Authors: David Williamson and Jerry Olson Date: Aug 16, 2011 ----- CAM4 and CAM5 temperature and moisture balances We refer to them as balances rather than budgets because they are the tendency terms in the prognostic equations for T and specific hunidity, etc. rather than budgets of the mass of water or internal energy. Nomenclature We distinguish between the following 5 forms of water and their conversions water vapor cloud liquid cloud ice cloud water = cloud liquid + cloud ice rain snow precipitation = rain + snow vapor, liquid and ice are predicted in time rain and snow are assumed to fall out in the time step they are created. all variables can be put on history file except those in square brackets [XXXX] which denote a variable derived from history variables All variables should be accumulated except state variables used to calculate tendencies. First section is a symbolic summary Second section is an explanation Third section is a further summarized tree (for CAM5 only) ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---> Q (water vapor) BALANCE summary (all tendencies kg/kg/s) [TEQ_FV] = TAQ + PTEQ PTEQ = DCQ + VD01 + DMEQ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! CAM4 !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DCQ = [DRYADJDQ] + [ZMTOTDQ] + [CMFTOTDQ] + [PCWDQ] [ZMTOTDQ] = ZMDQ + EVAPQZM [CMFTOTDQ] = CMFDQ + EVAPQCM [PCWDQ] = - CME + EVAPPREC + DQSED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! CAM5 !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DCQ = [DRYADJDQ] + [ZMTOTDQ] + CMFDQ + MACPDQ + MPDQ [ZMTOTDQ] = ZMDQ + EVAPQZM MACPDQ = - CMELIQ + CLDVAPADJ (liquid and ice <--> vapor + vertical transfer) - CLDLIQLIM (liquid <--> vapor) - CLDICELIM (ice --> vapor) [MACDQ] = MACPDQ + CMELIQ [MACDQ] = + CLDVAPADJ (liquid and ice <--> vapor + vertical transfer) - CLDLIQLIM (liquid <--> vapor) - CLDICELIM (ice --> vapor) MPDQ = QCSEVAP - QCRESO (liquid <--> vapor) + QISEVAP - QIRESO - CMEIOUT (ice <--> vapor) + [EVAPRAIN] (rain --> vapor) + EVAPSNOW (snow --> vapor) [MICDQ] = MPDQ - CMELIQ [MICDQ] = QCSEVAP - QCRESO - CMELIQ (liquid <--> vapor) + QISEVAP - QIRESO - CMEIOUT (ice <--> vapor) + [EVAPRAIN] (rain --> vapor) + EVAPSNOW (snow --> vapor) [EVAPRAIN] = EVAPPREC - EVAPSNOW QVRES = - QCRESO - QIRESO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---> Q BALANCE explanation (all tendencies kg/kg/s) ===> points to an equation in the first section ===> [TEQ_FV] = TAQ + PTEQ TAQ - specific humidity transport _____________________________________________ | | | the transport could be derived by: | | | | | | [TAQ] = [TEQ_FV] - PTEQ | |___________________________________________| [TEQ_FV] - total q tendency [TEQ_FV] = (QAP(n)-QAP(n-1))/(time(n)-time(n-1)) QAP - Q after the parameterizations are calculated and added to Q (QBP - Q before the parameterizations are calculated and after the dynamics, not used in budget) PTEQ - Total physics tendency (calculated by [after - before]/dt) ===> PTEQ = DCQ + VD01 + DMEQ DCQ - Tendency from precipitation physics (calculated by [after - before]/dt) VD01 - Vertical diffusion tendency (this should be called VDQ, but it ain't) CAM4: H-B PBL CAM5: UW PBL, includes diffusion in upper troposphere (?) DMEQ - after the last physics_update, pressure values are changed to reflect the change in water mass by the parameterizations. Then the specific humidity is corrected giving DMEQ. The pressure correction can be formulated to change the pressure alone without changing the specific humidity. The two methods differ by [q dq +O(q^2 dq)] compared to dq, where dq is the change made by the parameterizations. The difference is just different time truncation errors. The 3-d pressure field is updated and returned to the dynamics for the next time step. This field no longer representable by the surface pressure and eta-coordinates unlike the field input to the parameterizations after the vertical remapping. This pressure