Performs surface albedo calculations
use clm_varcon , only : istsoil use clm_varpar , only : numrad use clm_varcon , only : istcrop use shr_kind_mod, only : r8 => shr_kind_r8 use clm_varpar , only : nlevsno use SNICARMod , only : sno_nbr_aer, SNICAR_RT, DO_SNO_AER, DO_SNO_OC implicit none savePUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS:
public :: SurfaceAlbedo ! Surface albedo and two-stream fluxesPUBLIC DATA MEMBERS:
The CLM default albice values are too high. Full-spectral albedo for land ice is ~0.5 (Paterson, Physics of Glaciers, 1994, p. 59) This is the value used in CAM3 by Pritchard et al., GRL, 35, 2008. real(r8), public :: albice(numrad) = & ! albedo land ice by waveband (1=vis, 2=nir) (/ 0.80_r8, 0.55_r8 /)PRIVATE MEMBER FUNCTIONS:
private :: SoilAlbedo ! Determine ground surface albedo private :: TwoStream ! Two-stream fluxes for canopy radiative transferREVISION HISTORY:
Created by Mariana Vertenstein