2/s |
SMINN_TO_SOIL2N_S1 | mineral N flux for decomp. of SOM 1 to SOM 2 | gN/m^2/s |
SMINN_TO_SOIL3N_L3 | mineral N flux for decomp. of litter 3 to SOM 3 | gN/m^2/s |
SMINN_TO_SOIL3N_S2 | mineral N flux for decomp. of SOM 2 to SOM 3 | gN/m^2/s |
SMINN_TO_SOIL4N_S3 | mineral N flux for decomp. of SOM 3 to SOM 4 | gN/m^2/s |
SMOIST | Soil moisture for top 30cm | mm3/mm3 |
SMP | soil matric potential | mm |
SNOAERFRC2L | surface forcing of all aerosols in snow, averaged only when snow is present (land) | watt/m^2 |
SNOAERFRCL | surface forcing of all aerosols in snow (land) | watt/m^2 |
SNOBCFRC2L | surface forcing of BC in snow, averaged only when snow is present (land) | watt/m^2 |
SNOBCFRCL | surface forcing of BC in snow (land) | watt/m^2 |
SNOBCMCL | mass of BC in snow column | kg/m2 |
SNOBCMSL | mass of BC in top snow layer | kg/m2 |
SNODSTFRC2L | surface forcing of dust in snow, averaged only when snow is present (land) | watt/m^2 |
SNODSTFRCL | surface forcing of dust in snow (land) | watt/m^2 |
SNODSTMCL | mass of dust in snow column | kg/m2 |
SNODSTMSL | mass of dust in top snow layer | kg/m2 |
SNOFSDSND | direct nir incident solar radiation on snow | watt/m^2 |
SNOFSDSNI | diffuse nir incident solar radiation on snow | watt/m^2 |
SNOFSDSVD | direct vis incident solar radiation on snow | watt/m^2 |
SNOFSDSVI | diffuse vis incident solar radiation on snow | watt/m^2 |
SNOFSRND | direct nir reflected solar radiation from snow | watt/m^2 |
SNOFSRNI | diffuse nir reflected solar radiation from snow | watt/m^2 |
SNOFSRVD | direct vis reflected solar radiation from snow | watt/m^2 |
SNOFSRVI | diffuse vis reflected solar radiation from snow | watt/m^2 |
SNOLIQFL | top snow layer liquid water fraction (land) | fraction |
SNOOCFRC2L | surface forcing of OC in snow, averaged only when snow is present (land) | watt/m^2 |
SNOOCFRCL | surface forcing of OC in snow (land) | watt/m^2 |
SNOOCMCL | mass of OC in snow column | kg/m2 |
SNOOCMSL | mass of OC in top snow layer | kg/m2 |
SNORDSL | top snow layer effective grain radius | m^-6 |
SNOTTOPL | snow temperature (top layer) | K/m |
SNOW | atmospheric snow | mm/s |
SNOWATM | atmospheric snow forcing | mm/s |
SNOWATM | atmospheric snow forcing | mm/s |
SNOWDP | snow height | m |
SNOWFM2A | land snow on atm grid | mm/s |
SNOWICE | snow ice | kg/m2 |
SNOWLIQ | snow liquid water | kg/m2 |
SNOdTdzL | top snow layer temperature gradient (land) | K/m |
SOIL1C | soil organic matter C (fast pool) | gC/m^2 |
SOIL1C_TO_SOIL2C | decomp. of SOM 1 C to SOM 2 C | gC/m^2/s |
SOIL1N | soil organic matter N (fast pool) | gN/m^2 |
SOIL1N_TO_SOIL2n | decomp. of SOM 1 N to SOM 2 N | gN/m^2/s |
SOIL1_HR | het. resp. from SOM 1 C | gC/m^2/s |
SOIL2C | soil organic matter C (medium pool) | gC/m^2 |
SOIL2C_TO_SOIL3C | decomp. of SOM 2 C to SOM 3 C | gC/m^2/s |
SOIL2N | soil organic matter N (medium pool) | gN/m^2 |
SOIL2N_TO_SOIL3N | decomp. of SOM 2 N to SOM 3 N | gN/m^2/s |
