subroutine CNNDeposition( lbc, ubc )DESCRIPTION:
On the radiation time step, update the nitrogen deposition rate from atmospheric forcing. For now it is assumed that all the atmospheric N deposition goes to the soil mineral N pool. This could be updated later to divide the inputs between mineral N absorbed directly into the canopy and mineral N entering the soil pool.
use clmtype use clm_atmlnd , only : clm_a2lARGUMENTS:
implicit none integer, intent(in) :: lbc, ubc ! column boundsCALLED FROM:
subroutine CNEcosystemDyn, in module CNEcosystemDynMod.F90REVISION HISTORY:
6/1/04: Created by Peter Thornton 11/06/09: Copy to all columns NOT just over soil. S. LevisLOCAL VARIABLES:
local pointers to implicit in scalars real(r8), pointer :: forc_ndep(:) ! nitrogen deposition rate (gN/m2/s) integer , pointer :: gridcell(:) ! index into gridcell level quantities local pointers to implicit out scalars real(r8), pointer :: ndep_to_sminn(:) !OTHER LOCAL VARIABLES: integer :: g,c ! indices