change might also affect the energy since the energy conservation in the parameterizations assumes pressure does not change. In this case this inconsistency is also folded into the energy fixer. There is a negative tracer fixer in the FV at the beginning of the physics, actually done in DP_COUPLING rather than the physics proper. (The so called "Byron's negative fixer"). The vertical remapping operator is not strictly monotonic at the endpoints. Therefore tracers can be negative in the bottom layer after the dynamics. If the layer above has sufficient tracer, then enough is moved down to set the bottom level tracer to a minimum value in a conservative fashion. If there is not a sufficient amount available it does nothing. The fixing is done in DP_COUPLING and therefore is not included in PTEQ. It is not output to the history file. Therefore it is included in our derived [TEQ_FV] This fixer employes a specified "small" number rather than a relative small number for each tracer and may be inconsistent resulting in a problem. Because the directional slitting in the FV core monotonic operators, the FV is not absolutely monotonic, and the core might produce negatives before the remapping? The negative filler associated with the negative tracer checking routine used in the parameterizations is also not on history file. It is also in the residual. Since TAQ is on the history file, the sum of all these fixers could be determined as a residual. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! CAM4 !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ===> DCQ = [DRYADJDQ] + [ZMTOTDQ] + [CMFTOTDQ] + [PCWDQ] [DRYADJDQ] - dry convective adjustment, there is no history variable it is applied only on the top three levels and generally can be ignored [ZMTOTDQ] = ZMDQ + EVAPQZM (total change due to Zhang convection) ZMDQ - Zhang moist convection tendency EVAPQZM - evaporation of Zhang convective precip [CMFTOTDQ] = CMFDQ + EVAPQCM (total change due to shallow convection) CMFDQ - shallow moist convection tendency EVAPQCM - evaporation of shallow convective precip [PCWDQ] = - CME + EVAPPREC + DQSED (total change due to prognostic cloud water) CME - conversion between vapor and condensate within the stratiform cloud EVAPPREC - Rate of evaporation of falling precip (liquid and snow) DQSED - evaporation of cloud water sedimentation CMELIQ = CME * (1-fice) (fraction of liq) - Rate of cond-evap of ice within the cloud CMEICE = CME * fice (fraction of ice) - Rate of cond-evap of liq within the cloud [EVAPRAIN] = EVAPPREC - EVAPSNOW - Rate of evaporation of falling precip EVAPSNOW - Rate of evaporation of falling snow DQSED = DLSED + DISED DLSED - Cloud liquid tendency from sedimentation DISED - Cloud ice tendency from sedimentation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! CAM5 !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ===> DCQ = [DRYADJDQ] + [ZMTOTDQ] + CMFDQ + MACPDQ + MPDQ [ - dry convective adjustment, there is no history variable it is applied only on the top three levels and generally can be ignored (we never missed it: it must be a rare event) [ZMTOTDQ] = ZMDQ + EVAPQZM (total change due to Zhang convection) ZMDQ - Zhang moist convection tendency EVAPQZM - evaporation of Zhang convective precip CMFDQ - UW shallow convection tendency (NOTE: the old EVAPQCM = 0 on history file, i.e. not called with UW shallow) MACPDQ - tendency from "macrophysics" subroutine (not an after-before) MPDQ - tendency from "microphysics" subroutine (not an after-before) ===> MACPDQ = - CMELIQ + CLDVAPADJ (liquid and ice <--> vapor + vertical) - CLDLIQLIM (liquid <--> vapor) - CLDICELIM (ice --> vapor) CMELIQ - Rate of cond-evap of liquid within the cloud CLDVAPADJ - prevents negative cloud liquid and ice (see CLDLIQADJ and CLDICEADJ in LIQ and ICE budgets) In layer, if enough vapor present if liquid < 0, vapor is condensed to make liquid 0 if ice < 0, vapor is condensed to make ice 0 If not enough