Search or Browse CISM Component Model Namelist Variables

This page contains the complete list of CISM namelist variables available. They are grouped by categories designed to aid browsing. Clicking on the name of a variable will display descriptive information. If search terms are entered in the text box below, the list will be condensed to contain only matched variables.

(separate search terms with spaces)

CISM: General Settings

Namelist Variable Type Group
cesm_history_vars char*1024 cism_params
cism_debug logical cism_params
cisminputfile char*256 derived
paramfile char*100 cism_params

CISM: Grid Settings

Namelist Variable Type Group
frac_varname char*128 grid_nml
horiz_grid_file char*256 grid_nml
horiz_grid_opt char*256 grid_nml
mask_varname char*128 grid_nml

CISM: Time Manager Settings

Namelist Variable Type Group
allow_leapyear logical time_manager_nml
date_separator char*1 time_manager_nml
dt_count real time_manager_nml
dt_option char*80 time_manager_nml
iday0 integer time_manager_nml
ihour0 integer time_manager_nml
iminute0 integer time_manager_nml
imonth0 integer time_manager_nml
isecond0 integer time_manager_nml
iyear0 integer time_manager_nml
runid char*128 time_manager_nml
stop_option char*80 time_manager_nml

CISM: cism.config Grid Settings

Namelist Variable Type Group
dew real cism_config_grid
dns real cism_config_grid
ewn integer cism_config_grid
nsn integer cism_config_grid
upn integer cism_config_grid

CISM: cism.config Sigma Settings

Namelist Variable Type Group
sigma_levels real(20) cism_config_sigma

CISM: cism.config Climate Settings

Namelist Variable Type Group
acab_mode integer cism_config_climate
evolve_ice integer cism_config_climate
ice_tstep_multiply integer cism_config_climate
mean_preserving integer cism_config_climate
precip_mode integer cism_config_climate

CISM: cism.config Projection Settings

Namelist Variable Type Group
centre_latitude real cism_config_projection
centre_longitude real cism_config_projection
false_easting real cism_config_projection
false_northing real cism_config_projection
scale_factor real cism_config_projection
standard_parallel real(2) cism_config_projection
type char*16 cism_config_projection

CISM: cism.config Options

Namelist Variable Type Group
basal_mass_balance integer cism_config_options
basal_water integer cism_config_options
dycore integer cism_config_options
evolution integer cism_config_options
flow_law integer cism_config_options
gthf integer cism_config_options
hotstart integer cism_config_options
isostasy integer cism_config_options
marine_margin integer cism_config_options
periodic_ew integer cism_config_options
sigma integer cism_config_options
slip_coeff integer cism_config_options
temp_init integer cism_config_options
temperature integer cism_config_options
topo_is_relaxed integer cism_config_options
vertical_integration integer cism_config_options

CISM: cism.config Time Settings

Namelist Variable Type Group
dt real cism_config_time
dt_diag real cism_config_time
idiag integer cism_config_time
jdiag integer cism_config_time
ntem integer cism_config_time
nvel integer cism_config_time
profile integer cism_config_time
subcyc integer cism_config_time

CISM: cism.config Parameters

Namelist Variable Type Group
basal_tract_const real cism_config_parameters
basal_tract_max real cism_config_parameters
basal_tract_slope real cism_config_parameters
basal_tract_tanh real(5) cism_config_parameters
calving_fraction real cism_config_parameters
default_flwa real cism_config_parameters
flow_factor real cism_config_parameters
geothermal real cism_config_parameters
hydro_time real cism_config_parameters
ice_limit real cism_config_parameters
log_level integer cism_config_parameters
marine_limit real cism_config_parameters
periodic_offset_ew real cism_config_parameters
periodic_offset_ns real cism_config_parameters

CISM: cism.config Higher-Order Options

Namelist Variable Type Group
which_disp integer cism_config_ho_options
which_ho_babc integer cism_config_ho_options
which_ho_efvs integer cism_config_ho_options
which_ho_nonlinear integer cism_config_ho_options
which_ho_resid integer cism_config_ho_options
which_ho_sparse integer cism_config_ho_options

CISM: cism.config Geothermal Heat Flux Settings

Namelist Variable Type Group
con real cism_config_gthf
nlayer integer cism_config_gthf
num_dim integer cism_config_gthf
numt integer cism_config_gthf
rho real cism_config_gthf
rock_base real cism_config_gthf
shc real cism_config_gthf
surft real cism_config_gthf

CISM: cism.config Isostasy Settings

Namelist Variable Type Group
asthenosphere integer cism_config_isostasy
flexural_rigidity real cism_config_isostasy
lithosphere integer cism_config_isostasy
relaxed_tau real cism_config_isostasy
update real cism_config_isostasy