This page contains the complete list of xml variables in env_run.xml,
They are grouped by categories designed to aid browsing. Clicking on the name
of a variable will display descriptive information. If search terms
are entered in the text box below, the list will be condensed to
contain only matched variables.
Variable Name |
File Name |
Run initialization type .
Determines the model run initialization type.
This setting is only important for the initial run of a production run when the
CONTINUE_RUN variable is set to FALSE. After the initial run, the CONTINUE_RUN
variable is set to TRUE, and the model restarts exactly using input
files in a case, date, and bit-for-bit continuous fashion.
Default: startup.
-- In a startup run (the default), all components are initialized
using baseline states. These baseline states are set independently by
each component and can include the use of restart files, initial
files, external observed data files, or internal initialization (i.e.,
a cold start). In a startup run, the coupler sends the start date to
the components at initialization. In addition, the coupler does not
need an input data file. In a startup initialization, the ocean model
does not start until the second ocean coupling (normally the second
-- In a branch run, all components are initialized using a consistent
set of restart files from a previous run (determined by the
RUN_REFCASE and RUN_REFDATE variables in env_run.xml). The case name
is generally changed for a branch run, although it does not have to
be. In a branch run, setting RUN_STARTDATE is ignored because the
model components obtain the start date from their restart datasets.
Therefore, the start date cannot be changed for a branch run. This is
the same mechanism that is used for performing a restart run (where
CONTINUE_RUN is set to TRUE in the env_run.xml) Branch runs are
typically used when sensitivity or parameter studies are required, or
when settings for history file output streams need to be modified
while still maintaining bit-for-bit reproducibility. Under this
scenario, the new case is able to produce an exact bit-for-bit restart
in the same manner as a continuation run IF no source code or
component namelist inputs are modified. All models use restart files
to perform this type of run. RUN_REFCASE and RUN_REFDATE are required
for branch runs.
To set up a branch run, locate the restart tar file or restart
directory for RUN_REFCASE and RUN_REFDATE from a previous run, then
place those files in the RUNDIR directory.
--- A hybrid run indicates that the model is initialized more like a
startup, but uses initialization datasets FROM A PREVIOUS case. This
is somewhat analogous to a branch run with relaxed restart
constraints. A hybrid run allows users to bring together combinations
of initial/restart files from a previous case (specified by
RUN_REFCASE) at a given model output date (specified by
RUN_REFDATE). Unlike a branch run, the starting date of a hybrid run
(specified by RUN_STARTDATE) can be modified relative to the reference
case. In a hybrid run, the model does not continue in a bit-for-bit
fashion with respect to the reference case. The resulting climate,
however, should be continuous provided that no model source code or
namelists are changed in the hybrid run. In a hybrid initialization,
the ocean model does not start until the second ocean coupling
(normally the second day), and the coupler does a cold start without
a restart file.
Valid Values: startup,hybrid,branch
env_run.xml |
Run start date (yyyy-mm-dd). Only used for startup or hybrid runs
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
Reference case for hybrid or branch runs
env_run.xml |
Reference date for hybrid or branch runs (yyyy-mm-dd)
env_run.xml |
Reference time of day (seconds) for hybrid or branch runs (sssss)
env_run.xml |
allow same branch casename as reference casename
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
flag for automatically prestaging the refcase restart dataset
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
Variable Name |
File Name |
sets the run length with STOP_N and STOP_DATE (must be nyear(s) for _GLC compsets for restarts to work properly) .
Ending simulation time (character)
(must be nyear(s) for _GLC compsets for restarts to work properly)
Valid Values: none,never,nsteps,nstep,nseconds,nsecond,nminutes,nminute,nhours,nhour,ndays,nday,nmonths,nmonth,nyears,nyear,date,ifdays0,end
env_run.xml |
sets the run length with STOP_OPTION and STOP_DATE .
Provides a numerical count for $STOP_OPTION. (integer)
env_run.xml |
date in yyyymmdd format, sets the run length with STOP_OPTION and STOP_N .
Alternative yyyymmdd date option, negative value implies off. (integer)
env_run.xml |
Variable Name |
File Name |
sets frequency of model restart writes (same options as STOP_OPTION) (must be nyear(s) for _GLC compsets) .
Restart write interval.
valid varlues: none,never,nsteps,nstep,nseconds,nsecond,nminutes,nminute,nhours,nhour,ndays,nday,nmonths,nmonth,nyears,nyear,date,ifdays0,end
(must be nyear(s) for _GLC compsets)
env_run.xml |
sets model restart writes with REST_OPTION and REST_DATE .
Number of intervals to write a restart. (integer)
env_run.xml |
date in yyyymmdd format, sets model restart write date with REST_OPTION and REST_N .
Alternative yyyymmdd date option, negative value implies off. (integer)
env_run.xml |
A setting of TRUE implies a continuation run .
When you first begin a branch, hybrid or startup run, CONTINUE_RUN
must be set to FALSE. When you successfully run and get a restart
file, you will need to change CONTINUE_RUN to TRUE for the remainder
of your run. This variable determines if the run is a restart run.
Set to FALSE when initializing a startup, branch or hybrid case.
Set to TRUE when continuing a run. (logical)
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
If RESUBMIT is greater than 0, then case will automatically resubmit .
Enables the model to automatically resubmit a new run. To get
multiple runs, set RESUBMIT greater than 0, then RESUBMIT will be
decremented and the case will be resubmitted. The case will stop automatically
resubmitting when the RESUBMIT value reaches 0.
Long runs can easily outstrip supercomputer queue time limits. For
this reason, a case is usually run as a series of jobs, each
restarting where the previous finished.
env_run.xml |
Variable Name |
File Name |
logical that turns on diagnostic budgets
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
Turns on component varying thread control in the driver
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
Turns on component barriers for component timing
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
turns on bit-for-bit reproducibility with varying pe counts in coupler
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
level of debug output, 0=minimum, 1=normal, 2=more, 3=too much
Valid Values: 0,1,2,3
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
cpl decomp option
Valid Values: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
env_run.xml |
logical to diagnose model timing at the end of the run
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
logical to save timing files in rundir
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
Variable Name |
File Name |
TRUE implies perform asynchronous i/o
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
mpi task stride between io tasks
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
pio io type
Valid Values: netcdf,pnetcdf,netcdf4p,netcdf4c,default
env_run.xml |
pio debug level
Valid Values: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
pio io type
Valid Values: nothing,netcdf,pnetcdf,netcdf4p,netcdf4c
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
pio io type
Valid Values: nothing,netcdf,pnetcdf,netcdf4p,netcdf4c
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
pio io type
Valid Values: nothing,netcdf,pnetcdf,netcdf4p,netcdf4c
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
pio io type
Valid Values: nothing,netcdf,pnetcdf,netcdf4p,netcdf4c
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
pio io type
Valid Values: nothing,netcdf,pnetcdf,netcdf4p,netcdf4c
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
pio io type
Valid Values: nothing,netcdf,pnetcdf,netcdf4p,netcdf4c
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
pio io type
Valid Values: nothing,netcdf,pnetcdf,netcdf4p,netcdf4c
env_run.xml |
Variable Name |
File Name |
base period associated with NCPL coupling frequency
Valid Values: hour,day,year,decade
env_run.xml |
number of atm coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD (integer)
env_run.xml |
number of land coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD (integer)
env_run.xml |
number of ice coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD (integer)
env_run.xml |
number of ocn coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD (integer)
env_run.xml |
number of glc coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD (integer)
env_run.xml |
number of rof coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD (integer)
env_run.xml |
if TRUE, treats ocean model like lnd/ice in coupling
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
Variable Name |
File Name |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
Variable Name |
File Name |
directory where log files should be copied .
Extra copies of the component log files will be saved here.
env_run.xml |
logical to turn on short term archiving .
If TRUE, short term archiving will be turned on. (default is TRUE)
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
local short term archiving root directory .
Root directory for short term archiving. This directory must be
visible to compute nodes.
env_run.xml |
logical to archive all interim restart files, not just those at eor .
If TRUE, perform short term archiving on all interim restart files,
not just those at the end of the run. By default, this value is FALSE.
This is for expert users ONLY and requires expert knowledge. We will
not document this further in this guide.
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
logical to turn on long term archiving (if DOUT_S is also TRUE) .
If TRUE, perform long-term archiving on the output data. Default is FALSE
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
local long term archiving root directory .
Root directory on long term archiving store system for long-term data archives.
env_run.xml |
env_run.xml |
logical to tar up long term archiver history files .
If true, DOUT_L_HTAR the long-term archiver will store history data in annual tar files.
Default is FALSE
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
standard ccsm baselines directory for testing
env_run.xml |
standard location of the cprnc tool
env_run.xml |
Variable Name |
File Name |
Only used for C,G compsets: if ocn, ocn provides EP balance factor for precip .
Provides EP balance factor for precip for POP2. A factor computed by
POP2 is applied to precipitation so that precipitation balances
evaporation and ocn global salinity does not drift. This is intended
for use when coupling POP2 to a DATM. Only used for C and G compsets.
Default is off.
Valid Values: off,ocn
env_run.xml |
Only used for C,G compsets: if true, compute albedos to work with daily avg SW down .
