Wind stress
&forcing_ws_nml | LANL default | CESM default | Valid values | surface wind stress forcing |
ws_data_type | 'analytic' | 'none' | 'analytic', 'none', 'nhour', 'annual', 'monthly-calendar', 'monthly-equal' | type or periodicity of wind stress forcing |
ws_data_inc | 1020 | 24 | integer > 0 | increment (in hours) between forcing times if ws_data_type='n-hour' |
ws_interp_freq | 'never' | 'every-timestep' | 'never', 'n-hour', 'every-timestep' | how often to temporally interpolate wind stress data to current time |
ws_interp_type | 'nearest' | 'linear' | 'nearest', 'linear', '4point' | type of temporal interpolation for wind stress data |
ws_interp_inc | 1020 | 72 | integer > 0 | increment (in hours) between interpolation times if ws_interp_freq = 'n-hour' |
ws_filename | 'unknown-ws' | 'unknown-ws' | 'unknown-ws'; any string ≤ 256 chars | name of file containing wind stress, or root of filenames if ws_data_type='n-hour' |
ws_file_fmt | 'bin' | 'bin' | 'bin', 'nc' | wind-stress file format (binary or netCDF) |
LANL: ws_data_renorm(20) CESM: ws_data_renorm(1) |
20*1. | 10. | renormalization constants for the components in the wind stress forcing file | |
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Surface heat flux
&forcing_shf_nml | LANL default | CESM default | Valid values | surface heat flux (SHF) forcing |
shf_formulation | 'restoring' | 'partially-coupled' or 'restoring' (auto-filled by CESM scripts, depending on configuration) | 'bulk-NCEP', 'Barnier-restoring', 'restoring','partially-coupled' | surface heat flux formulation |
shf_data_type | 'analytic' | 'monthly' or 'none' (auto-filled by CESM scripts: 'monthly' if formulation is 'partially-coupled' and 'none' if not) | 'analytic', 'none', 'annual', 'n-hour', 'monthly-calendar', 'monthly-equal', 'monthly' | type or periodicity of surface heat flux forcing |
shf_data_inc | 1020 | 24 | integer > 0 | increment (in hours) between forcing times if shf_data_type='n-hour' |
shf_interp_freq | 'never' | 'every-timestep' | 'never', 'n-hour', 'every-timestep' | how often to temporally interpolate surface heat flux data to current time |
shf_interp_type | 'nearest' | 'linear' | 'nearest', 'linear', '4point' | type of temporal interpolation for surface heat flux data |
shf_interp_inc | 1020 | 72. | integer > 0 | increment (in hours) between interpolation times if shf_interp_freq = 'n-hour' |
shf_restore_tau | 1020 | 30. | integer > 0 | restoring timescale (days) if type restoring |
shf_filename | 'unknown-shf' | '$shf_filename'; auto-filled by CESM scripts} | 'unknown-shf'; any string ≤ 256 chars) | name of file containing surface heat flux data, or root of filenames if shf_data_type='n-hour' |
shf_file_fmt | 'bin' | 'bin' | 'bin', 'nc' | shf file format (binary or netCDF) |
shf_data_renorm(20) | 20*1. | (0.94, 19*1.}) | renormalization constants for the components in the surface heat flux forcing file | |
jerlov_water_type | 3 | N/A; see sw_absorption_nml | integer in [1,5] | Jerlov water type for shortwave penetration |
shf_weak_restore | 0.0 | 0.0 | restoring flux for weak restoring in bulk-NCEP | |
shf_strong_restore | 92.64 | 0.0 | restoring flux for strong restoring in bulk-NCEP | |
luse_cpl_ifrac | N/A; CESM only | auto-filled by CESM: .true. if formulation is 'partially-coupled', .false. if not | .true., .false. | flag to control use of fractional ice coverage |
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Surface fresh water flux
&forcing_sfwf_nml | LANL default | CESM default | Valid values | surface fresh-water flux (SFWF) forcing |
sfwf_formulation | 'restoring' | ''partially-coupled' or 'restoring' (auto-filled by CESM scripts, depending on configuration) | 'bulk-NCEP', 'restoring', 'partially-coupled' | surface fresh water flux formulation |
sfwf_data_type | 'analytic' | 'monthly' or 'none' (auto-filled by CESM scripts, depending on configuration: 'monthly' if 'partially-coupled'; 'none' if not) | 'analytic', 'none', 'n-hour, 'annual', 'monthly-equal', 'monthly-calendar', 'monthly' | type or periodicity of surface fresh water flux forcing |
