drv_in Input File

The drv_in input file contains several different namelist groups associated with general options, time manager options, pe layout, timing output, and parallel IO settings. The different groups are seq_infodata_inparm, seq_timemgr_inparm, ccsm_pes, prof_inparm, and pio_inparm.

seq_infodata_inparm namelist

These namelist are associated with some general driver/coupler options.

aoflux_grid (char)


aqua_planet (log)

turns on aqua planet mode. this mode is only available in limited configurations. default=false.

atm_adiabatic (log)

turns on atm model adiabatic mode. this mode is only available in limited configurations. default=false.

atm_ideal_phys (log)

turns on atm ideal physics mode. this mode is only available in limited configurations. default=false.

bfbflag (log)

turns on bfb option in coupler which produce bfb results in the coupler on different processor counts. set by BFBFLAG in env_run.xml, default=false.

brnch_retain_casename (log)

information about whether the base casename can be reused for the branch casename.

budget_ann (int)

sets the diagnotics level of the annual budgets. [0,1,2,3], 0=none, 1=+net summary budgets, 2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets, 3=+detailed atm budgets, set by BUDGET_ANNUAL in env_run.xml. default=1

budget_daily (int)

sets the diagnotics level of the daily budgets. [0,1,2,3], 0=none, 1=+net summary budgets, 2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets, 3=+detailed atm budgets, set by BUDGET_DAILY in env_run.xml. default=0

budget_inst (int)

sets the diagnotics level of the instantaneous budgets. [0,1,2,3], 0=none, 1=+net summary budgets, 2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets, 3=+detailed atm budgets, set by BUDGET_INST in env_run.xml. default=0

budget_ltann (int)

sets the diagnotics level of the longterm budgets written at the end of the year. [0,1,2,3], 0=none, 1=+net summary budgets, 2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets, 3=+detailed atm budgets, set by BUDGET_LONGTERM_EOY in env_run.xml. default=1

budget_ltend (int)

sets the diagnotics level of the longterm budgets written at the end of each run. [0,1,2,3], 0=none, 1=+net summary budgets, 2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets, 3=+detailed atm budgets, set by BUDGET_LONGTERM_STOP in env_run.xml. default=0

budget_month (int)

sets the diagnotics level of the monthy budgets. [0,1,2,3], 0=none, 1=+net summary budgets, 2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets, 3=+detailed atm budgets, set by BUDGET_MONTHLY in env_run.xml. default=1

case_desc (char)

case description. set by CASESTR in env_run.xml.

case_name (char)

case name. set by CASE in env_case.xml.

cpl_cdf64 (log)

flag for 64 bit netcdf files for the cpl component, may or may not be used by the cpl component depending on cpl implementation. default=false

do_budgets (log)

turns on budget calculation and budget output, set by BUDGETS in env_run.xml. default=false

drv_threading (log)

turn on run time control of threading per pe per component by the driver. set by DRV_THREADING in env_run.xml. default=false

eps_aarea (r8)

variable associated with error checking the atm/lnd areas, absolute differences, set by EPS_AAREA in env_run.xml. default=9.0e-07

eps_agrid (r8)

variable associated with error checking the atm/lnd longitudes and latitudes, absolute differences, set by EPS_AGRID in env_run.xml. default=1.0e-12

eps_amask (r8)

variable associated with error checking the atm/lnd mask, absolute differences, set by EPS_AMASK in env_run.xml. default=1.0e-13

eps_frac (r8)

variable associated with error checking the domain fractions, absolute differences. set by EPS_FRAC in env_run.xml. default=1.0e-02

eps_oarea (r8)

variable associated with error checking the ocn/ice areas, absolute differences, set by EPS_OAREA in env_run.xml. default=1.0e-01

eps_ogrid (r8)

variable associated with error checking the ocn/ice longitudes and latitudes, absolute differences, set by EPS_OGRID in env_run.xml. default=1.0e-02

eps_omask (r8)

variable associated with error checking the ocn/ice mask, absolute differences, set by EPS_OMASK in env_run.xml. default=1.0e-06

flux_albav (log)

