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Appendix DevB: CVS Access Groups

Access to the CCSM repository is controlled through membership in Unix groups and the LockDir feature of CVS-1.11.

The UNIX groups are available only on goldhill (or CGD suns), and are used strictly for access to the repository. (Note: "ccsmr" stands for CCSM repository). In addition the following individuals have access to all groups: tcraig, southern, ccsm, csm, erik, and mvertens. These individuals are responsible for tagging the entire system or maintaining CVS access.

Group Description Members
ccsmrall List of everyone that has checkout permission Everyone that needs checkout access to the CCSM or component models. Also need access to the group "cgdcsm".
ccsmrcpl Check-in permission for coupler Coupler model development team.
ccsmratm Check-in permission for active atmospheric models NCAR and off-site development team for both atmosphere and land-models. Developers working on the "ccm" also need to be in the group "ccsmrlnd".
ccsmrlnd Check-in permission for active land models NCAR and off-site development team for both atmosphere and land-models.
ccsmrocn Check-in permission for active ocean models NCAR ocean model development team.
ccsmrice Check-in permission for active ice models Ice model development team both at NCAR and abroad.
ccsmrdat Check-in permission for data models Data model development liasons
ccsmrutl Check-in permission for utilities List of individuals responsible for each utility library
ccsmrshr Check-in permission for csm_share CCSM liasions
cgdcvsadmin Check-in permission to CVS.SCRIPTS erik,mvertens

NOTE: What happens if a user tries to commit to a directory they don't have permission to access? After the log information is entered the commit will fail with a "permission denied" type error as follows:

Checking in nc_fields4.F90;
/fs/cgd/data0/erik/CVS.TEST.REPOS/cpl5/nc_fields4.F90,v  <--  nc_fields4.F90
new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
cvs [commit aborted]: could not open lock file `/fs/cgd/data0/erik/CVS.TEST.REPO
S/cpl5/,nc_fields4.F90,': Permission denied

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