J. List_of_Preprocessor_Options__ Numerical Options The user must select the first option and any or all of the remaining options. congrad5pt - Use 5-point conjugate-gradient elliptic solver for barotropic stre* *amfunction. islands - Include islands in relaxation topography. fourfil - Fourier filter the prognostic variables in the longitudinal direction* * at high latitudes. northpole - No island at the North Pole; see Section H. taperhrzvd - Taper horizontal and isopycnal mixing coefficients at high latitud* *es; see Section H. upwind3 - Use third-order upwinding option; see Section H. Model Resolution Default model resolution is 2x2. Option model3x3 has been extensively tested; * *option model1x1 has not. model1x1 - Select default parameter values for 1x1 resolution. model3x3 - Select default parameter values for 3x3 resolution. Vertical Sub-grid-scale Mixing Schemes One of the first two options must be selected. If kmix is selected, then implic* *itvmix must also be selected. Multiple sub-options, which are indented following the major * *option, may be selected. constvmix - Constant vertical profiles for fkpm and fkph. implicitvmix - Implicit vertical mixing; convective adjustment is bypassed. kmix - Mixing scheme based on the K-profile planetary boundary layer scheme by * *Large, McWilliams, and Doney; see Section G. kmixcheckekmo - Check Ekman Layer and Monin-Obukhov length scales. kmixnori - The vertical viscosity and diffusivity below the boundary layer * *do not depend on the local Richardson number, but are set to the background values* *, fkpm and fkph. kmixdd - Include double-diffusion contribution to vertical diffusivity. J-1 Horizontal and Isopycnal Sub-grid-scale Mixing Schemes One of the first two options must be selected. In addition, isopycmix may be se* *lected. biharmonic - Constant coefficient biharmonic horizontal mixing (r4). consthmix - Constant coefficient Laplacian horizontal mixing (r2). isopycmix - Mesoscale eddy parameterization; see Section F. This only applies t* *o the tracer equations, and it is recommended that the coefficient ah is zero when this opti* *on is chosen. isopycmixspatialvar - Taper the isopycnal mixing coefficient to zero when i* *sopycnal slopes become steep. This option is valid only when isopycmix is set. Surface Forcing Options The surface forcing options are described in Section I. Only one of the first f* *our major options should be selected. sflxiceflx and sflxsw may be selected in addition. sflxcombo - Specify type of tracer forcing data: This is a combination of air-s* *ea fluxes (based on air temperature, specific humidity, solar short wave flux, cloud fraction, p* *recipitation, and windspeed) and restoring terms (due to restoring fields of SST and SSS). sflxcomboavan - Compute annual averages of several surface tracer fluxes fo* *r diagnostic purposes. restormed - Restore sea-surface temperature and salinity back to specified * *values in the Mediterranean Sea (the 3x3 model does not have a Mediterranean Sea). sflxpvm - Provide all surface fluxes via the Flux Coupler. sflxpvmicetilt - Compute the tilt of the sea surface; necessary for some ic* *e models. restorst - Restore sea-surface temperature and salinity back to specified value* *s globally. sflxdataflx - Specify all fluxes from data: forcing data consist of non-solar h* *eat flux, solar heat flux, and net freshwater flux. sflxiceflx - Check for ice formation in the uppermost kmxice layers in the ocea* *n model, change temperature and salinity if ice forms or melts, and keep track of previo* *usly formed ice. Can be used either for ocean only model runs and should be used for couple* *d runs. sflxsw - Treat solar short wave flux differently from all other surface heat fl* *uxes: this flux appears as a right-hand-side term in sourct and is allowed to penetrate the wat* *er with an exponentially decreasing absorption factor. The Jerlov water type, jwatertype, * *is specified in blkdta.F. Boundary Conditions cyclic - Impose cyclic longitudinal boundary conditions. J-2 Input/Output crayio - Use I/O based on Cray getwa and putwa commands for out-of-core computa* *tions. diskless - Simulate disk storage using memory array for in-core computations. Model Performance and Monitoring multitasking - Allow parallel processing via latitude bands. readchunk - Specify the chunk size for each set of latitudes so that the co* *mputational load is balanced among all of the processors. Presently, this option is val* *id only when using the 2x2 model, with ntasks=4,8, or 16; the chunks are defined in blkd* *ta.F. keepterms - Use arrays to retain terms in momentum and tracer equations, instea* *d of recomputing via statement functions. testcfl - Test whether any velocity exceeds the local CFL criterion by a factor* * of cflcrt. timing - Compute the time spent per gridpoint per timestep; report cpu and wall* *-clock times. Valid for Cray Y-MP systems. Conveniences autorestart - Provide an automatic restart from the latest model restart files. readrmsk - Read in region information from the file "regionmask". time_average - Create time averages of the model fields, forcing and poleward t* *ransports, see Section H. Hardware Options NOMSS - Do not use the NCAR Mass Storage System subroutines msread and mswrite to move history and restart files to archival storage; rather, use replacement * *subroutines which use Unix commands via "call system" or "ishell" to move these files to a * *more permanent location. CRAY - Indicates the ocean model is being run on a Cray computer; "ishell" is u* *sed for all system calls from the model and Cray pointers are used in the subroutine st* *ep. Internal Options hmixalreadyset - An internal option set in the files fdifm.h and fdift.h ioalreadyset - An internal option set in the file odam.F J-3 Unsupported Options The following options exist in the NCAR CSM ocean model, but they are not suppo* *rted by the NCAR CSM developers and should be activated by the user only after careful * *testing to ensure correctness. congrad9pt - Use 9-point conjugate-gradient elliptic solver for barotropic stre* *amfunction. constvmixdmxl - Enhance vertical diffusivity in the top 50m (3 or 4 layers). constvmixvmxl - Enhance vertical viscosity in the top 50m (3 or 4 layers). coupled_ocean_only - Run the equivalent of the stand-alone ocean model in coupl* *ed mode, through the flux-coupler. This option requires the existence of special climato* *logical ice, land, and atmospheric component models, which are presently unavailable. coupled_ocean_ice - Run the ocean model coupled with an active ice model throug* *h the flux-coupler. This option requires special climatological land and atmospheric * *component models, which are presently unavailable. extras - Provide extra diagnostic information. fio - Fortran direct-access I/O. firfil - Finite-impulse filter. insitu - Compute polynomial expansion coefficients for the equation of state us* *ing in-situ temperature. knudsen - Use Knudsen equation of state for sea water. multitaskqueue - Monitor the status of the NCAR Cray multitasking queue; shut d* *own and exit upon receiving the proper signal. nlhmix - Nonlinear horizontal sub-grid-scale mixing. nohilats - Drop metric nonlinear terms in the momentum equation. ppvmix - Use Pacanowski and Philander vertical mixing. sflxtharm - Use annual and first two harmonics of the seasonal cycle for restor* *ing of the surface tracer fields. sflxwharm - Use annual and first two harmonics of the seasonal cycle for wind s* *tress forcing. skipland - Perform computations only over ocean points. symmetry - Symmetric boundary condition about the northern model boundary. tcvmix - Mellor-Yamada turbulence closure scheme. lalg - tcvmix suboption. leq - tcvmix suboption. J-4