vapor in that layer, transfer from lower layer CLDLIQLIM - adjustment tendency to prevent cloud liquid from being too large. If liquid > ???, excess converted to vapor CLDICELIM - prevent inconsistent cloud ice and ice cloud fraction If ice cloud fraction is 0, but cloud ice is positive, cloud ice converted to vapor ===> MPDQ = QCSEVAP - QCRESO (liquid <--> vapor) + QISEVAP - QIRESO - CMEIOUT (ice <--> vapor) + [EVAPRAIN] (rain --> vapor) + EVAPSNOW (snow --> vapor) QCSEVAP - Rate of evaporation of falling cloud liquid QISEVAP - Rate of sublimation of falling cloud ice QCRESO - Residual condensation term for cloud liquid QIRESO - Residual deposition term for cloud ice CMEIOUT - Rate of deposition/sublimation of cloud ice EVAPSNOW - Rate of evaporation of falling snow [EVAPRAIN] = EVAPPREC - EVAPSNOW [EVAPRAIN] = EVAPPREC - EVAPSNOW EVAPPREC - Rate of evaporation of falling precip [CMETOT] = CMELIQ + CMEIOUT there is a CMEICE on history file, but it has no meaning and is 0 QVRES - Rate of residual condensation (removes any supersaturation with respect to water after updating all the microphysics tendencies for q and T (static energy) QVRES = - QCRESO - QIRESO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---> Q BALANCE tree !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! CAM5 !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TAQ PTEQ DCQ [DRYADJDQ] [ZMTOTDQ] ZMDQ EVAPQZM CMFDQ MACPDQ CMELIQ [NONPHYSDQ] CLDVAPADJ CLDLIQLIM CLDICELIM MPDQ (following also in 5th level CLDLIQ and CLDICE file nd in MPDT) QCSEVAP QCRESO QISEVAP QIRESO CMEIOUT EVAPPREC EVAPSNOW VD01 DMEQ other combinations [MACDQ] MACPDQ CMELIQ or [MACDQ] CLDVAPADJ CLDLIQLIM CLDICELIM [MICDQ] MPDQ CMELIQ or [MICDQ] QCSEVAP QCRESO CMELIQ QISEVAP QIRESO CMEIOUT [EVAPRAIN] EVAPPREC EVAPSNOW EVAPSNOW QVRES QCRESO QIRESO [DQCONV] = [ZMTOTDQ] + CMFDQ [NONPHYSDQ] = CLDVAPADJ - CLDLIQLIM - CLDICELIM ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---> CLDLIQ and CLDICE (CLOUD LIQUID AND ICE) BALANCE summary (all tendencies kg/kg/s) [TECLDLIQ_FV] = TACLDLIQ + PTECLDLIQ + [TECLDLIQ_RES] [TECLDICE_FV] = TACLDICE + PTECLDICE + [TECLDICE_RES] PTECLDLIQ = DCCLDLIQ + VDCLDLIQ + DMECLDLIQ PTECLDICE = DCCLDICE + VDCLDICE + DMECLDICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! CAM4 !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DCCLDLIQ = ZMDLIQ + CMFDLIQ + ZMDLF + CMELIQ - LIQ2PR + DLSED + REPARTLIQ DCCLDICE = ZMDICE + CMFDICE + CMEICE - ICE2PR + DISED + REPARTICE CME = CMELIQ + CMEICE (see water vapor equation) [PRODPREC] = ICE2PR + LIQ2PR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! CAM5 !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DCCLDLIQ = ZMDLIQ + CMFDLIQ + MACPDLIQ + MPDLIQ + DPDLFLIQ + SHDLFLIQ DCCLDICE = ZMDICE + CMFDICE + MACPDICE + MPDICE + DPDLFICE + SHDLFICE MACPDLIQ = CMELIQ + CLDLIQADJ + CLDLIQLIM (liquid <--> vapor) MACPDICE = CLDICEADJ + CLDICELIM (ice <--> vapor) MPDLIQ = [QCSEDDT] + MPDW2V + MPDW2I + MPDW2P MPDICE = [QISEDDT] + MPDI2V + MPDI2W + MPDI2P [QCSEDDT] = QCSEDTEN + QCSEVAP [QISEDDT] = QISEDTEN + QISEVAP MPDW2V = - QCSEVAP + QCRESO (liquid <--> vapor) MPDW2I = - MNUCCCO - MNUCCTO - BERGO + MELTO - HOMOO - MSACWIO (liquid <--> ice) MPDW2P = - PRAO - PRCO (liquid --> rain) - PSACWSO - BERGSO (liquid --> snow) MPDI2V = - QISEVAP + QIRESO + CMEIOUT (ice <--> vapor) MPDI2W = + MNUCCCO + MNUCCTO + BERGO - MELTO + HOMOO + MSACWIO (ice <--> liquid) MPDI2P = - PRCIO - PRAIO (ice --> snow) (MPDW2I = - MPDI2W) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---> CLDLIQ and CLDICE (CLOUD LIQUID AND ICE) BALANCES explanation (all tendencies kg/kg/s) ===> [TECLDLIQ_FV] = TACLDLIQ + PTECLDLIQ + [TECLDLIQ_RES] ===> [TECLDICE_FV] = TACLDICE + PTECLDICE + [TECLDICE_RES] [TECLDLIQ_FV] - total CLDLIQ tendency [TECLDICE_FV] - total CLDICE tendency [TECLDLIQ_FV(n)] = (CLDLIQAP(n) - CLDLIQAP(n-1))/(t(n) - t(n-1)) [TECLDICE_FV(n)] = (CLDICEAP(n) - CLDICEAP(n-1))/(t(n) - t(n-1)) TACLDLIQ - Cloud liquid transport TACLDICE - Cloud ice transport ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | the transport could be derived by: | | | | [TACLDLIQ_FV] - Cloud liquid transport | | [TACLDICE_FV] - Cloud ice transport | | | | | | [TACLDLIQ_FV(n)] = (CLDLIQBP(n) - CLDLIQAP(n-1))/(t(n) - t(n-1)) | | [TACLDICE_FV(n)] = (CLDICEBP(n) - CLDICEAP(n-1))/(t(n) - t(n-1)) | | | |__________________________________________________________________________| PTECLDLIQ - Total physics tendency (calculated by [after - before]/dt) PTEICELIQ - Total physics tendency (calculated by [after - before]/dt) [TECLDLIQ_RES] - residual which is not zero because TECLDLIQ and TACLDLIQ are based on dry mixing ratios and DCCLDLIQ and VDCLDLIQ are based on moist mixing ratios (as are all the components of DCCLDLIQ ) [TECLDLIQ_RES] = [TECLDLIQ_FV] - PTECLDLIQ - TACLDLIQ [TECLDICE_RES] = [TECLDICE_FV] - PTECLDICE - TACLDICE ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | Note: if we want to ignore [TECLDLIQ_RES] and [TECLDICE_RES], | | which should be negligible for practical analysis, | | and if we do not want to put CLDLIQBP and CLDICEBP on the | | history files along with CLDLIQAP and CLDICEAP, | | the advection can be calculated from | | [TACLDICE_FV] = [TECLDLIQ_FV] - PTECLDLIQ | | [TACLDICE_FV] = [TECLDICE_FV] - PTEICELIQ | | | |__________________________________________________________________________| ===> PTECLDLIQ = DCCLDLIQ + VDCLDLIQ + DMECLDLIQ ===> PTECLDICE = DCCLDICE + VDCLDICE + DMECLDICE DCCLDLIQ - CLDLIQ tendency from precipitation physics (calculated by [after - before]/dt) VDCLDLIQ - CLDLIQ tendency from vertical diffusion DMECLDLIQ - Tendency of CLDLIQ for dry mass adjustment (see DMEQ in water vapor equation) DCCLDICE - CLDICE tendency from precipitation physics (calculated by [after - before]/dt) VDCLDICE - CLDICE tendency from vertical diffusion DMECLDICE - Tendency of CLDICE for dry mass adjustment (see DMEQ in water vapor equation) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! CAM4 !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ===> DCCLDLIQ = ZMDLIQ + CMFDLIQ + ZMDLF + CMELIQ - LIQ2PR + DLSED + REPARTLIQ ===> DCCLDICE = ZMDICE + CMFDICE + CMEICE - ICE2PR + DISED + REPARTICE ZMDICE - Cloud ice tendency - Zhang-McFarlane convection ZMDLIQ - Cloud liq tendency - Zhang-McFarlane convection (presumably transport? and detrainment) CMFDICE - Cloud ice tendency - Hack shallow convection CMFDLIQ - Cloud liq tendency - Hack shallow convection (presumably transport? and detrainment) ZMDLF - Detrained liquid water from Zhang+Hack convection (contrary to code comments which say ZM convection) sedimentation DLSED - Cloud liquid tendency from sedimentation (includes evaporation) DISED - Cloud ice tendency from sedimentation (includes evaporation) liquid <--> vapor CMELIQ - Rate of cond-evap of liquid within the cloud ice <--> vapor CMEICE - Rate of cond-evap of ice within the cloud liquid <--> ice REPARTLIQ - Cloud ice tendency from cloud ice/liquid repartitioning REPARTICE - Cloud liq tendency from cloud ice/liquid repartitioning a strong repartioning of all liquid and ice, including detrained liquid, so that the partition is near the temperature dependent curve in the original RK liquid --> precip LIQ2PR - Rate of conversion of liquid to precip ice --> precip ICE2PR - Rate of conversion of ice to precip CME = CMELIQ + CMEICE (see water vapor equation) [PRODPREC] = ICE2PR + LIQ2PR - Rate of conversion of condensate to precip (kg/kg/s) coming out of stratiform module !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! CAM5 !