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Example 1: CESM Fully Coupled

The following example is the namelist used for CESM fully coupled, or the B configuration. A completely resolved version of the namelist will be written to ice_in in the executable directory.

 diagfreq               =  24   
 hist_avg               = .true.  
 histfreq               = 'm','x','x','x','x'
 histfreq_n             = 1,1,1,1,1           
 ice_ic         = ''
 lcdf64         = .false. 
 pointer_file           = ''
 xndt_dyn               =  1.0 
 grid_file              = '/fis/cgd/cseg/csm/inputdata/ice/cice/global_gx1v6_200
 grid_format            = 'bin'
 grid_type              = 'displaced_pole'
 kcatbound              =  0 
 kmt_file               = '/fis/cgd/cseg/csm/inputdata/ice/cice/global_gx1v6_200
 advection              = 'remap'
 albedo_type            = 'default'
 albicei                = 0.45
 albicev                = 0.75
 albsnowi               = 0.73
 albsnowv               = 0.98
 evp_damping            = .false.
 kdyn           =  1 
 kitd           =  1 
 krdg_partic            = 1
 krdg_redist            = 1
 kstrength              =  1 
 ndte           =  120 
 r_snw          =  1.5 
 shortwave              = 'dEdd'
 tr_aero        = .true.
 tr_FY          = .true.
 tr_iage        = .true.
 tr_pond        = .true.
 distribution_type              = 'cartesian'
 ew_boundary_type               = 'cyclic'
 ns_boundary_type               = 'open'
 processor_shape                = 'square-pop'
 prescribed_ice         = .false.

David Bailey