SOIL2_HR | het. resp. from SOM 2 C | gC/m^2/s |
SOIL3C | soil organic matter C (slow pool) | gC/m^2 |
SOIL3C_TO_SOIL4C | decomp. of SOM 3 C to SOM 4 C | gC/m^2/s |
SOIL3N | soil orgainc matter N (slow pool) | gN/m^2 |
SOIL3N_TO_SOIL4N | decomp. of SOM 3 N to SOM 4 N | gN/m^2/s |
SOIL3_HR | het. resp. from SOM 3 C | gC/m^2/s |
SOIL4C | soil organic matter C (slowest pool) | gC/m^2 |
SOIL4N | soil orgainc matter N (slowest pool) | gN/m^2 |
SOIL4N_TO_SMINN | N mineralization for decomp. of SOM 4 | gN/m^2/s |
SOIL4_HR | het. resp. from SOM 4 C | gC/m^2/s |
SOILC | soil C | gC/m^2 |
SOILC | total soil organic matter C (excluding CWDC and LITTERC) | gC/m2 |
SOILC_HR | soil C heterotrophic respiration | gC/m^2/s |
SOILC_HR | soil heterotrophic respiration | gC/m2/s |
SOILC_LOSS | soil C loss | gC/m^2/s |
SOILC_LOSS | soil C loss | gC/m2/s |
SOILICE | soil ice | kg/m2 |
SOILLIQ | soil liquid water | kg/m2 |
SOILPSI | soil water potential in each soil layer | MPa |
SOILT | Soil temperature for top 30cm | deg C |
SOILWATER_10CM | soil liquid water + ice in top 10cm of soil | kg/m2 |
SOMFIRE | soil organic matter fire losses | gC/m^2/s |
SOMHR | soil organic matter heterotrophic respiration | gC/m^2/s |
SR | total soil respiration (HR + root resp) | gC/m^2/s |
STORAGE_GR | growth resp for growth sent to storage for later display | gC/m^2/s |
STORVEGC | stored vegetation carbon, excluding cpool | gC/m^2 |
STORVEGN | stored vegetation nitrogen | gN/m^2 |
STRESSCD | cold + drought stress function for leaf loss | |
STRESST | temperature stress function for leaf loss | |
STRESSW | water stress function for leaf loss | |
SUN_ADD | sun canopy absorbed direct from direct | W/m^2 |
SUN_AID | sun canopy absorbed indirect from direct | W/m^2 |
SUN_AII | sun canopy absorbed indirect from indirect | W/m^2 |
SUN_ALF | sun canopy total absorbed by leaves | W/m^2 |
SUN_APERLAI | sun canopy total absorbed per unit LAI | W/m^2 |
SUN_ATOT | sun canopy total absorbed | W/m^2 |
SUN_FAID | fraction sun canopy absorbed indirect from direct | proportion |
SUN_FAII | fraction sun canopy absorbed indirect from indirect | proportion |
SUPPLEMENT_TO_SMINN | supplemental N supply | gN/m^2/s |
SWdown | atmospheric incident solar radiation | watt/m^2 |
SWup | upwelling shortwave radiation | watt/m^2 |
SoilAlpha | factor limiting ground evap | unitless |
SoilAlpha_U | urban factor limiting ground evap | unitless |
T10 | 10-day running mean of 2-m temperature | K |
TAUX | zonal surface stress | kg/m/s^2 |
TAUY | meridional surface stress | kg/m/s^2 |
TBOT | atmospheric air temperature | K |
TBUILD | internal urban building temperature | K |
TDA | daily average 2-m temperature | K |
TDAYAVG | Daily Averaged Temperature | deg C |
TEMPAVG_T2M | temporary average 2m air temperature | K |
TEMPMAX_RETRANSN | temporary annual max of retranslocated N pool | gN/m^2 |
TEMPSUM_POTENTIAL_GPP | temporary annual sum of potential GPP | gC/m^2/yr |
