NCAR CSM Flux Coupler, version 4.0 -- User's Guide
Table of Contents
2   Data Exchanged with Component Models
This section provides a list of the states and fluxes exchanged between the
Flux Coupler an each component model.
Each component model exchanges data with the Coupler only.
Component models have no direct connection with each other -- all data is
routed through the Coupler.
All data is in the form of 2D fields (on latitude/longitude grids),
except runoff data, which consists of an array of drainage basins, and
certain timing and control information, which consists of scalar real or integer values
(e.g. the current simulation data and time, and parameters specifying the solar orbit).
Each component model provides the Flux Coupler with a set of output fields.
Output fields from a model include output states
(which can be used by another component to do a flux calculation)
and output fluxes (fluxes that were computed within the model
and which need to be disseminated to other component models).
The Coupler provides each component model with input fields.
Input fields sent to a model include input states
(the state variables of other models, which are needed to do a flux calculation)
and input fluxes (to be used as forcing fields).
 §2.1  Atmosphere Model  
 §2.2  Ice Model  
 §2.3  Land Model  
 §2.4  Ocean Model  
2.1   Atmosphere Model
Data sent to Coupler
- layer height (m)
- u: zonal velocity (m/s)
- v: meridional velocity (m/s)
- potential temperature (°Kelvin)
- specific humidity (kg/kg)
- pressure (Pa)
- temperature (Kelvin)
- longwave, downward (W/m²)
- precipitation: liquid, convective (kg/s/m²)
- precipitation: liquid, large-scale (kg/s/m²)
- precipitation: frozen, convective (kg/s/m²)
- precipitation: frozen, large-scale (kg/s/m²)
- net shortwave radiation (W/m²)
- shortwave radiation: downward, visible, direct (W/m²)
- shortwave radiation: downward, near-infrared, direct (W/m²)
- shortwave radiation: downward, visible, diffuse (W/m²)
- shortwave radiation: downward, near-infrared, diffuse (W/m²)
Data received from Coupler
- albedo: visible, direct
- albedo: near-infrared, direct
- albedo: visible, diffuse
- albedo: near-infrared, diffuse
- surface temperature (° Kelvin)
- snow height (m)
- ice fraction
- ocean fraction
- land fraction
- zonal surface stress (N/m²)
- meridional surface stress (N/m²)
- latent heat (W/m²)
- sensible heat (W/m²)
- upward longwave heat (W/m²)
- evaporation (kg/s/m²)
diagnostic quantities
- 2 meter reference air temperature (° Kelvin)
2.2   Ice Model
Data sent to Coupler
- ice fraction ( [0,1] )
- surface temperature (°Kelvin)
- u: zonal velocity (m/s)
- v: meridional velocity (m/s)
- snow depth (m)
- albedo: visible, direct, daily average
- albedo: near-infrared, direct, daily average
- albedo: visible, diffuse, daily average
- albedo: near-infrared, diffuse, daily average
- penetrating shortwave radiation (W/m²)
- ocean heat used for melting (W/m²)
- melt water (kg/s/m²)
Data received from Coupler
- dh/dx: zonal surface slope (m/m)
- dh/dy: meridional surface slope (m/m)
- zonal surface stress (N/m²)
- meridional surface stress (N/m²)
- net shortwave radiation (W/m²)
- latent+sensible+longwavedown+melting heat (W/m²)
- d(latent+sensible+longwavedown+melting heat)/dT (W/m²/°K)
- upward longwave radiation (W/m²)
- precipitation+evaporation (kg/s/m²)
- Q: heat of fusion (Q>0) or melting potential (Q<0) (W/m²)
- ice formed in ocean (kg/s/m²), derived in ice model from Q>0
- net atm/ocn heat flux (W/m²)
2.3   Land Model
Data sent to Coupler
- surface temperature (Kelvin)
- albedo: visible, direct
- albedo: near-infrared, direct
- albedo: visible, diffuse
- albedo: near-infrared, diffuse
- snow height (m)
- zonal surface stress (N/m²)
- meridional surface stress (N/m²)
- latent heat (W/m²)
- sensible heat (W/m²)
- upward longwave heat (W/m²)
- evaporation (kg/s/m²)
- basin runoff (kg/s/basin)
diagnostic quantities
- 2 meter reference air temperature (Kelvin)
Data received from Coupler
- atm layer height (m)
- atm u: zonal velocity (m/s)
- atm v: meridional velocity (m/s)
- atm potential temperature (°Kelvin)
- atm specific humidity (kg/kg)
- atm pressure (Pa)
- atm temperature (Kelvin)
- longwave, downward (W/m²)
- precipitation: liquid, convective (kg/s/m²)
- precipitation: liquid, large-scale (kg/s/m²)
- precipitation: frozen, convective (kg/s/m²)
- precipitation: frozen, large-scale (kg/s/m²)
- shortwave radiation: downward, visible, direct (W/m²)
- shortwave radiation: downward, near-infrared, direct (W/m²)
- shortwave radiation: downward, visible, diffuse (W/m²)
- shortwave radiation: downward, near-infrared, diffuse (W/m²)
2.4   Ocean Model
Data sent to Coupler
- SST: surface temperature (°Kelvin)
- u: zonal velocity (m/s)
- v: meridional velocity (m/s)
- dh/dx: zonal surface slope (m/m)
- dh/dy: meridional surface slope (m/m)
- Q: heat of fusion (Q>0) or melting potential (Q<0) (W/m²)
Data received From Coupler
- zonal surface stress (N/m²)
- meridional surface stress (N/m²)
- net shortwave radiation (W/m²)
- latent+sensible+longwave+melting heat (W/m²)
- precipitation+evaporation+melting water (kg/s/m²)
- land runoff water (kg/s/basin)
Fri 07 Aug 1998, 12:00:00