Search or Browse supported grid settings

This page contains the complete list of config_grid.xml variables available. They are grouped by categories designed to aid browsing. Clicking on the name of a variable will display descriptive information. If search terms are entered in the text box below, the list will be condensed to contain only matched variables.

(separate search terms with spaces)

config_grid.xml variables

Grid Name Grid Short Name
1x1_brazil 1brazil
1x1_numaIA 1numa
1x1_smallvilleIA 1sville
1x1_camdenNJ 1camden
1x1_asphaltjungleNJ 1asphalt
1x1_mexicocityMEX 1mexico
1x1_vancouverCAN 1vancan
1x1_tropicAtl 1tropatl
1x1_urbanc_alpha 1urbanc
5x5_amazon 5amazon
0.23x0.31_0.23x0.31 f02_f02
0.23x0.31_gx1v6 f02_g16
0.23x0.31_tx0.1v2 f02_t12
0.47x0.63_0.47x0.63 f05_f05
0.47x0.63_gx1v6 f05_g16
0.47x0.63_tx0.1v2 f05_t12
0.9x1.25_0.9x1.25 f09_f09
0.9x1.25_gx1v6 f09_g16
0.9x1.25_gx1v6_r01 f09_g16_r01
0.9x1.25_gx1v6_gland10 f09_g16_gl10
0.9x1.25_mp120v1 f09_mp120v1
0.9x1.25_mp120r10v1 f09_mp120r10v1
1.9x2.5_1.9x2.5 f19_f19
1.9x2.5_gx1v6 f19_g16
1.9x2.5_tx1v1 f19_s11
2.5x3.33_2.5x3.33 f25_f25
4x5_4x5 f45_f45
4x5_gx3v7 f45_g37
T62_gx3v7 T62_g37
T62_tx1v1 T62_s11
T62_tx0.1v2 T62_t12
T62_gx1v6 T62_g16
T31_T31 T31_T31
T31_gx3v7 T31_g37
T42_T42 T42_T42
4x5_T42_gx3v7 f45_T42_g37
10x15_10x15 f10_f10
ne16np4_ne16np4 ne16_ne16
ne16np4_gx3v7 ne16_g37
ne30np4_ne30np4 ne30_ne30
ne30np4_gx1v6 ne30_g16
ne30np4_0.9x1.25_gx1v6 ne30_f09_g16
ne30np4_1.9x2.5_gx1v6 ne30_f19_g16
ne60np4_ne60np4 ne60_ne60
ne60np4_gx1v6 ne60_g16
ne240np4_gx1v6 ne240_g16
ne240np4_ne240np4 ne240_ne240
ne240np4_0.23x0.31_gx1v6 ne240_f02_g16
ne240np4_0.23x0.31_tx0.1v2 ne240_f02_t12
ne240np4_tx0.1v2 ne240_t12
T85_0.9x1.25_gx1v6 T85_f09_g16
T85_0.9x1.25_tx0.1v2 T85_f09_t12
T85_T85 T85_T85
T341_T341 T341_T341
T341_0.23x0.31_tx0.1v2 T341_f02_t12
ne120np4_gx1v6 ne120_g16
ne120np4_tx0.1v2 ne120_t12
ne120np4_ne120np4 ne120_ne120
ne120np4_0.9x1.25_gx1v6 ne120_f09_g16
ne120np4_0.23x0.31_tx0.1v2 ne120_f02_t12
wr50a_wr50a w5a_w5a
wus12_wus12 wus12_wus12
us20_us20 us20_us20
ar9v3_ar9v3 a93_a93
ar9v4_ar9v4 a94_a94
wr50a_ar9v4 w5a_a94