turns on albedo averaging. set by CPL_ALBAV in env_run.xml, default=false

flux_epbal (char)

turns on fresh water balance in coupler, set by CPL_EPBAL in env_run.xml, default=false

histaux_a2x (log)

turns on coupler history stream for instantaneous atm to coupler fields. default=false

histaux_a2x24hr (log)

turns on coupler history stream for daily average atm to coupler fields. default=false

histaux_a2x3hr (log)

turns on coupler history stream for 3-hour average atm to coupler fields. default=false

histaux_a2x3hrp (log)

turns on coupler history stream for 3-hour average atm to coupler precip fields. default=false

histaux_l2x (log)

turns on coupler history stream for instantaneous land to coupler fields. default=false

histaux_r2x (log)

turns on coupler history stream for instantaneous runoff to coupler fields. default=false

hostname (char)

hostname information, set by MACH in env_case.xml

info_debug (int)

debug level in driver/coupler, set by INFO_DBUG in env_run.xml, default=1.

logFilePostFix (char)


model_version (char)

model version documentation, set by CCSM_REPOTAG in env_run.xml


turns on the vector mapping option for u and v vector mapping between atm and ocean grids in the coupler. the options are none, npfix, cart3d, cart3d_diag, cart3d_uvw, and cart3d_uvw_diag. the none option results in scalar mapping independently for the u and v field which tends to generate large errors near the poles. npfix is the traditional option where the vectors are corrected on the ocean grid north of the last latitude line of the atmosphere grid. the cart3d options convert the east (u) and north (v) vectors to 3d (x,y,z) triplets, and maps those fields before converting back to the east (u) and north (v) directions. the cart3d ignores the resuling "w" velocity. the cart3d_uvw calculates the resulting u and v vectors by preserving the total "u,v,w" speed and the angle of the (u,v) vector. the _diag options just add diagnotics to the log file about the vector mapping. set by VECT_MAP in env_run.xml default=npfix

ocean_tight_coupling (log)

turns on ocean tight coupling flag which forces the ocean to coupling at the same time as the other surface models. by default, there is a lag of one coupler timestep in addition to any difference in coupling frequency to accomodate the ability to run the ocean concurrently with the rest of the system for performance reasons. set by OCN_TIGHT_COUPLING in env_run.xml. default=false

orb_mode (char)

orbital model setting. this sets how the orbital mode will be configured. "fixed_year" uses the orb_iyear and other orb inputs are ignored. In this mode, the orbital parameters are constant and based on the year. "variable_year" uses the orb_iyear and orb_iyear_align. In this mode, the orbital parameters vary as the model year advances and the model year orb_iyear_align has the equivalent orbital year of orb_iyear. "fixed_parameters" uses the orb_eccen, orb_mvelp, and orb_obliq to set the orbital parameters which then remain constant through the model integration. set by ORBITAL_MODE in env_run.xml. [fixed_year, variable_year, fixed_parameters] default='fixed_year'.

orb_iyear (int)

year of orbit, used when orb_mode is fixed_year or variable_year. set by ORBITAL_YEAR in env_run.xml. default=unset

orb_iyear_align (int)

model year associated with orb_iyear when orb_mode is variable_year. set by ORBITAL_YEAR_ALIGN in env_run.xml. default=unset

orb_eccen (r8)

eccentricity of orbit, used when orb_mode is fixed_parameters. default=unset

orb_mvelp (r8)

location of vernal equinox in longitude degrees, used when orb_mode is fixed_parameters. default=unset

orb_obliq (r8)

obliquity of orbit in degrees, used when orb_mode is fixed_parameters. default=unset

outPathRoot (char)


perpetual (log)

flag to turn on perpetual mode, default=false (untested?)

perpetual_ymd (int)

ymd date of perpetual mode, default=unset (untested?)

restart_file (char)

driver restart file. if set, this overwrites anything in the restart_pfile file. default=unset and uses filename in restart_pfile.

