Search or Browse supported Machines

This page contains the complete list of machines available. They are grouped by categories designed to aid browsing. Clicking on the name of a variable will display descriptive information. If search terms are entered in the text box below, the list will be condensed to contain only matched variables. Note that the entries for each machine are placed into different xml files in the CASEROOT directory. A summary follows:

xml variable CASEROOT file
COMPILERS env_build.xml
COMPILER env_build.xml
MPILIBS env_build.xml
OS env_build.xml
GMAKE_J env_build.xml
EXEROOT env_build.xml
RUNDIR env_run.xml
DIN_LOC_ROOT env_run.xml
DOUT_S_ROOT env_run.xml
DOUT_L_MSROOT env_run.xml
CCSM_BASELINE env_run.xml
CCSM_CPRNC env_run.xml
BATCHQUERY env_run.xml
BATCHSUBMIT env_run.xml
MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE env_pesetup.xml
PES_PER_NODE env_pesetup.xml
SUPPORTED_BY documentation only

(separate search terms with spaces)

config_machines.xml variables

Machine Name OS Compilers MPI Libs
userdefined USERDEFINED_required_macros intel,ibm,pgi,pathscale,gnu,cray,lahey openmpi,mpich,mpt,mpt,ibm,mpi-serial
bluewaters CNL pgi,cray,gnu mpich,mpi-serial
brutus LINUX pgi,intel openmpi,mpich,mpi-serial
eastwind LINUX pgi mpich
edison CNL intel,gnu,cray mpt,mpi-serial
erebus LINUX intel,pgi,gnu,pathscale ibm,mpi-serial
evergreen LINUX intel openmpi
frankfurt LINUX pgi,intel,nag openmpi,mpich,mpi-serial
gaea CNL pgi mpich,mpi-serial
hera LINUX pgi mpich,mpi-serial
hopper CNL pgi,intel,gnu,cray,pathscale mpt,mpi-serial
intrepid BGP ibm ibm
janus LINUX intel,pgi openmpi,mpi-serial
lynx CNL pgi,intel,pathscale,gnu,cray mpich,mpi-serial
mira BGQ ibm ibm
olympus LINUX pgi mpich
pleiades-har LINUX intel mpich,mpi-serial
pleiades-wes LINUX intel mpich,mpi-serial
pleiades-san LINUX intel mpich,mpi-serial
sierra LINUX pgi mpich,mpi-serial
titan CNL pgi mpich,mpi-serial
yellowstone LINUX intel,pgi,gnu,pathscale mpich2,pempi,mpi-serial
stampede LINUX intel,intel-mic mvapich2,impi,mpi-serial