subroutine create_clm_s2x(clm_s2x)DESCRIPTION:
Assign values to clm_s2x based on the appropriate derived types
use clm_varctl , only : glc_smb use clmtype , only : clm3 use domainMod , only : ldomain use clm_varcon , only : istice_mec use clm_atmlnd , only : clm_l2a, clm_a2l use clm_varcon , only : spvalARGUMENTS:
implicit none type(lnd2glc_type), intent(out) :: clm_s2xREVISION HISTORY:
Written by William Lipscomb, Feb. 2009 integer :: begg, endg ! per-proc beginning and ending gridcell indices integer :: begc, endc ! per-proc beginning and ending column indices integer :: c, l, g, n ! indices integer , pointer :: ityplun(:) ! landunit type integer , pointer :: clandunit(:) ! column's landunit index integer , pointer :: cgridcell(:) ! column's gridcell index ! Assign local pointers to derived type members clandunit => clm3%g%l%c%landunit cgridcell => clm3%g%l%c%gridcell ityplun => clm3%g%l%itype ! Get processor bounds call get_proc_bounds(begg, endg, begc=begc, endc=endc) ! initialize to be safe clm_s2x%tsrf(:,:) = 0._r8 clm_s2x%topo(:,:) = 0._r8 clm_s2x%qice(:,:) = 0._r8 ! fill the clm_s2x vector on the clm grid if (glc_smb) then ! send surface mass balance info do c = begc, endc l = clandunit(c) g = cgridcell(c) if (ityplun(l) == istice_mec) then n = c - clm3%g%l%coli(l) + 1 ! elevation class index ! (assumes all elevation classes are populated) clm_s2x%tsrf(g,n) = clm3%g%l%c%ces%t_soisno(c,1) clm_s2x%qice(g,n) = clm3%g%l%c%cwf%qflx_glcice(c) clm_s2x%topo(g,n) = clm3%g%l%c%cps%glc_topo(c) ! Check for bad values of qice if ( abs(clm_s2x%qice(g,n)) > 1.0_r8 .and. clm_s2x%qice(g,n) /= spval) then write(iulog,*) 'WARNING: qice out of bounds: g, n, qice =', g, n, clm_s2x%qice(g,n) endif endif ! istice_mec enddo ! c else ! Pass PDD info (same info in each elevation class) ! It might make sense to require glc_nec = 1 for this case do n = 1, glc_nec do g = begg, endg clm_s2x%tsrf(g,n) = clm_l2a%t_ref2m(g) clm_s2x%qice(g,n) = clm_a2l%forc_snow(g) ! Assume rain runs off clm_s2x%topo(g,n) = ldomain%topo(g) ! Check for bad values of qice if (clm_s2x%qice(g,n) > -1.0_r8 .and. clm_s2x%qice(g,n) < 1.0_r8) then continue else write(iulog,*) 'WARNING: qice out of bounds: g, n, qice =', g, n, clm_s2x%qice(g,n) write(iulog,*) 'forc_rain =', clm_a2l%forc_rain(g) write(iulog,*) 'forc_snow =', clm_a2l%forc_snow(g) endif enddo enddo endif ! glc_smb end subroutine create_clm_s2x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// \mbox{}\hrulefill\ \subsubsection [unpack\_clm\_x2s] {unpack\_clm\_x2s} \bigskip{\sf INTERFACE:} \begin{verbatim} subroutine unpack_clm_x2s(clm_x2s)DESCRIPTION:
Unpack clm_x2s and update the appropriate derived types
use clm_varcon , only : istice_mec use clmtype , only : clm3ARGUMENTS:
implicit none type(glc2lnd_type), intent(in) :: clm_x2sREVISION HISTORY:
Written by William Lipscomb, Feb. 2009 integer :: begc, endc ! per-proc beginning and ending column indices integer :: c, l, g, n ! indices integer , pointer :: ityplun(:) ! landunit type integer , pointer :: clandunit(:) ! column's landunit index integer , pointer :: cgridcell(:) ! column's gridcell index logical :: update_glc2sno_fields ! if true, update glacier_mec fields ! Assign local pointers to derived type members clandunit => clm3%g%l%c%landunit cgridcell => clm3%g%l%c%gridcell ityplun => clm3%g%l%itype update_glc2sno_fields = .false. if (update_glc2sno_fields) then do c = begc, endc l = clandunit(c) g = cgridcell(c) if (ityplun(l) == istice_mec) then n = c - clm3%g%l%coli(l) + 1 ! elevation class index clm3%g%l%c%cps%glc_frac(c) = clm_x2s%frac(g,n) clm3%g%l%c%cps%glc_topo(c) = clm_x2s%topo(g,n) clm3%g%l%c%cwf%glc_rofi(c) = clm_x2s%rofi(g,n) clm3%g%l%c%cwf%glc_rofl(c) = clm_x2s%rofl(g,n) clm3%g%l%c%cef%eflx_bot(c) = clm_x2s%hflx(g,n) endif enddo endif ! update fields end subroutine unpack_clm_x2s ------------------------------------------------------------------------ end module clm_glclnd \markboth{Left}{Source File: clm\_initializeMod.F90, Date: Wed Jun 15 14:32:17 MDT 2011 } module clm_initializeMod ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// \mbox{}\hrulefill\ \subsection{Fortran: Module Interface clm\_initializeMod (Source File: clm\_initializeMod.F90)} Performs land model initialization \bigskip{\em USES:} \begin{verbatim} use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8 use spmdMod , only : masterproc use shr_sys_mod , only : shr_sys_flush use abortutils , only : endrun use clm_varctl , only : nsrest, nsrStartup, nsrContinue, nsrBranch, downscale use clm_varctl , only : iulog use clm_varctl , only : create_glacier_mec_landunit use clm_varsur , only : wtxy,vegxy use clm_varsur , only : topoxy use clmtype , only : gratm, grlnd, nameg, namel, namec, namep, allrof use perf_mod , only : t_startf, t_stopf use ncdio_pio use mct_modPUBLIC TYPES:
implicit none save private ! By default everything is privatePUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS:
public :: initialize1 ! Phase one initialization public :: initialize2 ! Phase two initializationREVISION HISTORY:
Created by Gordon Bonan, Sam Levis and Mariana VertensteinPRIVATE MEMBER FUNCTIONS:
private header ! echo version numbers private do_restread ! read a restart file private cellarea ! area of grid cells (square km) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- !PRIVATE DATA MEMBERS: None