restart_pfile (char)

restart pointer filename. default="rpointer.drv"

samegrid_al (log)

tells the coupler to treat the atm and land grids as "the same". automatically set by comparison of ATM_GRID and LND_GRID set in env_case.xml. default=true

samegrid_ao (log)

tells the coupler to treat the atm and ocean grids as "the same". automatically set by comparison of ATM_GRID and OCN_GRID set in env_case.xml. default=true

samegrid_ro (log)

tells the coupler to treat the runoff and ocean grids as "the same". automatically set by comparison of LND_GRID and OCN_GRID set in env_case.xml. default=false

shr_map_dopole (log)

turns on special polar mapping feature in shr_map_mod. set by SHR_MAP_DOPOLE in env_run.xml. default=true

scmlon (r8)

grid point longitude associated with single column mode. set by PTS_LON in env_run.xml.

scmlat (r8)

grid point latitude associated with single column mode. set by PTS_LAT in env_run.xml.

single_column (log)

turns on single column mode. set by PTS_MODE in env_case.xml, default=false

start_type (char)

mode to start the run up, [startup,branch,continue], set by RUN_TYPE in env_conf.xml

timing_dir (char)

location of timing output.

tchkpt_dir (char)

location of timing checkpoint output.

username (char)

username documentation, set by CCSMUSER in env_run.xml

seq_timemgr_inparm namelist

This namelist is associated with time manager options.

atm_cpl_dt (int)

atm coupling timestep in seconds. set via ATM_NCPL in env_run.xml. ATM_NCPL is the number of times the atm is coupled per day.

atm_cpl_offset (int)

controls phasing of the coupling. offset in seconds. default=0.

calendar (char)

calendar in use. [NO_LEAP, GREOGORIAN]. default="NO_LEAP". set by CALENDAR in env_run.xml

curr_tod (int)


curr_ymd (int)


end_restart (log)

forces a restart write at the end of the run in addition to any setting associated with rest_option. default=true. this setting will be set to false if restart_option is none or never.

glc_cpl_dt (int)

glc coupling timestep in seconds. set via GLC_NCPL in env_run.xml. GLC_NCPL is the number of times the glc is coupled per day.

glc_cpl_offset (int)

controls phasing of the coupling. offset in seconds. default=0.

history_n (int)

number associated with history_option. default=-1. set by HIST_N in env_run.xml.

history_option (char)

coupler history snapshot option. see stop_option above. default="never". set by HIST_OPTION in env_run.xml.

history_ymd (int)

date associated with history_option date. yyyymmdd format. default=-1. set by HIST_DATE in env_run.xml.

histavg_n (int)

number associated with histavg_option. default=-1. set by AVGHIST_N in env_run.xml.

histavg_option (char)

coupler time average history option. see stop_option above. defaults="never". set by AVGHIST_OPTION in env_run.xml.

histavg_ymd (int)

date associated with histavg_option date. yyyymmdd format. default=-1. set by AVGHIST_DATE in env_run.xml.

ice_cpl_dt (int)

ice coupling timestep in seconds. set via ICE_NCPL in env_run.xml. ICE_NCPL is the number of times the ice is coupled per day.

ice_cpl_offset (int)

controls phasing of the coupling. offset in seconds. default=0.

lnd_cpl_dt (int)

lnd coupling timestep in seconds. set via LND_NCPL in env_run.xml. LND_NCPL is the number of times the lnd is coupled per day.

lnd_cpl_offset (int)

controls phasing of the coupling. offset in seconds. default=0.

ocn_cpl_dt (int)

ocn coupling timestep in seconds. set via OCN_NCPL in env_run.xml. OCN_NCPL is the number of times the ocn is coupled per day.

ocn_cpl_offset (int)

controls phasing of the coupling. offset in seconds. default=0.

ref_tod (int)

reference start time of day in seconds. overwritten if restart file is read. if unset, will use start_tod. default=0

ref_ymd (int)

reference start date. overwritten if restart file is read. format yyyymmdd. if unset, will use start_ymd. default=0

restart_n (int)

number associated with restart_option. default=-1. set by REST_N in env_run.xml

restart_option (char)

model restart option. all components write restarts using this setting. see stop_option above. default="yearly". set by REST_OPTION in env_run.xml

restart_ymd (int)

date associated with stop_option date. yyyymmdd format. default=-1. set by REST_DATE in env_run.xml

start_tod (int)

initial start time of day in seconds. overwritten if restart file is read. default=0

start_ymd (int)

initial start date. overwritten if restart file is read. format yyyymmdd. default=0, must be set by user on initial runs.

