Running PTS_MODE configurations

PTS_MODE enables you to run the model using global datasets, but just picking a single point from those datasets and operating on it. It can be a very quick way to do fast simulations and get a quick turnaround.

To setup a PTS_MODE simulation you use the "-pts_lat" and "-pts_lon" arguments to create_newcase to give the latitude and longitude of the point you want to simulate for (the code will pick the point on the global grid nearest to the point you give. Here's an example to setup a simulation for the nearest point at 2-degree resolution to Boulder Colorado.

> cd scripts
> ./create_newcase -case testPTS_MODE -res f19_g16 -compset I -mach bluefire \
-pts_lat 40.0 -pts_lon -105
> cd testPTS_MODE
# We make sure the model will start up cold rather than using initial conditions
> ./xmlchange -file env_conf.xml -id CLM_FORCE_COLDSTART -val on
> ./xmlchange -file env_conf.xml -id RUN_TYPE -val startup
Then configure, build and run as normal. We make sure initial conditions are NOT used since PTS_MODE currently CAN NOT run with initial conditions.

Important: By default it sets up to run with USE_MPISERIAL (in the env_build.xml file) turned on, which allows you to run the model interactively. On some machines this mode is NOT supported and you may need to change it to FALSE before you are able to build.


PTS_MODE currently does NOT restart nor is it able to startup from global initial condition files. See bugs "1017 and 1025" in the models/lnd/clm/doc/KnownLimitationss file.

Note: You can change the point you are simulating for at run-time by changing the values of PTS_LAT and PTS_LON in the env_run.xml file.

Note: Note, that when running with PTS_MODE the number of processors is automatically set to one. When running a single grid point you can only use a single processor. You might also want to set the "env_conf" variable: USE_MPISERIAL to TRUE so that you can also run interactively without having to use MPI to start up your job.