TG | ground temperature | K |
TG_R | Rural ground temperature | K |
TG_U | Urban ground temperature | K |
THBOT | atmospheric air potential temperature | K |
TLAI | total projected leaf area index | none |
TLAKE | lake temperature | K |
TOPT | topt coefficient for VOC calc | non |
TOTCOLC | total column carbon, incl veg and cpool | gC/m^2 |
TOTCOLN | total column-level N | gN/m^2 |
TOTECOSYSC | total ecosystem carbon, incl veg but excl cpool | gC/m^2 |
TOTECOSYSN | total ecosystem N | gN/m^2 |
TOTFIRE | total ecosystem fire losses | gC/m^2/s |
TOTLITC | total litter carbon | gC/m^2 |
TOTLITN | total litter N | gN/m^2 |
TOTPFTC | total pft-level carbon, including cpool | gC/m^2 |
TOTPFTN | total PFT-level nitrogen | gN/m^2 |
TOTPRODC | total wood product C | gC/m^2 |
TOTPRODN | total wood product N | gN/m^2 |
TOTSOMC | total soil organic matter carbon | gC/m^2 |
TOTSOMN | total soil organic matter N | gN/m^2 |
TOTVEGC | total vegetation carbon, excluding cpool | gC/m^2 |
TOTVEGN | total vegetation nitrogen | gN/m^2 |
TOT_AID | total canopy absorbed indirect from direct | W/m^2 |
TPOOL_C | Total Carbon for pool | g/m2 |
TRAFFICFLUX | sensible heat flux from urban traffic | watt/m^2 |
TRANSFER_DEADCROOT_GR | dead coarse root growth respiration from storage | gC/m^2/s |
TRANSFER_DEADSTEM_GR | dead stem growth respiration from storage | gC/m^2/s |
TRANSFER_FROOT_GR | fine root growth respiration from storage | gC/m^2/s |
TRANSFER_GR | growth resp for transfer growth displayed in this timestep | gC/m^2/s |
TRANSFER_LEAF_GR | leaf growth respiration from storage | gC/m^2/s |
TRANSFER_LIVECROOT_GR | live coarse root growth respiration from storage | gC/m^2/s |
TRANSFER_LIVESTEM_GR | live stem growth respiration from storage | gC/m^2/s |
TREFMNAV | daily minimum of average 2-m temperature | K |
TREFMNAV_R | Rural daily minimum of average 2-m temperature | K |
TREFMNAV_U | Urban daily minimum of average 2-m temperature | K |
TREFMXAV | daily maximum of average 2-m temperature | K |
TREFMXAV_R | Rural daily maximum of average 2-m temperature | K |
TREFMXAV_U | Urban daily maximum of average 2-m temperature | K |
TSA | 2m air temperature | K |
TSAI | total projected stem area index | none |
TSA_R | Rural 2m air temperature | K |
TSA_U | Urban 2m air temperature | K |
TSOI | soil temperature | K |
TSOI_10CM | soil temperature in top 10cm of soil | K |
TV | vegetation temperature | K |
TV24 | vegetation temperature (last 24hrs) | K |
TV240 | vegetation temperature (last 240hrs) | K |
Tair | atmospheric air temperature | K |
U10 | 10-m wind | m/s |
U10_DUST | 10-m wind for dust model | m/s |
ULRAD | upward longwave radiation above the canopy | W/m^2 |
URBAN_AC | urban air conditioning flux | watt/m^2 |
URBAN_HEAT | urban heating flux | watt/m^2 |
VA | atmospheric wind speed plus convective velocity | m/s |
VCMXSHA | shaded leaf Vcmax | umolCO2/m^2/s |
VCMXSUN | sunlit leaf Vcmax | umolCO2/m^2/s |
