Example 1: an initial run
$inparm case_name = "test01" case_desc = "testing an initial run " rest_type = "initial" rest_dir = "/DOE/csm/test01/cpl/ " rest_pfile = "$HOME/cpl.test01.rpointer" rest_date = 19800101 stop_option = "date" stop_date = 19800701 /
Here the inputs specify an initial run starting on 1 Jan 1980 and stopping on 1 Jul 1980. Restart files will be sent to the MSS directory "/DOE/csm/test01/cpl/...". The restart pointer file, rest_pfile, will be in the user's home directory. The restart pointer file contains the name of the most recently created restart file. History data files and restart files will be created according to the default settings (on the 1st of each month). The Flux Coupler will be communicating with atmosphere, ice, land, and ice models that are executing simultaneously.
Example 2: a continuation run
$inparm case_name = "test01" case_desc = "testing a continuation run " rest_type = "continue" rest_dir = "/DOE/csm/test01/cpl/ " rest_pfile = "$HOME/cpl.test01.rpointer" stop_option = "newyear" hist_freq = "ndays" hist_nday = 10 hist_odate = 1 info_dbug = 0 diag_glob = 1 /
Here the inputs specify a continuation run. Assuming this run continues from where example 1 finished, this run will start on 1 Jul 1980 and stop on 1 Jan 1981. Exactly where this run continues from is specified by the restart pointer file, which contains the name of the restart file that will be used. New restart files will be sent to the MSS directory specified by rest_dir. Restart files will be created according to the default settings (on the 1st of each month). History data will be created every 10 days relative to the 1st day of each month, i.e. on the 1st, 11th, 21st, and 31st of every month. Setting info_dbug = 0 will minimize the amount of debugging information written to stdout. Setting diag_glob = 1 will signal the coupler to calculate some global diagnostic information and write it to stdout.
Example 3: a branch run
$inparm case_name = "test.02" case_desc = "testing a branch run " rest_type = "branch" rest_dir = "/DOE/csm/test.02/cpl/ " rest_pfile = "$HOME/cpl.test.02.rpointer" rest_bfile = "/DOE/csm/test01/cpl/r1981-01-01 " rest_freq = "ndays" rest_nday = 10 stop_option = "ndays" stop_nday = 31 /
Here the input parameter rest_type specifies a branch run. The branch file (/DOE/.../r1981-01-01) must be specified. This initial condition file was created by a previous simulation. Since the simulation's starting date (rest_date) is unspecified in the namelist, the date from the branch file will be used (1 Jan 1981). The simulation will stop after advancing 31 days (1 Feb 1981). Restart files will be created every 10 days relative to the start of the run.
Example 4: a regeneration run
$inparm case_name = "test01" case_desc = "regenerate some data " rest_type = "regeneration" rest_dir = "/DOE/csm/test01/cpl/ " rest_pfile = "$HOME/cpl.test01.rpointer" rest_bfile = "/DOE/csm/test01/cpl/r1980-07-01 " stop_option = "date" stop_date = 19800801 mss_rtpd = 30 mss_pass = ",rosebud" mss_opts = "nowait" /
Here the inputs specify a regeneration run. The initial condition file, rest_bfile, must be specified. The simulation's starting date is taken from this branch file (1 Jul 1980). The stop options will cause the simulation to stop on a particular date, 1 Aug 1981. The mass store file retention period and write password have been selected here.
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