stop_n (int)

number associated with stop_option. default=-1. set by STOP_N in env_run.xml

stop_option (char)

model stop option used in conjuction with stop_n, stop_ymd, and stop_tod. [none,never,nsteps,nstep,nseconds,nsecond,nminutes,nminute,nhours,nhour,ndays,nday,nmonths,nmonth,nyears,nyear,date,ifdays0,end] default="". set by STOP_OPTION in env_run.xml

stop_tod (int)

time of day in seconds associated with stop_option and stop_ymd. default=0.

stop_ymd (int)

date associated with stop_option. model will stop when stop_option and stop_n OR when stop_ymd and stop_tod is reached. yyyymmdd format. default=-1. set by STOP_DATE in env_run.xml

tprof_n (int)

number associated with tprof_option. default=-1. set by TPROF_N in env_run.xml.

tprof_option (char)

timer profiling option. see stop_option above. default="never". set by TPROF_OPTION in env_run.xml.

tprof_ymd (int)

date associated with tprof_option date. yyyymmdd format. default=-1. set by TPROF_DATE in env_run.xml.

ccsm_pes namelist

This namelist is associated with the pe layout.

atm_ntasks (int)

the number of mpi tasks assigned to the atm components. set by NTASKS_ATM in env_mach_pes.xml. default=all_pes

atm_nthreads (int)

the number of threads per mpi task for the atm component. set by NTHRDS_ATM in env_mach_pes.xml. default=1

atm_pestride (int)

the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the atm component. set by PSTRID_ATM in env_mach_pes.xml. default=1

atm_rootpe (int)

the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the atm component. set by ROOTPE_ATM in env_mach_pes.xml. default=0

cpl_ntasks (int)

the number of mpi tasks assigned to the cpl components. set by NTASKS_CPL in env_mach_pes.xml. default=all_pes

cpl_nthreads (int)

the number of threads per mpi task for the cpl component. set by NTHRDS_CPL in env_mach_pes.xml. default=1

cpl_pestride (int)

the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the cpl component. set by PSTRID_CPL in env_mach_pes.xml. default=1

cpl_rootpe (int)

the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the cpl component. set by ROOTPE_CPL in env_mach_pes.xml. default=0

glc_ntasks (int)

the number of mpi tasks assigned to the glc components. set by NTASKS_GLC in env_mach_pes.xml. default=all_pes

glc_nthreads (int)

the number of threads per mpi task for the glc component. set by NTHRDS_GLC in env_mach_pes.xml. default=1

glc_pestride (int)

the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the glc component. set by PSTRID_GLC in env_mach_pes.xml. default=1

glc_rootpe (int)

the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the glc component. set by ROOTPE_GLC in env_mach_pes.xml. default=0

ice_ntasks (int)

the number of mpi tasks assigned to the ice components. set by NTASKS_ICE in env_mach_pes.xml. default=all_pes

ice_nthreads (int)

the number of threads per mpi task for the ice component. set by NTHRDS_ICE in env_mach_pes.xml. default=1

ice_pestride (int)

the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the ice component. set by PSTRID_ICE in env_mach_pes.xml. default=1

ice_rootpe (int)

the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the ice component. set by ROOTPE_ICE in env_mach_pes.xml. default=0

lnd_ntasks (int)

the number of mpi tasks assigned to the lnd components. set by NTASKS_LND in env_mach_pes.xml. default=all_pes

lnd_nthreads (int)

the number of threads per mpi task for the lnd component. set by NTHRDS_LND in env_mach_pes.xml. default=1

lnd_pestride (int)

the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the lnd component. set by PSTRID_LND in env_mach_pes.xml. default=1

lnd_rootpe (int)

the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the lnd component. set by ROOTPE_LND in env_mach_pes.xml. default=0

