NCAR CSM Pacific Basin Model, version 3.e -- User's Guide         <<     Table of Contents     >>

6   Data Exchanged with Coupler

This section lists that data exchanged with the Flux Coupler running in coupled mode. The coupler requires a global ocean component, hence the data output from this regional model must be augmented to form global data. This is done by embedding Pacific region data into a global ocean climatology data set.

Data received from the flux coupler

This model receives the following fields from the flux coupler (via message passing): These fields are received because the coupler/ocean interface specification requires that this set of fields be received. The coupler has no way of knowing whether the components it is connected to are active models or data models. Because the Pacific Basin Model does not account for salinity, the fresh water flux fields (above) are not used.

Data sent to the flux coupler

This model sends the following fields to the flux coupler (via message passing): These fields must be sent to the coupler because this is part of the coupler/ocean interface requirement. The coupler requires global data from the ocean component, but the Pacific Basin Model only generates data for the Pacific Basin region. Global SST data is created by taking global SST data from a 12 month climatology and replacing the SSTs in the Pacific region with data from the model. Velocity data is set to zero outside the Pacific region. Surface slope and Q data a set to zero everywhere.

Important note: When assembling a CSM configuration, carefully consider the limitations and requirements of all components and be sure that the complete set of component models will interact in a meaningful way. In particular, consider whether the data provided by this model is adequate for your application.