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CSIM 5.0
CSIM Control Run Output
The Earth System Grid is a data portal where data output from all four CCSM
components can be accessed. CCSM3.0 original history files can be downloaded from
the NCAR MSS (an NCAR gatekeeper password is required) or post processed data can
be downloaded directly from disk. The post processed data includes:
- CAM: monthly-mean time series of all 2D fields and
monthly-mean, zonally averaged time series of all 3D fields
- CLM: 100 years of original history files
- CSIM: monthly-mean time series of select fields
- POP: monthly-mean time series of all 2D fields and
annual-mean time series of all 3D fields
The CSIM post-processed data are monthly averages, with a single variable and
hemisphere in each file. The cases run using the high resolution grids (T42_gx1v3
or T85_gx1v3) have 50 years of data in each file, and those using the low resolution
grid (T31_gx3v5) have 100 years of data per file. Due to space restrictions,
only selected fields from CSIM are available on the ESG:
Variable Name | Long Name
| aice | ice area (aggregate)
| hi | grid box mean ice thickness
| hs | grid box mean snow thickness
| Tsfc | snow/ice surface temperature
| u | ice velocity (x)
| v | ice velocity (y)
| dvidtt | ice volume tendency due to thermodynamics
| dvidtd | ice volume tendency due to dynamics
| daidtt | ice area tendency due to thermodynamics
Variable Name | Long Name
| daidtd | ice area tendency due to dynamics
| growb | congelation ice growth
| frazil | frazil ice growth
| snoice | snow-ice formation
| meltt | top ice melt
| meltb | basal ice melt
| meltl | lateral ice melt
| Fswdn | down solar flux
| Flwdn | down longwave flux
All fields from the CSIM history files have been post-processed and reside on the
NCAR MSS. A table of available CCSM cases can be found here.