A collection of figures from the two degree resolution NCAR CSM Ocean
Model, before and after full coupling within the overall Climate
System Model.
These figures are taken from P. R. Gent et al., 1998:
The NCAR Climate System Model Global Ocean Component,
J. Climate 11 , 1287-1306.
- The time average barotropic streamfunction
in Sverdrups. (19 KBytes)
- The global zonally averaged meridional
overturning streamfunction in Sverdrups from the effective
transport velocity, plotted against depth. (17 KBytes)
- The time average ocean surface velocity in
m/s. Areas greater than 0.1m/s are shaded. (17 KBytes)
- The average net heat flux into the
ocean, in W/m/m, excluding the strongly restored areas under
sea--ice. (22 KBytes)
- The average net fresh water flux into the
ocean, in m/yr, excluding the strongly restored areas under
sea--ice. (23 KBytes)
- The global, zonally averaged northward heat
transport in petawatts, and observational estimates from Trenberth
and Solomon (1994), Macdonald and Wunsch (1996), Hall and Bryden
(1982) and Bryden et al. (1991). (8 KBytes)
- The global, zonally averaged northward fresh
water transport in Sverdrups, and the observational estimate from
Wijffels et al. (1992). (8 KBytes)
These figures are taken from B. A. Boville and P. R. Gent, 1998: The
NCAR Climate System Model, Version One, J. Climate 11 ,
- Twelve month running means of globally-averaged surface temperature: (a)
averaged over all surfaces, (b) over land only, and (c) over ocean and
sea ice. The mean of each series, from years 11 to 300 is indicated
by a horizontal line. (11 KBytes)
- Simulated sea surface temperature
averaged over years 91-100. The contour interval is 2 C. Gray
indicates land. Note the slightly simplified land-sea distribution.
(21 KBytes)
- Sea surface temperature difference,
simulated (years 91-100) minus observed (STR data set, years
1950-79). The contour interval is 1 C and values within +/-1 are
unshaded. (19 KBytes)
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This page is maintained by Matthew Hecht
( hecht@ncar.ucar.edu )
Last modified on
Wednesday, 09-Jun-2010 09:07:44 MDT