VEGFIRE | pft-level fire loss | gC/m^2/s |
VOCFLXT | total VOC flux into atmosphere | uGC/M2/H |
VOLR | RTM storage: LIQ | m3 |
VOLR_ICE | RTM storage: ICE | m3 |
WA | water in the unconfined aquifer | mm |
WASTEHEAT | sensible heat flux from heating/cooling sources of urban waste heat | watt/m^2 |
WATDRY | watdry for entire column | mm3/mm3 |
WATOPT | watopt for entire column | mm3/mm3 |
WF | soil water as frac. of whc for top 0.5 m | proportion |
WIND | atmospheric wind velocity magnitude | m/s |
WLIM | Water limitation used in bgmoist (atmp factor) | |
WOODC | wood C | gC/m^2 |
WOODC | wood C | gC/m2 |
WOODC_ALLOC | wood C allocation | gC/m^2/s |
WOODC_ALLOC | wood C allocation | gC/m2/s |
WOODC_LOSS | wood C loss | gC/m^2/s |
WOODC_LOSS | wood C loss | gC/m2/s |
WOOD_HARVESTC | wood harvest (to product pools) | gC/m^2/s |
WOOD_HARVESTN | wood harvest (to product pools) | gN/m^2/s |
WT | total water storage (unsaturated soil water + groundwater) | mm |
Wind | atmospheric wind velocity magnitude | m/s |
XSCPOOL | total excess Carbon | g/m2 |
XSMRPOOL | temporary photosynthate C pool | gC/m^2 |
XSMRPOOL_C13RATIO | C13/C(12+13) ratio for xsmrpool | proportion |
XSMRPOOL_RECOVER | C flux assigned to recovery of negative xsmrpool | gC/m^2/s |
Z0HG | roughness length over ground, sensible heat | m |
Z0HV | roughness length over vegetation, sensible heat | m |
Z0M | momentum roughness length | m |
Z0MG | roughness length over ground, momentum | m |
Z0MV | roughness length over vegetation, momentum | m |
Z0QG | roughness length over ground, latent heat | m |
Z0QV | roughness length over vegetation, latent heat | m |
ZBOT | atmospheric reference height | m |
ZII | convective boundary height | m |
ZWT | water table depth | m |
aais_area | Antarctic ice area | km^2 |
aais_mask | Antarctic mask | unitless |
gris_area | Greenland ice area | km^2 |
gris_mask | Greenland mask | unitless |
Below we will give examples of user namelists that activate different commonly used namelist features. We will discuss the namelist features in different examples and then show a user namelist that includes an example of the use of these features. First we will show the default namelist that doesn't activate any user options.
Here we give the default namelist as it would be created for a I1850CN compset at 0.9x1.25 resolution with a gx1v6 land-mask. To edit the namelist you would edit the BuildConf/clm.buildnml.csh under your case (or before configure include a user namelist with just the items you want to change). For simplicity we will just show the namelist and NOT the entire file. In the sections below, for simplicity we will just show the user namelist (user_nl_clm) that will add (or modify existing) namelist items to the namelist. Again, just adding the user_nl_clm file to your case directory, before "configure -case" is invoked will cause the given namelist items to appear in your CLM namelist.
