Running with the irrigation model on

In CLM4 in CESM1.0.3 an irrigation model for generic crop was added to CLM4. Currently, irrigation and crop can NOT be used together see bug number 1326 in the models/lnd/clm/doc/KnownBugs file. The irrigation model is tuned to work only with CLMSP see the caution below for for more information on this. To turn on irrigation we simply add "-irrig on" to CLM_BLDNML_OPTS. Just as in the crop example we also change RUN_TYPE to startup so that we don't use an initial condition file that is incompatible with irrigation.

Example 4-2. Example Irrigation Simulation

> cd scripts
# Note here we do a CLMSP simulation as that is what has been validated
> ./create_newcase -case IRRIG -res f19_g16 -compset I -mach bluefire
> cd IRRIG
# Append "-irrig on" to CLM_BLDNML_OPTS in env_conf.xml (you could also use an editor)
> ./xmlchange -file env_conf.xml -id CLM_BLDNML_OPTS -val "-irrig" -append
# Change to startup type so uses spunup initial conditions file for irrigation if it exists
# By default the model will do a hybrid startup with an initial condition file
# incompatible with the irrigation surface dataset.
> xmlchange -file env_conf.xml -id RUN_TYPE -val startup
> ./configure -case
# Now build and run normally
> ./
> ./IRRIG.bluefire.submit


We have only run the irrigation model with CLMSP (i.e. without the CN model). We recommend that if you want to run the irrigation model with CN, that you do a spinup as outlined in the examples below. But, more than that you may need to make the adjustments we discuss in the Section called Build-Namelist options that should NOT be exercised: in What is scientifically validated and functional in CLM4?.