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ===> DCCLDLIQ = ZMDLIQ + CMFDLIQ + MACPDLIQ + MPDLIQ + DPDLFLIQ + SHDLFLIQ ===> DCCLDICE = ZMDICE + CMFDICE + MACPDICE + MPDICE + DPDLFICE + SHDLFICE ZMDICE - Cloud ice tendency - Zhang-McFarlane convection ZMDLIQ - Cloud liq tendency - Zhang-McFarlane convection (presumably transport since detrainment is below) DPDLFICE - Cloud ice tendency - Zhang-McFarlane convection, detrained ice DPDLFLIQ - Cloud liq tendency - Zhang-McFarlane convection, detrained liquid CMFDICE - Cloud ice tendency - UW shallow convection CMFDLIQ - Cloud liq tendency - UW shallow convection (presumably transport since detrainment is below) SHDLFICE - Cloud ice tendency - UW shallow convection, detrained ice SHDLFLIQ - Cloud liq tendency - UW shallow convection, detrained liquid MACPDLIQ - tendency of cloud liquid from macrophysics subroutine MACPDICE - tendency of cloud ice from macrophysics subroutine calculated by (CLDLIQ_after - CLDLIQ_before)/DT (CLDICE_after - CLDICE_before)/DT MPDLIQ - tendency of cloud liquid from microphysics subroutine MPDICE - tendency of cloud ice from microphysics subroutine calculated by (CLDLIQ_after - CLDLIQ_before)/DT (CLDICE_after - CLDICE_before)/DT ===> MACPDLIQ = CMELIQ + CLDLIQADJ + CLDLIQLIM (liquid <--> vapor) ===> MACPDICE = CLDICEADJ + CLDICELIM (ice <--> vapor) CMELIQ - see vapor equation CLDLIQADJ - prevents negative cloud liquid In layer, if enough vapor present if liquid < 0, vapor is condensed to make liquid 0 If not enough vapor in that layer, transfer from lower layer CLDICEADJ - prevents negative cloud ice In layer, if enough vapor present if ice < 0, vapor is condensed to make ice 0 If not enough vapor in that layer, transfer from lower layer CLDLIQADJ and CLDICEADJ are local. In the vapor equation CLDVAPADJ includes these two conversions and any required vertical transfer CLDLIQLIM - see vapor equation CLDICELIM - see vapor equation ===> MPDLIQ = [QCSEDDT] + MPDW2V + MPDW2I + MPDW2P ===> MPDICE = [QISEDDT] + MPDI2V + MPDI2W + MPDI2P [QCSEDDT] - Cloud liquid mixing ratio tendency from sedimentation [QISEDDT] - Cloud ice mixing ratio tendency from sedimentation ===> [QCSEDDT] = QCSEDTEN + QCSEVAP ===> [QISEDDT] = QISEDTEN + QISEVAP QCSEDTEN - Cloud water mixing ratio tendency from sedimentation including evaporation QCSEVAP QISEDTEN - Cloud ice mixing ratio tendency from sedimentation including evaporation QISEVAP MPDW2V - liquid <--> vapor MPDW2I - liquid <--> ice MPDW2P - liquid --> precip MPDI2V - ice <--> vapor MPDI2W - ice <--> liquid MPDI2P - ice --> precip ===> MPDW2V = - QCSEVAP + QCRESO ===> MPDW2I = - MNUCCCO - MNUCCTO - BERGO + MELTO - HOMOO - MSACWIO ===> MPDW2P = - PRAO - PRCO ===> - PSACWSO - BERGSO ===> MPDI2V = - QISEVAP + QIRESO + CMEIOUT ===> MPDI2W = + MNUCCCO + MNUCCTO + BERGO - MELTO + HOMOO + MSACWIO ===> MPDI2P = - PRCIO - PRAIO ===> (MPDW2I = - MPDI2W) liquid <--> vapor QCSEVAP - Rate of evaporation of falling cloud liquid QCRESO - Residual condensation term for cloud liquid (liquid component of QVRES in vapor equation) ice <--> vapor QISEVAP - Rate of sublimation of falling cloud ice QIRESO - Residual deposition term for cloud ice (ice component of QVRES in vapor equation) CMEIOUT - Rate of deposition/sublimation of cloud ice liquid <--> ice MNUCCCO - Immersion freezing of cloud liquid MNUCCTO - contact freezing of cloud liquid BERGO - Conversion of cloud liquid to cloud ice from bergeron MELTO - Melting of cloud ice HOMOO - Homogeneous freezing of cloud liquid MSACWIO - Conversion of cloud liquid from rime-splintering liquid --> precip PRCO - Autoconversion of cloud liquid PRAO - Accretion of cloud liquid by rain PSACWSO - Accretion of cloud liquid by snow BERGSO - Conversion of cloud liquid to snow from bergeron ice --> precip PRCIO - Autoconversion of cloud ice PRAIO - Accretion of cloud ice by rain ("to snow" in code comment) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---> CLDLIQ and CLDICE (CLOUD LIQUID AND ICE) BALANCES tree TACLDLIQ PTECLDLIQ DCCLDLIQ ZMDLIQ CMFDLIQ MACPDLIQ CMELIQ CLDLIQADJ CLDLIQLIM MPDLIQ [QCSEDDT] QCSEDTEN QCSEVAP MPDW2V QCSEVAP QCRESO MPDW2I MNUCCCO MNUCCTO BERGO MELTO HOMOO MSACWIO MPDW2P PRAO PRCO PSACWSO BERGSO DPDLELIQ SHDLFLIQ VDVLDLIQ DMECLDLIQ should be small, calculate as residual CLDLIQAP TACLDICE PTECLDICE DCCLDICE ZMDICE CMFDICE MACPDICE CLDICEADJ CLDICELI MPDICE [QISEDDT] QISEDTEN QISEVAP MPDI2V QISEVAP QIRESO CMEIOUT MPDI2W {= - MPDW2I) MNUCCCO MNUCCTO BERGO MELTO HOMOO MSACWIO MPDI2P PRCIO PRAIO DPDLEICE SHDLFICE VDVLDICE DMECLDICE should be small, calculate as residual CLDICEAP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---> T BALANCE summary (all tendencies K/s) [ADIAB4_FV] - adiabatic or dynamical tendency [ADIAB4_FV] = [TTEND_FV] - (PTTEND + TFIX) [TTEND_FV] - total T tendency (not available in FV core, would require saving old T, must be diagnosed from instantaneous samples) [TTEND_FV] = (TAP(n)-TAP(n-1))/(time(n)-time(n-1)) TAP - T after the parameterizations are calculated (and added to T) (TBP - T before the parameterizations are calculated and after the dynamics, not used in budget) PTTEND - Total physics tendency TFIX - Energy fixer (note: TFIX is a constant but output as a 2-d field since history files do not output constants.) (a 3-d version [TFIX3] can be derived) PTTEND = DTCOND + QRS + QRL + DTV + TTGWORO DTCOND - Precipitation physics tendency QRS - Solar heating rate QRL - Longwave heating rate DTV - Vertical diffusion tendency TTGWORO - Gravity wave tendency [RADD] = QRS + QRL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! CAM4 !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DTCOND = [DRYADJDT] + [ZMTOTDT] + [CMFTOTDT] + [PCWDT] [ZMTOTDT] = ZMDT + EVAPTZM [CMFTOTDT] = CMFDT + EVAPTCM [PCWDT] = HPROGCLD/CPAIR + HSED/CPAIR [EVRNTZM] = EVAPTZM - FZSNTZM - EVSNTZM [EVRNTCM] = EVAPTCM - FZSNTCM - EVSNTCM HPROGCLD = HCME + HEVAP + HFREEZ + HMELT + HREPART CPAIR = 1.00464e3 J/(kg K) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! CAM5 !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DTCOND = [DRYADJDT] + [ZMTOTDT] + [CMDTOTDT] + MACPDT/CPAIR + MPDT/CPAIR [ZMTOTDT] = ZMDT + EVAPTZM + ZMMTT + DPDLFT [CMDTOTDT] = CMFDT + SHDLFT [EVRNTZM] = EVAPTZM - FZSNTZM - EVSNTZM [DTCONV] = ZMDT + EVAPTZM + ZMMTT + CMFDT + DPDLFT + SHDLFT (total change due to convection) MACPDT = + L_v*CMELIQ + L_v*CLDLIQADJ + L_v*CLDLIQLIM (liquid <--> vapor) + (L_v+L_i)*CLDICEADJ + (L_v+L_i)*CLDICELIM (ice --> vapor) MPDT = - L_v*QCSEVAP + L_v*QCRESO (liquid <--> vapor) - (L_v+L_i)*QISEVAP + (L_v+L_i)*QIRESO + (L_v+L_i)*CMEIOUT (ice <--> vapor) - L_v*[EVAPRAIN] (rain --> vapor) - (L_v+L_i)*EVAPSNOW (snow --> vapor) - L_i*MPDW2I (liquid --> ice) + L_i*(PSACWSO + BERGSO) (liquid --> snow) + L_i*MNUCCRO (heterogeneous freezing of rain --> snow) + L_i*PRACSO (accretion of rain by snow) + MELTSDT (melting of snow to rain - W/Kg) + FRZRDT (Homogeneous freezing of rain to snow - W/Kg) [NONPHYSDT] = L_v*CLDLIQADJ + (L_v+L_i)*CLDICEADJ + (L_v+L_i)*CLDICELIM + L_v*QCRESO + (L_v+L_i)*QIRESO - prevent nonphysical states by making arbitrary corrections, should always be small compared to the physical terms --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---> T BALANCE explanation (all tendencies K/s) ===> points to an equation in the first section [ADIAB4_FV] - adiabatic or dynamical tendency (cannot partition into horizontal and vertical) ===> [ADIAB4_FV] = [TTEND_FV] - (PTTEND + TFIX) [TTEND_FV] - total T tendency (not available in FV core, would require saving old T, must be diagnosed from instantaneous samples) ===> [TTEND_FV] = (TAP(n)-TAP(n-1))/(time(n)-time(n-1)) TAP - T after the parameterizations are calculated (and added to T) (TBP - T before the parameterizations are calculated and after the dynamics, not used in budget) PTTEND - Total physics tendency TFIX - Energy fixer - this is intended to fix energy lost by dynamics but includes an inconsistency introduced in the parameterizations. The updated T passed to the dynamics is from the accumulation of the DELTA T from each parameterization, not the T from physics_update which is obtained by inverting the accumulated, updated dry static energy. The beginning energy to the fixer is