Example 1-2. Default CLM Namelist
&clm_inparm co2_ppmv = 284.7 co2_type = 'constant' create_crop_landunit = .false. dtime = 1800 fatmgrid = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/lnd/clm2/griddata/griddata_0.9x1.25_070212.nc' fatmlndfrc = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/lnd/clm2/griddata/fracdata_0.9x1.25_gx1v6_c090317.nc' finidat = 'I1850CN_f09_g16_c100503.clm2.r.0001-01-01-00000.nc' fpftcon = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/lnd/clm2/pftdata/pft-physiology.c110425.nc' frivinp_rtm = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/lnd/clm2/rtmdata/rdirc_0.5x0.5_simyr2000_c101124.nc' fsnowaging = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/lnd/clm2/snicardata/snicar_drdt_bst_fit_60_c070416.nc' fsnowoptics = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/lnd/clm2/snicardata/snicar_optics_5bnd_c090915.nc' fsurdat = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/lnd/clm2/surfdata/surfdata_0.9x1.25_simyr1850_c091006.nc' ice_runoff = .true. outnc_large_files = .true. rtm_nsteps = 6 urban_hac = 'ON_WASTEHEAT' urban_traffic = .false. / &ndepdyn_nml stream_fldfilename_ndep = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/lnd/clm2/ndepdata/fndep_clm_hist_simyr1849-2006_1.9x2.5_c100428.nc' stream_year_first_ndep = 1850 stream_year_last_ndep = 1850 / |
The primary history files are output monthly, and contain an extensive list of
fieldnames, but the list of fieldnames can be added to using hist_fincl1
or removed from by adding fieldnames to hist_fexcl1
A sample user namelist user_nl_clm adding few new fields
(cosine of solar zenith angle, and solar declination) and excluding a few
standard fields is (ground temperature, vegetation temperature, soil temperature and soil water).:
The hist_fincl2
through hist_fincl6
set of
namelist variables add given history fieldnames to auxiliary history file "streams", and
through hist_fexcl6
set of
namelist variables remove given history fieldnames from history file auxiliary "streams".
A history "stream" is a set of history files that are produced at a given frequency.
By default there is only one stream of monthly data files. To add more streams you
add history fieldnames to hist_fincl2
. The output frequency and the way averaging is done
can be different for each history file stream. By default the primary history files
are monthly and any others are daily. You can have up to six active history streams, but you need
to activate them in order. So if you activate stream "6" by setting
, but if any of hist_fincl2
are unset, only the history streams up to the first blank one
will be activated.
The frequency of the history file streams is given by the namelist variable
which is an array of rank six for each history stream.
The values of the array hist_nhtfrq
must be integers, where the
following values have the given meaning:
Positive value means the output frequency is the number of model steps between output. |
Negative value means the output frequency is the absolute value in hours given (i.e -1 would mean an hour and -24 would mean a full day). Daily (-24) is the default value for all auxiliary files. |
Zero means the output frequency is monthly. This is the default for the primary history files. |
The number of samples on each history file stream is given by the namelist variable
which is an array of rank six for each history stream.
The values of the array hist_mfilt
must be positive integers. By
default the primary history file stream has one time sample on it (i.e. output is
to separate monthly files), and all other streams have thirty time samples on them.
A sample user namelist user_nl_clm turning on four extra file streams for output: daily, six-hourly, hourly, and every time-step, leaving the primary history files as monthly, and changing the number of samples on the streams to: yearly (12), thirty, weekly (28), daily (24), and daily (48) is:
Sometimes for various reasons you want to remove all the history fields either
because you want to do testing without any output, or you only want a very small
custom list of output fields rather than the default extensive list of fields.
By default only the primary history files are active, so technically using
explained in the first example, you could list
ALL of the history fields that are output in
and then you wouldn't get any output. However, as
the list is very extensive this would be a cumbersome thing to do. So to facilitate
this hist_empty_htapes
allows you to turn off all default output.
You can still use hist_fincl1
to turn your own list of fields
on, but you then start from a clean slate.
A sample user namelist user_nl_clm turning off all history
fields and then activating just a few selected fields (ground and vegetation temperatures
and absorbed solar radiation) is:
Example 1-5. Example user_nl_clm namelist removing all history fields
&clm_inparm hist_empty_htapes = .true. hist_fincl1 = 'TG', 'TV', 'FSA' / |
. But, this would
build the model without history output and you wouldn't be able to add that in later.
There are two ways to change the averaging of output history fields. The first is using
which gives a default value for each history
stream, the second is when you add fields using hist_fincl*
, you add
an averaging flag to the end of the field name after a colon (for example 'TSOI:X', would
output the maximum of TSOI).