ocn_ntasks (int)

the number of mpi tasks assigned to the ocn components. set by NTASKS_OCN in env_mach_pes.xml. default=all_pes

ocn_nthreads (int)

the number of threads per mpi task for the ocn component. set by NTHRDS_OCN in env_mach_pes.xml. default=1

ocn_pestride (int)

the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the ocn component. set by PSTRID_OCN in env_mach_pes.xml. default=1

ocn_rootpe (int)

the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the ocn component. set by ROOTPE_OCN in env_mach_pes.xml. default=0

prof_inparm namelist

This namelist is associated with timing profile and is namelist for the perf_mod timing utility.

profile_barrier (log)

profile_depth_limit (int)

profile_detail_limit (int)

profile_disable (log)

profile_global_stats (log)

profile_outpe_num (int)

profile_outpe_stride (int)

profile_papi_enable (log)

profile_single_file (log)

profile_timer (int)

pio_inparm namelist

This namelist is associated with pio setting for the system as a whole. Generic and component specific settings are available. If component specific values are not set, then the generic ones will be used for that component. PIO depends on the local availability of external libraries including netcdf (version 3 or version 4) or pnetcdf. The pio setup values are passed to components via the coupling interfaces.

pio_async_interface (log)

future asynchronous IO capability (not currently supported). default=.false.

pio_numtasks (int)

number of io tasks in pio used generically, component based value takes precedent. default=unset

pio_root (int)

io task root in pio used generically, component based value takes precedent. default=unset

pio_stride (int)

stride of tasks in pio used generically, component based value takes precedent. default=unset

pio_typename (char)

io type in pio used generically, component based value takes precedent. [netcdf, pnetcdf, netcdf4p, netcdf4c] default=unset

pio_debug_level (int)

debug level for pio. default=0

cpl_pio_numtasks (int)

number of io tasks in pio for coupler. default=unset

cpl_pio_root (int)

io task root in pio for coupler. default=unset

cpl_pio_stride (int)

stride of tasks in pio for coupler. default=unset

cpl_pio_typename (char)

io type in pio for coupler. [nothing, netcdf, pnetcdf, netcdf4p, netcdf4c] default='nothing'

atm_pio_numtasks (int)

number of io tasks in pio for atmosphere. default=unset

atm_pio_root (int)

io task root in pio for atmosphere. default=unset

atm_pio_stride (int)

stride of tasks in pio for atmosphere. default=unset

atm_pio_typename (char)

io type in pio for atmosphere. [nothing, netcdf, pnetcdf, netcdf4p, netcdf4c] default='nothing'

lnd_pio_numtasks (int)

number of io tasks in pio for land. default=unset

lnd_pio_root (int)

io task root in pio for land. default=unset

lnd_pio_stride (int)

stride of tasks in pio for land. default=unset

lnd_pio_typename (char)

io type in pio for land. [nothing, netcdf, pnetcdf, netcdf4p, netcdf4c] default='nothing'

ice_pio_numtasks (int)

number of io tasks in pio for ice. default=unset

ice_pio_root (int)

io task root in pio for ice. default=unset

ice_pio_stride (int)

stride of tasks in pio for ice. default=unset

ice_pio_typename (char)

io type in pio for ice. [nothing, netcdf, pnetcdf, netcdf4p, netcdf4c] default='nothing'

ocn_pio_numtasks (int)

number of io tasks in pio for ocean. default=unset

ocn_pio_root (int)

io task root in pio for ocean. default=unset

ocn_pio_stride (int)

stride of tasks in pio for ocean. default=unset

ocn_pio_typename (char)

io type in pio for ocean. [nothing, netcdf, pnetcdf, netcdf4p, netcdf4c] default='nothing'

glc_pio_numtasks (int)

number of io tasks in pio for land ice. default=unset

glc_pio_root (int)

io task root in pio for land ice. default=unset

glc_pio_stride (int)

stride of tasks in pio for land ice. default=unset

glc_pio_typename (char)

io type in pio for land ice. [nothing, netcdf, pnetcdf, netcdf4p, netcdf4c] default='nothing'