that dry static energy, and the ending energy is the dry static energy from the dynamical core. BUT see also DMEQ in vapor budget for another possible energy inconsistency. (note: TFIX is a constant but output as a 2-d field since history files do not output constants.) (a 3-d version [TFIX3] can be derived) ===> PTTEND = DTCOND + QRS + QRL + DTV + TTGWORO DTCOND - Precipitation physics tendency QRS - Solar heating rate QRL - Longwave heating rate DTV - Vertical diffusion tendency TTGWORO - Gravity wave tendency [RADD] = QRS + QRL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! CAM4 !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ===> DTCOND = [DRYADJDT] + [ZMTOTDT] + [CMFTOTDT] + [PCWDT] DTCOND - calculated via (after - before)/dt [DRYADJDT] - dry convective adjustment, there is no history variable it is applied only on the top three levels and generally can be ignored (we never missed it: it must be a rare event) ===> [ZMTOTDT] = ZMDT + EVAPTZM (total change due to Zhang convection) ZMDT - Zhang moist convection tendency (creating rain only) EVAPTZM - T tendency from snow formation and rain and snow evaporation of Zhang convective precip FZSNTZM (subset of EVAPTZM) - T tendency from rain freezing to snow assocoated with Zhang convective precip EVSNTZM (subset of EVAPTZM) - T tendency from snow melting to rain associated with Zhang convective precip ===> [EVRNTZM] = EVAPTZM - FZSNTZM - EVSNTZM T tendency from evaporation of rain from Zhang convection ===> [CMFTOTDT] = CMFDT + EVAPTCM (total change due to shallow convection) CMFDT - shallow moist convection tendency EVAPTCM - T tendency from snow formation and rain and snow evaporation of shallow convective precip FZSNTCM (subset of EVAPTCM) - T tendency from rain freezing to snow assocoated with shallow convective precip EVSNTCM (subset of EVAPTCM) - T tendency from snow melting to rain associated with shallow convective precip ===> [EVRNTCM] = EVAPTCM - FZSNTCM - EVSNTCM T tendency from evaporation of rain from shallow convection ===> [PCWDT] = HPROGCLD/CPAIR + HSED/CPAIR HPROGCLD - energy (W/kg) from prognostic cloud water (stratiform) HSED - energy (W/kg) from evaporation of sedimentaton ===> HPROGCLD = HCME + HEVAP + HFREEZ + HMELT + HREPART HCME - energy (W/kg) due to conversion between vapor and condensate (both liquid and ice) within the stratiform cloud (+ for vapor to condensate) corresponds to CME in DCQ (+ for vapor to condensate) HEVAP - energy (W/kg) due to evaporation of falling precip (i.e. the stuff created by CME) equivalent to EVAPPREC, there is no heating term at the moment in the model equivalent to EVAPSNOW - we can add it HMELT - energy (W/kg) due to melting of cloud ice (no effect on vapor) HFREEZ - energy (W/kg) due to freezing of cloud water (no effect on vapor) HREPART - energy (W/kg) according to addfld call 'Heating from cloud ice/liquid repartitioning' but it is separate from HMELT and HFREEZ CPAIR = 1.00464e3 J/(kg K) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! CAM5 !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ===> DTCOND = [DRYADJDT] + [ZMTOTDT] + [CMDTOTDT] + MACPDT/CPAIR + MPDT/CPAIR DTCOND - calculated via (after - before)/dt [DRYADJDT] - dry convective adjustment, there is no history variable it is applied only on the top three levels and generally can be ignored (we never missed it: it must be a rare event) ===> [CMDTOTDT] = CMFDT + SHDLFT CMFDT - shallow moist convection tendency SPDLFT - shallow convection detrainment, phase change (liquid --> ice) (K/s) ===> [ZMTOTDT] = ZMDT + EVAPTZM + ZMMTT + DPDLFT (total change due to Zhang convection) ZMDT - Zhang moist convection tendency (creating rain only) ZMMTT - heating from convective momentum transport EVAPTZM - T tendency from snow formation and rain and snow evaporation of Zhang convective precip FZSNTZM (subset of EVAPTZM) - T tendency from rain freezing to snow assocoated with Zhang convective precip EVSNTZM (subset