The types of averaging that can be done are:
A Average, over the output interval. |
I Instantaneous, output the value at the output interval. |
X Maximum, over the output interval. |
M Minimum, over the output interval. |
Example 1-6. Example user_nl_clm namelist with various ways to average history fields
&clm_inparm hist_empty_htapes = .true. hist_fincl1 = 'TSOI:X', 'TG', 'TV', 'FIRE', 'FSR', 'FSH', 'EFLX_LH_TOT', 'WT' hist_fincl2 = 'TSOI:X', 'TG', 'TV', 'FIRE', 'FSR', 'FSH', 'EFLX_LH_TOT', 'WT' hist_fincl3 = 'TSOI', 'TG:I', 'TV', 'FIRE', 'FSR', 'FSH', 'EFLX_LH_TOT', 'WT' hist_fincl4 = 'TSOI', 'TG', 'TV:I', 'FIRE', 'FSR', 'FSH', 'EFLX_LH_TOT', 'WT' hist_fincl5 = 'TSOI', 'TG', 'TV', 'FIRE:I', 'FSR', 'FSH', 'EFLX_LH_TOT', 'WT' hist_avgflag_pertape = 'A', 'I', 'X', 'M', 'A' hist_nhtfrq = 0, -6, -24, -24, -24 / |
In the example we put the same list of fields on each of the tapes: soil-temperature,
ground temperature, vegetation temperature, emitted longwave radiation, reflected
solar radiation, sensible heat, total latent-heat, and total water storage. We also
modify the soil-temperature for the primary and secondary auxiliary tapes by outputting
them for a maximum instead of the prescribed per-tape of average and instantaneous
respectively. For the tertiary auxiliary tape we output ground temperature instantaneous
instead of as a maximum, and for the fourth auxiliary tape we output vegetation
temperature instantaneous instead of as a minimum. Finally, for the fifth auxiliary
tapes we output FIRE
instantaneously instead of as an average.
Note: We also use
as in the previous example, so we can list ONLY the fields that we want on the primary history tapes.
By default the output to history files are the grid-cell average of all land-units, and vegetation types within that grid-cell, and output is on the full 2D latitude/longitude grid with ocean masked out. Sometimes it's important to understand how different land-units or vegetation types are acting within a grid-cell. The way to do this is to output history files as a 1D-vector of all land-units and vegetation types. In order to display this, you'll need to do extensive post-processing to make sense of the output. Often you may only be interested in a few points, so once you figure out the 1D indices for the grid-cells of interest, you can easily view that data. 1D vector output can also be useful for single point datasets, since it's then obvious that all data is for the same grid cell.
To do this you use hist_dov2xy
which is an array of rank six for
each history stream. Set it to
if you want one of the history streams to be a 1D vector.
You can also use hist_type1d_pertape
if you want to average over all the:
Plant-Function-Types, columns, land-units, or grid-cells.
A sample user namelist user_nl_clm leaving the primary monthly
files as 2D, and then doing grid-cell (GRID), column (COLS),
and no averaging over auxiliary tapes output daily for a single field
(ground temperature) is:
Example 1-7. Example user_nl_clm namelist outputting some files in 1D Vector format
&clm_inparm hist_fincl2 = 'TG' hist_fincl3 = 'TG' hist_fincl4 = 'TG' hist_fincl5 = 'TG' hist_fincl6 = 'TG' hist_dov2xy = .true., .false., .false., .false. hist_type2d_pertape = ' ', 'GRID', 'COLS', ' ' hist_nhtfrq = 0, -24, -24, -24 / |
Warning |
LAND and COLS are also options to the pertape averaging, but currently there is a bug with them and they fail to work. |
Note: Technically the default for
is for primary files output monthly and the other auxiliary tapes for daily, so we don't actually have to includehist_nhtfrq
, we could use the default for it. Here we specify it for clarity.
Caution |
Visualizing global 1D vector files will take effort. You'll probably want
to do some post-processing and possibly just extract out single points of interest
to see what is going on. Since, the output is a 1D vector, of only land-points
traditional plots won't be helpful. The number of points per grid-cell will also
vary for anything, but grid-cell averaging. You'll need to use the output fields
We've given various examples of namelists that feature the use of different namelist options to customize a case for particular uses. Most the examples revolve around how to customize the output history fields. This should give you a good basis for setting up your own CLM namelist.