____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: Use non-default compiler for ne240_f02_t12 on jaguarpf or hopper Date : 2011-06-07 Contact : Jim Edwards Information: The ne240_f02_t12 high-resolution case does not run with the default compiler set on jaguarpf or hopper. In both cases, ne240_f02_t12 will run by reverting to the pgi9 compiler set. Compiler sets are controlled via the env_machine_specific file in your $CASE directory. The lines in env_mach_specific are: module switch pgi pgi/9.0.4 module swap xt-mpich2 xt-mpich2/5.1.2 module switch xt-libsci xt-libsci/10.4.9 Due to the large task count and memory requirements of this case, we have thus far been unable to test the problem on any other platform. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Update: Old pgi9 compiler is no longer available Date : December 2011 Information: The alternate compiler is no longer available.   We will look into an alternative solution.