of EVAPTZM) - T tendency from snow melting to rain associated with Zhang convective precip DPDLFT - Zhang convection detrainment, phase change (liquid --> ice) (K/s) ===> [EVRNTZM] = EVAPTZM - FZSNTZM - EVSNTZM T tendency from evaporation of rain from Zhang convection ===> [DTCONV] = ZMDT + EVAPTZM + CMFDT + DPDLFT + SHDLFT (total change due to convection) MACPDT and MPDT are not calculated via after and before differences, they accumulate in the macrophysics and microphysics routines ===> MACPDT = + L_v*CMELIQ + L_v*CLDLIQADJ + L_v*CLDLIQLIM (liquid <--> vapor) + (L_v+L_i)*CLDICEADJ + (L_v+L_i)*CLDICELIM (ice --> vapor) + L_i*CLDICEDET (ice --> liquid) CMELIQ - Rate of cond-evap of liquid within the cloud CLDLIQADJ - prevents negative cloud liquid In layer, if enough vapor present if liquid < 0, vapor is condensed to make liquid 0 If not enough vapor in that layer, transfer from lower layer Any vertical transfer is in CLDVAPADJ in the vapor equation and is not included in CLDLIQADJ CLDLIQLIM - adjustment tendency to prevent cloud liquid from being too large. If liquid > ???, excess converted to vapor CLDICEADJ - prevents negative cloud ice In layer, if enough vapor present if ice < 0, vapor is condensed to make ice 0 If not enough vapor in that layer, transfer from lower layer Any vertical transfer is in CLDVAPADJ in the vapor equation and is not included in CLDLIQADJ CLDICELIM - prevent inconsistent cloud ice and ice cloud fraction If ice cloud fraction is 0, but cloud ice is positive, cloud ice converted to vapor ===> MPDT = - L_v*QCSEVAP + L_v*QCRESO (liquid <--> vapor) - (L_v+L_i)*QISEVAP + (L_v+L_i)*QIRESO + (L_v+L_i)*CMEIOUT (ice <--> vapor) - L_v*[EVAPRAIN] (rain --> vapor) - (L_v+L_i)*EVAPSNOW (snow --> vapor) - L_i*MPDW2I (liquid --> ice) + L_i*(PSACWSO + BERGSO) (liquid --> snow) + L_i*MNUCCRO (rain --> snow) + L_i*PRACSO (rain --> snow) + MELTSDT (snow --> rain) + FRZRDT (rain --> snow) QCSEVAP - Rate of evaporation of falling cloud liquid QISEVAP - Rate of sublimation of falling cloud ice QCRESO - Residual condensation term for cloud liquid QIRESO - Residual deposition term for cloud ice CMEIOUT - Rate of deposition/sublimation of cloud ice EVAPSNOW - Rate of evaporation of falling snow [EVAPRAIN] = EVAPPREC - EVAPSNOW MPDW2I - liquid <--> ice MPDW2I = - MNUCCCO - MNUCCTO - BERGO + MELTO - HOMOO - MSACWIO MNUCCCO - Immersion freezing of cloud liquid MNUCCTO - contact freezing of cloud liquid BERGO - Conversion of cloud liquid to cloud ice from bergeron MELTO - Melting of cloud ice HOMOO - Homogeneous freezing of cloud liquid MSACWIO - Conversion of cloud liquid from rime-splintering PSACWSO - Accretion of cloud liquid by snow BERGSO - Conversion of cloud liquid to snow from bergeron MNUCCRO - heterogeneous freezing of rain to snow PRACSO - accretion of rain by snow MELTSDT - melting of snow to rain (W/Kg) FRZRDT - Homogeneous freezing of rain to snow (W/Kg) [NONPHYSDT] = L_v*CLDLIQADJ + (L_v+L_i)*CLDICEADJ + (L_v+L_i)*CLDICELIM + L_v*QCRESO + (L_v+L_i)*QIRESO - prevent nonphysical states by making arbitrary corrections, should always be small compared to the physical terms --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---> T BALANCE tree TAP TFIX PTTEND DTCOND [DRYADJDT] [ZMTOTDT] ZMDT EVAPTZM FZSNTZM EVSNTZM [EVRNTZM] ZMMTT DPDLFT [CMFTOTDT] CMFDT SHDLFT MACPDT CMELIQ [NONPHYSDT] CLDLIQADJ CLDLIQLIM CLDICEADJ CLDICELIM CLDICEDET MPDT (following are all on 5th level CLDLIQ and CLDICE and in MPDQ) QCSEVAP QCRESO QISEVAP QIRESO CMEIOUT [EVAPRAIN] EVAPPREC EVAPSNOW EVAPSNOW MPDW2I (akso in 4th level CLDLIQ (= -MPDI2W in CLDICE)) PSACWSO (akso in 5th level CLDLIQ) BERGSO (akso in 5th level CLDLIQ) (following are rain-snow conversion, only in T budget) (following are included with the 5th level CLDLIQ CLDICE budget terms) MNUCCRO PRACSO MELTSDT FRZRDT QRS QRL DTV TTGWORO [DTCONV] = [ZMTOTDT] + [CMFTOTDT] = ZMDT + EVAPTZM + ZMMTT + DPDLFT + CMFDT + SHDLFT -------------