L. Default__Parameter__Values__________________ The default parameter values can be found in the Fortran block data files blkdata.F and kmixbdta.F. Within the job shell script a file model.data is created which contains a subset of the model parameters and these values override the default values in the block data files. Here we list some of the most important model parameters and their default values for the 2x2 and 3x3 configurations. Many of these can be changed at run time by specifying their values in the namelists which are defined in the file nldefs.h. Stand-alone 2x2 model configuration (accelerated run) Horizontal viscosity am = 8.0 e+8 Background vertical viscosity fkpm = 10.0 Horizontal diffusivity ah = 0.0 Background vertical diffusivity fkph = 0.3 Bottom friction cdbot = 0.001 Eddy-induced advection coefficient athkdf = 0.6 e+7 Isopycnal diffusivity ahisop = 0.6 e+7 Inverse maximum slope slmxr = 100.0 KPP critical bulk Richardson number Ricr = 0.3 KPP critical local Richardson number Riinfty = 0.7 KPP shear vertical viscosity vvcric = 50.0 KPP shear vertical diffusivity vdcric = 50.0 KPP convective vertical viscosity vvclim = 1000.0 KPP convective vertical diffusivity vdclim = 1000.0 Strong heat restoring under ice restQp = 386.0 Strong salt restoring under ice restFp = 2.77 Weak ocean heat restoring restQm = 0.0 Weak ocean salt restoring restFm = 0.092 Number of layers which can form ice kmxice = 1 Tracer timestep dtts = 24000.0 Baroclinic velocity timestep dtuv = 2400.0 Barotropic velocity timestep dtsf = 2400.0 Tracer vertical acceleration dtxcel = 25*1.0, 4*5.0, 2*6.0, 2*7.0, 2*8.0, 2*9.0, 8*10.0 Maximum number of scans mxscan = 1000 Barotropic convergence criterion crit = 2.0 e+7 Fraction of implicit Coriolis force acor = 0.0 L-1 Coupled 2x2 model configuration (synchronous run) The only changes from the 2x2 stand-alone parameter values are Tracer timestep dtts = 2400.0 Tracer vertical acceleration dtxcel = 45*1.0 and the four surface forcing restoring parameter values are irrelevant. Stand-alone 3x3 model configuration (accelerated run) Horizontal viscosity am = 3.0 e+9 Background vertical viscosity fkpm = 16.7 Horizontal diffusivity ah = 0.0 Background vertical diffusivity fkph = 0.5 Bottom friction cdbot = 0.001 Eddy-induced advection coefficient athkdf = 0.8 e+7 Isopycnal diffusivity ahisop = 0.8 e+7 Inverse maximum slope slmxr = 100.0 KPP critical bulk Richardson number Ricr = 0.3 KPP critical local Richardson number Riinfty = 0.7 KPP shear vertical viscosity vvcric = 50.0 KPP shear vertical diffusivity vdcric = 50.0 KPP convective vertical viscosity vvclim = 1000.0 KPP convective vertical diffusivity vdclim = 1000.0 Strong heat restoring under ice restQp = 386.0 Strong salt restoring under ice restFp = 2.77 Weak ocean heat restoring restQm = 0.0 Weak ocean salt restoring restFm = 0.023 Number of layers which can form ice kmxice = 1 Tracer timestep dtts = 35040.0 Baroclinic velocity timestep dtuv = 3504.0 Barotropic velocity timestep dtsf = 3504.0 Tracer vertical acceleration dtxcel = 14*1.0, 5*5.0, 6*10.0 Maximum number of scans mxscan = 1000 Barotropic convergence criterion crit = 1.0 e+6 Fraction of implicit Coriolis force acor = 0.0 L-2