sfwf_data_inc | 1020 | 24. | increment (hours) between forcing times if sfwf_data_type='n-hour' | |
sfwf_interp_freq | 'never' | 'every-timestep' | 'never', 'n-hour', 'every-timestep' | how often to temporally interpolate surface fresh water flux data to current time |
sfwf_interp_type | 'nearest' | 'linear' | 'nearest', 'linear', '4point' | type of temporal interpolation for surface fresh water flux data |
sfwf_interp_inc | 1020 | 72. | TD> | increment (hours) between interpolation times if sfwf_interp_freq = 'n-hour' |
sfwf_restore_tau | 1020 | 30. | TD> | restoring timescale (days) if restoring |
sfwf_filename | 'unknown-sfwf' | '$sfwf_filename'; autofilled by CESM scripts | 'unknown-sfwf'; string ≤ 256 chars | name of file containing surface fresh water flux data, or root of filenames if sfwf_data_type='n-hour' |
sfwf_file_fmt | 'bin' | 'bin' | 'bin', 'nc' | sfwf file format (binary or netCDF) |
sfwf_data_renorm(20) | 20*1. | (0.001, 19*1.) | renormalization constants for components in sfwf forcing file | |
ladjust_precip | .false. | autofilled by CESM scripts: .true. if formulation is 'partially-coupled', .false. if not | .false., .true. | adjust precipitation to balance water budget |
lms_balance | N/A | autofilled by CESM scripts; .true. if formulation is 'partially-coupled', .false. if not} | .true., .false. | balance E,P,M,R, and S in marginal seas |
lfw_as_salt_flx | .false. | .true. | .false., .true. | treat fresh water flux as virtual salt flux when using varthick sfc layer |
lsend_precip_fact | N/A | autofilled by CESM scripts; .true. if formulation is 'partially-coupled' | .false., .true. | flag for sending precip_fact to CESM coupler for use in fresh-water balance |
sfwf_weak_restore | 0.092 | 0.0115 | restoring flux for weak restoring in bulk-NCEP and CESM 'partially-coupled' formulation | |
sfwf_strong_restore | 0.6648 | 0.0 | restoring flux for strong restoring in bulk-NCEP and CESM 'partially-coupled' formulation | |
sfwf_strong_restore_ms | N/A | 0.6648 | restoring flux for strong restoring over marginal seas in CESM bulk-NCEP and 'partially-coupled' formulations | |
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Atmospheric pressure
&forcing_ap_nml | LANL default | CESM default | Valid values | atmospheric pressure (AP) forcing |
ap_data_type | 'analytic' | 'none' | 'none', 'analytic', 'annual' , 'n-hour', 'monthly-calendar', 'monthly-equal' | type or periodicity of atmospheric forcing forcing |
ap_data_inc | 1020 | 1020 | increment (in hours) between forcing times if ap_data_type='n-hour' | |
ap_interp_freq | 'never' | 'never' | 'never', 'n-hour', 'every-timestep' | how often to temporally interpolate atmospheric forcing data to current time |
ap_interp_type | 'nearest' | 'nearest' | 'nearest','linear', '4point' | type of temporal interpolation for atmospheric forcing data |
ap_interp_inc | 1020 | 1020 | increment (in hours) between interpolation times if ap_interp_freq = 'n-hour' | |
ap_filename | 'unknown-ap' | 'unknown-ap' | 'unknown-ap', string ≤ 256 chars | name of file containing atmospheric forcing, or root of filenames if ap_data_type='n-hour' |
ap_file_fmt | 'bin' | 'bin' | 'bin', 'nc' | ap file format (binary or netCDF) |
ap_data_renorm(20) | 20*1. | 20*1. | renormalization constants for the components in the atmospheric pressure forcing file | |
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Interior potential temperature
&forcing_pt_interior_nml | LANL default | CESM default | Valid values | potential temperature (pt) forcing at interior points |
pt_interior_formulation | 'restoring' | 'restoring' | 'restoring' | interior pt formulation |
pt_interior_data_type | 'none' | 'none' | 'none', 'annual', 'monthly-calendar', 'monthly-equal', 'n-hour' | type or periodicity of interior pt forcing |
pt_interior_data_inc | 1020 | 24. | increment (hours) between forcing times if data_type 'n-hour' | |
