subroutine p2g_2d(lbp, ubp, lbc, ubc, lbl, ubl, lbg, ubg, num2d, & parr, garr, p2c_scale_type, c2l_scale_type, l2g_scale_type)DESCRIPTION:
Perfrom subgrid-average from pfts to gridcells. Averaging is only done for points that are not equal to "spval".
use clm_varpar, only : max_pft_per_gcellARGUMENTS:
implicit none integer , intent(in) :: lbp, ubp ! beginning and ending pft indices integer , intent(in) :: lbc, ubc ! beginning and ending column indices integer , intent(in) :: lbl, ubl ! beginning and ending landunit indices integer , intent(in) :: lbg, ubg ! beginning and ending gridcell indices integer , intent(in) :: num2d ! size of second dimension real(r8), intent(in) :: parr(lbp:ubp,num2d) ! input pft array real(r8), intent(out) :: garr(lbg:ubg,num2d) ! output gridcell array character(len=*), intent(in) :: p2c_scale_type ! scale factor type for averaging character(len=*), intent(in) :: c2l_scale_type ! scale factor type for averaging character(len=*), intent(in) :: l2g_scale_type ! scale factor type for averagingREVISION HISTORY:
Created by Mariana Vertenstein 12/03LOCAL VARIABLES: