********************** Important Notice ************************ If you are using the 64-bit ieee "R2" file included in this tarfile on a Cray or SX4, you must modify the source code in subroutine ord, in file odam.F. Edit the file so that the part which reads R2 (mo=32) reads as follows: read (mo) fitt, ttsec, years, totday, relyr $, fmon, fday, fyear, fhour, fmin, fsec itt = nint (fitt) imonth = nint (fmon) iday = nint (fday) iyear = nint (fyear) ihour = nint (fhour) imin = nint (fmin) isec = nint (fsec) write(stamp,1235) imonth, iday, iyear, ihour, imin, isec This code replaces the standard read statement for the Cray binary "R2" file, which reads mixed records. NOTE: If you are NOT using a Cray or SX4 to read the 64-bit IEEE files, you do not need to modify the code. *****************************************************************************