pt_interior_interp_freq | 'never' | 'every-timestep' | 'never', 'n-hour', 'every-timestep' | how often to temporally interpolate interior pt data to current time |
pt_interior_interp_type | 'nearest' | 'linear' | 'nearest', 'linear', '4point' | type of temporal interpolation for interior pt data |
pt_interior_interp_inc | 1020 | 72. | increment (hours) between interpolation times if interp_freq = 'n-hour' | |
pt_interior_restore_tau | 1020 | 365. | restoring timescale (days) if restoring | |
pt_interior_filename | 'unknown-pt_interior' | 'unknown-pt_interior' | 'unknown-pt_interior'; string ≤ 256 chars | file containing interior pt data, or root of filenames if data_type='n-hour' |
pt_interior_file_fmt | 'bin' | 'bin' | 'bin', 'nc' | file format (binary or netCDF) |
pt_interior_data_renorm(20) | 20*1. | 20*1. | renormalization constants for components in interior pt forcing file | |
pt_interior_restore_max_level | 0 | 0 | 0 km | maximum level for interior pt restoring |
pt_interior_variable_restore | .false. | .false. | .true., .false. | enable variable interior pt restoring |
pt_interior_restore_filename | 'unknown-pt_interior_restore' | 'unknown-pt_interior_restore' | 'unknown-pt_interior_restore',string ≤ 256 chars | name of file containing variable interior pt restoring data |
pt_interior_restore_file_fmt | 'bin' | 'bin' | 'bin', 'nc' | file format (binary or netCDF) |
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Interior salinity
&forcing_s_interior_nml | LANL default | CESM default | Valid values | salinity (S) forcing at interior points |
s_interior_formulation | 'restoring' | 'restoring' | 'restoring' | forcing formulation |
s_interior_data_type | 'none' | 'none' | 'none', 'annual', 'monthly-calendar', 'monthly-equal', 'n-hour' | type or periodicity of interior salinity forcing |
s_interior_data_inc | 1020 | 24. | increment (hours) between forcing times if data_type 'n-hour' | |
s_interior_interp_freq | 'never' | 'every-timestep' | 'never', 'n-hour', 'every-timestep' | how often to temporally interpolate interior S data to current time |
s_interior_interp_type | 'nearest' | 'linear' | 'nearest', 'linear', '4point' | type of temporal interpolation for interior S data |
s_interior_interp_inc | 1020 | 72. | increment (in hours) between interpolation times if interp_freq 'n-hour' | |
s_interior_restore_tau | 1020 | 365. | restoring timescale (days) if restoring | |
s_interior_filename | 'unknown-s_interior' | 'unknown-s_interior' | 'unknown-s_interior', string ≤ 256 chars | name of file containing interior S data, or root of filenames if data_type 'n-hour' |
s_interior_file_fmt | 'bin' | 'bin' | 'bin', 'nc' | s interior file format (binary or netCDF) |
s_interior_data_renorm(20) | 20*1. | 20*1. | renormalization constants for components in interior S forcing file | |
s_interior_restore_max_level | 0 | 0 | 0 km | maximum level for interior S restoring |
s_interior_variable_restore | .false. | .false. | .true.,.false.] | enable variable interior S restoring |
s_interior_restore_filename | 'unknown-s_interior_restore' | 'unknown-s_interior_restore' | 'unknown-s_interior_restore', string ≤ 256 characgers | name of file containing variable interior S restoring data |
s_interior_restore_file_fmt | 'bin' | 'bin' | 'bin', 'nc' | format (binary or netCDF) of variable interior s file |
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Shortwave Absorption (CESM only)
See Chapter 9 of the The Parallel Ocean Program (POP) Reference Manual for details.
&sw_absorption_nml | CESM default | Valid values | shortwave absorption |
sw_absorption_type | 'chlorophyll' | 'top-layer', 'jerlov' or 'chlorophyll' | short-wave absorption type |
jerlov_water_type | 3 | (1,5) | jerlov water type |
chl_option | auto-filled by CESM POP2 scripts | 'file', 'model' | chlorophyll option |
chl_filename | auto-filled by CESM POP2 scripts | string ≤ 256 | chlorophyll input filename |
chl_file_fmt | 'bin' | 'bin','nc' | chlorophyll input file format |