---------------- CCSM TIMING PROFILE --------------------- Case : PFS.T62_g16.C.yellowstone_intel.100533 LID : 130115-101430 Machine : yellowstone Caseroot : /glade/p/work/jedwards/sandboxes/cesm1_1_0_rel06/scripts/PFS.T62_g16.C.yellowstone_intel.100533 Timeroot : /glade/p/work/jedwards/sandboxes/cesm1_1_0_rel06/scripts/PFS.T62_g16.C.yellowstone_intel.100533/Tools CCSM User : jedwards CCSM Tag : cesm1_1_1_alpha01c (best guess) Curr Date : Tue Jan 15 10:17:37 MST 2013 grid : T62_gx1v6 compset : C_NORMAL_YEAR (C) run_type : startup, continue_run = FALSE (inittype = TRUE) stop_option : ndays, stop_n = 20 run_length : 20 days (19 for ocean) component comp_pes root_pe tasks x threads instances (stride) --------- ------ ------- ------ ------ --------- ------ cpl = cpl 120 0 60 x 2 1 (1 ) glc = sglc 120 0 60 x 2 1 (1 ) lnd = slnd 120 0 60 x 2 1 (1 ) rof = drof 120 0 60 x 2 1 (1 ) ice = dice 120 0 60 x 2 1 (1 ) atm = datm 120 0 60 x 2 1 (1 ) ocn = pop2 120 0 60 x 2 1 (1 ) total pes active : 120 pes per node : 16 pe count for cost estimate : 64 Overall Metrics: Model Cost: 48.62 pe-hrs/simulated_year Model Throughput: 31.59 simulated_years/day Init Time : 17.943 seconds Run Time : 149.869 seconds 7.493 seconds/day Final Time : 0.007 seconds Actual Ocn Init Wait Time : 0.000 seconds Estimated Ocn Init Run Time : 7.340 seconds Estimated Run Time Correction : 7.340 seconds (This correction has been applied to the ocean and total run times) Runs Time in total seconds, seconds/model-day, and model-years/wall-day CPL Run Time represents time in CPL pes alone, not including time associated with data exchange with other components TOT Run Time: 149.869 seconds 7.493 seconds/mday 31.59 myears/wday LND Run Time: 0.000 seconds 0.000 seconds/mday 0.00 myears/wday ROF Run Time: 0.086 seconds 0.004 seconds/mday 55049.38 myears/wday ICE Run Time: 0.466 seconds 0.023 seconds/mday 10159.33 myears/wday ATM Run Time: 1.589 seconds 0.079 seconds/mday 2979.39 myears/wday OCN Run Time: 146.798 seconds 7.340 seconds/mday 32.25 myears/wday GLC Run Time: 0.000 seconds 0.000 seconds/mday 0.00 myears/wday CPL Run Time: 1.148 seconds 0.057 seconds/mday 4123.91 myears/wday ---------------- DRIVER TIMING FLOWCHART --------------------- NOTE: min:max driver timers (seconds/day): CPL (pes 0 to 59) OCN (pes 0 to 59) LND (pes 0 to 59) ROF (pes 0 to 59) ICE (pes 0 to 59) ATM (pes 0 to 59) GLC (pes 0 to 59) DRIVER_CLOCK_ADVANCE 0.001: 0.001 DRIVER_OCNPREP 0.031: 0.036 DRIVER_C2O <----> 0.000: 0.003 DRIVER_ICEPREP 0.003: 0.003 DRIVER_C2I <----> 0.001: 0.001 DRIVER_ICE_RUN 0.018: 0.023 DRIVER_ROF_RUN 0.003: 0.004 DRIVER_OCN_RUN 7.331: 7.340 DRIVER_ATMOCNP 0.008: 0.014 DRIVER_R2C <----> 0.000: 0.000 DRIVER_ROFPOST 0.000: 0.000 DRIVER_BUDGET1 0.001: 0.002 DRIVER_I2C <----> 0.001: 0.001 DRIVER_FRACSET 0.001: 0.007 DRIVER_ATM_RUN 0.067: 0.079 DRIVER_A2C <----> 0.000: 0.005 DRIVER_BUDGET2 0.000: 0.001 DRIVER_BUDGET3 0.000: 0.000 DRIVER_BUDGETF 0.000: 0.000 DRIVER_O2C <----> 0.000: 0.004 DRIVER_TSTAMP_WRITE 0.000: 0.000 More info on coupler timing: DRIVER_OCNPREP 0.031: 0.036 driver_ocnprep_atm2ocn 0.029: 0.034 driver_ocnprep_avg 0.000: 0.000 driver_ocnprep_rof2ocn 0.001: 0.003 driver_ocnprep_rofcopy 0.000: 0.000 DRIVER_ICEPREP 0.003: 0.003 driver_iceprep_ocn2ice 0.000: 0.000 driver_iceprep_atm2ice 0.001: 0.001 driver_iceprep_mrgx2i 0.002: 0.002 DRIVER_ATMOCNP 0.008: 0.014 driver_atmocnp_ice2ocn 0.000: 0.001 driver_atmocnp_mrgx2o 0.006: 0.007 driver_atmocnp_accum 0.001: 0.001 driver_atmocnp_fluxo 0.001: 0.006 driver_rofpost_raccum 0.000: 0.000 DRIVER_BUDGET 0.001: 0.002 DRIVER_BUDGET1 0.001: 0.002 DRIVER_BUDGET2 0.000: 0.001 DRIVER_BUDGET3 0.000: 0.000 DRIVER_BUDGETF 0.000: 0.000