subroutine BeginWaterBalance(lbc, ubc, lbp, ubp, & num_nolakec, filter_nolakec, num_lakec, filter_lakec, & num_hydrologyc, filter_hydrologyc)DESCRIPTION:
Initialize column-level water balance at beginning of time step
use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8 use clmtype use clm_varpar , only : nlevgrnd, nlevsoi use subgridAveMod, only : p2c use clm_varcon , only : icol_roof, icol_sunwall, icol_shadewall, icol_road_perv, & icol_road_impervARGUMENTS:
implicit none integer, intent(in) :: lbc, ubc ! column-index bounds integer, intent(in) :: lbp, ubp ! pft-index bounds integer, intent(in) :: num_nolakec ! number of column non-lake points in column filter integer, intent(in) :: filter_nolakec(ubc-lbc+1) ! column filter for non-lake points integer, intent(in) :: num_lakec ! number of column non-lake points in column filter integer, intent(in) :: filter_lakec(ubc-lbc+1) ! column filter for non-lake points integer , intent(in) :: num_hydrologyc ! number of column soil points in column filter integer , intent(in) :: filter_hydrologyc(ubc-lbc+1) ! column filter for soil pointsCALLED FROM:
subroutine clm_driver1REVISION HISTORY:
Created by Peter Thornton