If false, albedos are computed with the assumption that downward
solar radiation from the atm component has a diurnal cycle and
zenith-angle dependence. This is normally the case when using an active
atm component
If true, albedos are computed with the assumption that downward
solar radiation from the atm component is a daily average quantity and
does not have a zenith-angle dependence. This is often the case when
using a data atm component.
This is only used for C and G compsets.
Default is false.
Valid Values: true,false
env_run.xml |
BGC flag .
If the value is not none, the coupler is compiled so that optional
BGC related fields are exchanged between component models. Currently
only none and CO2A are supported. CO2A will activate sending
diagnostic and prognostic co2 from the atm component to the lnd component.
Valid Values: none,CO2A,CO2B,CO2C,CO2_DMSA
env_run.xml |
Glacier model number of elevation classes, 0 implies no glacier land unit in clm .
Used by both CLM and CISM (even if CISM is not running, and only SGLC is used)
Valid Values: 0,1,3,5,10
env_run.xml |
CO2 ppmv .
This set the namelist values of CO2 ppmv for CAM and CLM. This variables is
introduced to coordinate this value among multiple components.
env_run.xml |
Variable Name |
File Name |
CLM build-namelist options
env_run.xml |
CLM namelist use_case . Determines the use-case that will be sent to the CLM build-namelist utility.
This is normally set by the component set. This is an advanced flag and should only be
used by expert users.
env_run.xml |
CLM specific namelist settings . CLM-specific namelist settings for -namelist option in the CLM
build-namelist. CLM_NAMELIST_OPTS is normally set as a compset variable
and in general should not be modified for supported compsets.
It is recommended that if you want to modify this value for your experiment,
you should use your own user-defined component sets via using create_newcase
with a compset_file argument.
This is an advanced flag and should only be used by expert users.
env_run.xml |
clm co2 type .
Determines how CLM will determine where CO2 is set.
If value is constant, it will be set to CCSM_CO2_PPMV,
if value is either diagnostic or prognostic, the atmosphere model
MUST send it to CLM. CLM_CO2_TYPE is normally set by the specific
compset, since it HAS to be coordinated with settings for the
atmospheric model. Do not modify this variable. If you want to modify for
your experiment, use your own user-defined component set
This is an advanced flag and should only be used by expert users.
Valid Values: constant,diagnostic,prognostic
env_run.xml |
Force CLM model to do a cold-start .
Flag to the CLM build-namelist command to force CLM to do a
cold start (finidat will be set to blanks).
A value of on forces the model to spin up from a cold-start
(arbitrary initial conditions). Setting this value in the xml file will take
precedence over any settings for finidat in the $CASEROOT/user_clm_clm file.
Valid Values: on,off
env_run.xml |
My Data ID .
Dataset name for user-created datasets. This is used as the argument
in Buildconf/clm.buildnml.csh to build-namelist -clm_usr_name. An example of
such a dataset would be 1x1pt_boulderCO_c090722. The default value is UNSET.
This is an advanced flag and should only be used by expert users.
env_run.xml |
Variable Name |
File Name |
surface heat and freshwater forcing, partial is consistent with coupling to a data atm model .
Determine surface freshwater and heat forcing settings.
The full option yields settings that are appropriate for coupling to an
active atmospheric model (e.g., a B-type compset). The partial option yields
settings that are appropriate for coupling to a data atmospheric model
(e.g., a C or G-type compset). The create_newcase command selects the
appropriate setting for this variable based on the specified compset.
Users should NOT EDIT this setting.
Valid Values: full,partial
env_run.xml |
under ice forcing, inactive is consistent with coupling to a data ice model .
Determine under-ice forcing settings.
The active option yields settings that are appropriate for coupling to an active ice model
(e.g., a B or G-type compset). The inactive option yields settings that are appropriate for
coupling to a data ice model (e.g., a C-type compset). The create_newcase command
selects the appropriate setting for this variable based on the specified compset.
Users should NOT EDIT this setting.
Valid Values: active,inactive
env_run.xml |
provenance of surface Chl for radiative penetration computations .
Determines provenance of surface Chl for radiative penetration
computations. This option is used in the POP2 ecosystem model.
The default is diagnostic.
Valid Values: diagnostic,prognostic
env_run.xml |
provenance of atmospheric CO2 for gas flux computation .
Determines provenance of atmospheric CO2 for gas flux computation.
This option is used in the POP2 ecosystem model.
The default is constant.
Valid Values: constant,prognostic,diagnostic
env_run.xml |
TRUE implies using fix to pH scale of carbon thermodynamic constants
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
specification of transient forcing datasets .
