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Changing Content

The second namelist in the setup script controls what variables are written to the history file. To remove a field from this list, add the name of the character variable associated with that field to the &icefields_nml namelist in user_nl_cice and assign it a value of 'xxxxx'. For example, to remove ice thickness and snow cover from the history file, add

 f_hi   =  'xxxxx'
 f_hs   =  'xxxxx'

to the namelist. Note that the default configuration (set internally in the code) is to have a standard set of fields on the first, monthly-mean stream. If you wish to change the first stream to something other than monthly, then you also need to make sure to add the f_ specifications to add items to the first stream at the new frequency. It is highly recommended that you use the extra streams for different frequencies and leave the first as monthly-mean.

Table 8: Time and Grid Information Written to History File
Field Description Units
time model time days
time_bounds boundaries for time-averaging interval days
TLON T grid center longitude degrees
TLAT T grid center latitude degrees
ULON U grid center longitude degrees
ULAT U grid center latitude degrees
tmask ocean grid mask (0=land, 1=ocean)  
tarea T grid cell area m2
uarea U grid cell area m2
dxt T cell width through middle m
dyt T cell height through middle m
dxu U cell width through middle m
dyu U cell height through middle m
HTN T cell width North side m
HTE T cell width East side m
ANGLET angle grid makes with latitude line on T grid radians
ANGLE angle grid makes with latitude line on U grid radians
ice_present fraction of time-averaging interval that any ice is present  

Logical Variable Description Units
f_hi grid box mean ice thickness m
f_hs grid box mean snow thickness m
f_fs grid box mean snow fraction %
f_Tsfc snow/ice surface temperature C
f_aice ice concentration (aggregate) %
f_aice1 ice concentration (category 1) %
f_aice2 ice concentration (category 2) %
f_aice3 ice concentration (category 3) %
f_aice4 ice concentration (category 4) %
f_aice5 ice concentration (category 5) %
f_aice6 ice concentration (category 6) %
f_aice7 ice concentration (category 7) %
f_aice8 ice concentration (category 8) %
f_aice9 ice concentration (category 9) %
f_aice10 ice concentration (category 10) %
f_vice1 ice volume (category 1) m
f_vice2 ice volume (category 2) m
f_vice3 ice volume (category 3) m
f_vice4 ice volume (category 4) m
f_vice5 ice volume (category 5) m
f_vice6 ice volume (category 6) m
f_vice7 ice volume (category 7) m
f_vice8 ice volume (category 8) m
f_vice9 ice volume (category 9) m
f_vice10 ice volume (category 10) m
f_uvel zonal ice velocity cm s-1
f_vvel meridional ice velocity cm s-1
f_fswdn downwelling solar flux W m-2
f_flwdn downwelling longwave flux W m-2
f_snow snow fall rate received from coupler cm day-1
f_snow_ai snow fall rate on ice cover cm day-1
f_rain rain fall rate received from coupler cm day-1
f_rain_ai rain fall rate on ice cover cm day-1
f_sst sea surface temperature C
f_sss sea surface salinity g kg-1
f_uocn zonal ocean current cm s-1
f_vocn meridional ocean current cm s-1
f_frzmlt freeze/melt potential W m-2
f_fswabs absorbed solar flux sent to coupler W m-2
f_fswabs_ai absorbed solar flux in snow/ocn/ice W m-2
f_aldvr visible direct albedo %
f_aldvi near-infrared direct albedo %
f_flat latent heat flux sent to coupler W m-2
f_flat_ai ice/atm latent heat flux W m-2
f_fsens sensible heat flux sent to coupler W m-2
f_fsens_ai ice/atm sensible heat flux W m-2
f_flwout outgoing longwave flux sent to coupler W m-2
f_flwout_ai ice/atm outgoing longwave flux W m-2
f_evap evaporative water flux sent to coupler cm day-1
f_evap_ai ice/atm evaporative water flux cm day-1
f_Tref 2 m reference temperature C
f_Qref 2 m reference specific humidity g/kg
f_congel basal ice growth cm day-1
f_frazil frazil ice growth cm day-1
f_snoice snow-ice formation cm day-1
f_meltb basal ice melt cm day-1
f_meltt surface ice melt cm day-1
f_meltl lateral ice melt cm day-1
f_fresh ice/ocn fresh water flux sent to coupler cm day-1
f_fresh_ai ice/ocn fresh water flux cm day-1
f_fsalt ice to ocn salt flux sent to coupler kg m-2 day-1
f_fsalt_ai ice to ocn salt flux kg m-2 day-1
f_fhnet ice/ocn net heat flux sent to coupler W m-2
f_fhnet_ai ice/ocn net heat flux W m-2
f_fswthru SW transmitted through ice to ocean sent to coupler W m-2
f_fswthru_ai SW transmitted through ice to ocean W m-2
f_strairx zonal atm/ice stress N m-2
f_strairy meridional atm/ice stress N m-2
f_strtltx zonal sea surface tilt m m-1
f_strtlty meridional sea surface tilt m m-1
f_strcorx zonal coriolis stress N m-2
f_strcory meridional coriolis stress N m-2
f_strocnx zonal ocean/ice stress N m-2
f_strocny meridional ocean/ice stress N m-2
f_strintx zonal internal ice stress N m-2
f_strinty meridional internal ice stress N m-2
f_strength compressive ice strength N m-1
f_divu velocity divergence % day-1
f_shear strain rate % day-1
f_opening lead opening rate % day-1
f_sig1 normalized principal stress component  
f_sig2 normalized principal stress component  
f_daidtt area tendency due to thermodynamics % day-1
f_daidtd area tendency due to dynamics % day-1
f_dvidtt ice volume tendency due to thermo. cm day-1
f_dvidtd ice volume tendency due to dynamics cm day-1
f_mlt_onset melt onset date  
f_frz_onset freeze onset date  

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David Bailey