clm/README 10/05/2011 Community Land Surface Model (CLM) version 4.0.53 -- source code, tools, offline-build and test scripts. This gives you everything you need to run CLM with CESM with datm8 to provide NCEP forcing data in place of a modeled atmosphere. What is new in this version of CLM (compared to previous CESM and CCSM releases)? See the ChangeLog file for a summary description of the most recent major version changes leading up to clm4_0_00, from CLM4.0.00 to CLM4.0.14, from CLM4.0.14 to CLM4.0.32, and then from CLM4.0.32 to CLM4.0.53. The User's Guide also has a section on this as well. General directory structure: models/lnd/clm/doc ---- Documentation of CLM. models/lnd/clm/bld ---- Template, configure and build-namelist scripts for clm. models/lnd/clm/src ---- CLM Source code. models/lnd/clm/test --- CLM Testing scripts. models/lnd/clm/tools -- CLM Offline tools to prepare input datasets and process output. scripts --------------- CPL7 scripts models/drv/driver ----- CESM top level driver source code. models/drv/shr -------- CESM top level driver shared code. models/drv/shr_esmf --- CESM top level driver shared code for ESMF. models/atm/datm ------- CESM Data model version 8 source code. models/glc/cism ------- CESM Community land Ice Sheet Model. models/rof/rtm -------- CESM River Transport Model. models/ice/sice ------- CESM stub sea-ice model source code. models/ocn/socn ------- CESM stub ocean model source code. models/glc/sglc ------- CESM stub glacier model source code. models/utils ---------- CESM utility codes (Model Coupling Toolkit (MCT) (Earth System Model Framework) (timing -- code timing utility) (pio -- Parallel Input/Output) Top level documentation: README ------------------- This file README_EXTERNALS --------- Information on how to work with subversion externals for clm SVN_EXTERNAL_DIRECTORIES - Subversions externals to use Copyright ---------------- CESM Copyright file ------- Script to add documentation on a tag to the ChangeLog/ChangeSum files ChangeLog ---------------- Documents different CLM versions ChangeSum ---------------- Summary documentation of different CLM versions ChangeLog/ChangeSum ------ Also copied to models/lnd/clm/doc Documentation of Namelist Items: (view the following in a web browser) models/lnd/clm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml --- Definition of all namelist items models/lnd/clm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_clm.xml - Default values ============================================================================================= Important files in main directories: ============================================================================================= models/lnd/clm/doc/Quickstart.GUIDE -------- Quick guide to using cpl7 scripts. models/lnd/clm/doc/Quickstart.userdatasets - Quick guide to using your own datasets. models/lnd/clm/doc/IMPORTANT_NOTES --------- Some important notes about this version of clm, configuration modes and namelist items that are not validated or functional. models/lnd/clm/doc/KnownBugs --------------- List of known bugs. models/lnd/clm/doc/KnownLimitations -------- List of known limitations and workarounds. models/lnd/clm/doc/ChangeLog --------------- Detailed list of changes for each model version. models/lnd/clm/doc/ChangeSum --------------- Summary one-line list of changes for each model version. models/lnd/clm/doc/README ------------------ Documentation similar to this file models/lnd/clm/doc/UsersGuide -------------- CLM Users Guide models/lnd/clm/doc/CodeReference ----------- CLM Code Reference Guide models/lnd/clm/bld/configure --------------- Script to prepare CLM to be built. models/lnd/clm/test/system/test_system ----- Script for system testing of stand-alone CLM I cases. models/lnd/clm/test/system/ -- Script for general software testing of CLM's offline tools. models/lnd/clm/tools/mksurfdata_map --- Directory to build program to create surface dataset at any resolution. models/lnd/clm/tools/interpinic ------- Directory to build program to interpolate initial conditions to any resolution. models/lnd/clm/tools/mkdatadomain ----- Directory to build program to create datm7 or docn7 domain files from clm files. models/lnd/clm/tools/mkprocdata_map --- Process history data from unstructed grids to a gridded format. models/lnd/clm/tools/ncl_scripts ----- Directory of NCL and perl scripts to do various tasks. Most notably to plot perturbation error growth testing and to extract regional information from global datasets for single-point/regional simulations. models/lnd/clm/bld/README ------------- Description of how to use the configure and build-namelist scripts. ============================================================================================= Source code directory structure: ============================================================================================= models/lnd/clm/src/biogeochem -- Biogeochemisty models/lnd/clm/src/main -------- Main control and high level code models/lnd/clm/src/cpl_mct ----- Land model high level MCT driver models/lnd/clm/src/cpl_esmf ---- Land model high level ESMF driver models/lnd/clm/src/cpl_share --- Land model high level driver code shared between MCT/ESMF models/lnd/clm/src/biogeophys -- Biogeophysics (Hydrology) ============================================================================================= QUICKSTART: using the CPL7 scripts: ============================================================================================= cd scripts ./create_newcase # get help on how to run create_newcase ./create_newcase -case testI -mach bluefire -res f19_g16 -compset I # create new "I" case for bluefire at 1.9x2.5_gx1v6 res # "I" case is clm active, datm8, and inactive ice/ocn cd testI ./cesm_setup # create the $ file ./ # build model and create namelists ./testI.bluefire.submit # submit script # (NOTE: ./xmlchange RESUBMIT=10 to set RESUBMIT to number # # of times to automatically resubmit -- 10 in this example)