Determine settings for transient forcing datasets (e.g., atmospheric pCFC
concentrations). The create_newcase command selects the appropriate setting for this
variable based on the specified compset. This option is used in the POP2 ecosystem model.
Users should NOT EDIT this setting.
Valid Values: unset,1850-2000
env_run.xml |
tavg output control for tracer-budget terms
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
tavg output control for high-frequency output
Valid Values: TRUE,FALSE
env_run.xml |
Variable Name |
File Name |
DATM mode .
Mode for data atmosphere component.
The default is CORE2_NYF (CORE2 normal year forcing) is the
DATM mode used in C and G compsets. CLM_QIAN and CLM1PT are
modes using observational data for forcing CLM in I compsets.
env_run.xml |
DATM prescribed aerosol forcing
Valid Values: none,clim_1850,clim_2000,trans_1850-2000,rcp2.6,rcp4.5,rcp6.0,rcp8.5,pt1_pt1
env_run.xml |
year align (only used for CLM_QIAN mode)
env_run.xml |
starting year to loop data over (only used for CLM_QIAN mode) .
For I compset only. Starting year to loop data over for
CLM_QIAN mode. Default value is 2004.
env_run.xml |
ending year to loop data over (only used for CLM_QIAN mode) .
For I compset only. Ending year to loop data over for CLM_QIAN
mode. Default value is 2004.
env_run.xml |
case name for coupler history data mode (only used for CPLHIST3HrWx mode)
env_run.xml |
year align (only used for CPLHIST3HrWx mode) .
For I compset only. Year align (simulation year corresponding to
starting year) for CLM_QIAN mode. Default value is 1.
env_run.xml |
starting year to loop data over (only used for CPLHIST3HrWx mode)
env_run.xml |
ending year to loop data over (only used for CPLHIST3HrWx mode)
env_run.xml |
Variable Name |
File Name |
valid values: CPLHIST,NULL .
DLND mode. Valid values are CPLHIST and NULL. In CPLHIST mode, land
forcing data (produced by CLM) from a previous model run is output in
coupler history files and read in by the data land model. In NULL
mode, land forcing is set to zero and not utilized. The default is
Valid Values: CPLHIST,NULL
env_run.xml |
valid values: CPLHIST,NULL
Valid Values: CPLHIST,NULL
env_run.xml |
directory for coupler history data mode (only used for CPLHIST mode)
env_run.xml |
case name for coupler history data mode (only used for CPLHIST mode)
env_run.xml |
year align (only used for CPLHIST mode)
env_run.xml |
starting year to loop data over (only used for CPLHIST mode)
env_run.xml |
ending year to loop data over (only used for CPLHIST mode)
env_run.xml |
Variable Name |
File Name |
DROF mode. Values are CPLHIST, *_RX1, and NULL. In *_RX1 mode,
observational climatological or interannual
1-degree runoff data is used. In CPLHIST mode, runoff
data from a previous model run is read in. In NULL mode, the runoff
data is set to zero. In CPLHIST mode, land forcing data from a previous
model run is output by the coupler and read in by the data land
model. In NULL mode, land forcing is set to zero and not used. The
default is DIATREN_ANN_RX1.
env_run.xml |
directory for coupler history data mode (only used for CPLHIST mode)
env_run.xml |
case name for coupler history data mode (only used for CPLHIST mode)
env_run.xml |
year align (only used for CPLHIST mode)
env_run.xml |
starting year to loop data over (only used for CPLHIST mode)
env_run.xml |
ending year to loop data over (only used for CPLHIST mode)
env_run.xml |
Variable Name |
File Name |
Sets sst/ice_cov stream name for pres runs, only used in F,A compset
env_run.xml |
Sets sst/ice_cov data filename for prescribed runs, only used in F,A compset .
Sets sst/ice_cov filename for AMIP runs, only used in F and A compsets
Default is UNSET.
env_run.xml |
Sets sst/ice_cov grid filename for pres runs, only used in F,A compset
env_run.xml |
Sets model year align of sst/ice_cov for pres runs, only used in F,A compset .
Sets model year align of sst/ice_cov for pres runs, only used in F,A compset
Type is integer,
Default is -999
env_run.xml |
Sets year start of sst/ice_cov for pres runs, only used in F,A compset .
Sets start year of sst/ice_cov for AMIP runs, only used in F and A compsets.
Type is integer,
Default is -999.
env_run.xml |
Sets year end of sst/ice_cov for pres runs, only used in F,A compset .
Sets end year of sst/ice_cov for AMIP runs, only used in F and A compset.
Type is integer,
Default is -999.
env_run.xml |