CCSM Climate Variability Working Group


 The Village at Breckenridge, Aspen/Bighorn Room

Thursday, 22 June 2006

10:30 AM - Noon


Clara Deser, NCAR, and Sumant Nigam, University of Maryland


We request that you ask the author's permission to use any materials from the presentations linked to below.

7:00AM-3:00 PM        Poster Session (Forest Room)

8:30 AM-10:00 AM     Joint meeting with Climate Change Working Group (Ten Mile Room)
                                    Discussion on optimal ensemble size and initialization

                                    Clara Deser

                                    ● Grant Branstator

                                    ● Frank Bryan

                                    ● Mike Wehner

                                    ● Claudia Tebaldi

                                    ● Jeff Yin

                                    ● Jerry Meehl (wrap-up)

10:00AM-10:30 AM    Break (Atrium)

10:30AM-12:00 PM    Climate Variability Working Group Meeting (Aspen/Bighorn Rooms)

Oral Presentations

10:30-10:45 AM          Detection of Forced and Naturally-Occurring Atlantic Multidecadal Variability in Coupled Models and Observations
                                    (Mingfang Ting, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory)

10:45-11:00 AM          Use of CCSM3 and CAM3 Historical Runs for Estimation of Natural & Anthropogenic Climate Variability & Sensitivity

                                    (Bruce Anderson, Boston University)

11:00-11:15 AM          Extremes in Ensemble Simulations of the Maunder Minimum:  Midlatitude Cyclones, Precipitation, and Wind Speed

                                    (Christophe Raible, University of Bern)
11:15-11:30 AM          Polar Climate Change and Arctic Oscillation in CCSM3 IPCC Scenario Simulations
                                    (Haiyan Teng, NCAR)

11:30-11:45 AM          Pacific Decadal Sea Surface Temperature Variability 1900-2002: Structure and Evolution

                                    (Bin Guan, University of Maryland)

11:45 AM-12:00 PM   Business Discussion


12:00 PM-1:30 PM      Lunch (on your own)


1:30 PM-2:00 PM        Wrap-Up Session (Ten Mile Room)


2:00 PM-3:00 PM        Future Plans and Open Forum (Ten Mile Room)


Climate Variability Working Group Meeting Participants

Clara Deser, NCAR
Sumant Nigam, University of Maryland

Michael Alexander, NOAA/ESRL
Caspar Ammann, NCAR

Bruce Anderson, Boston University
Uma Bhatt, University of Alaska

Yi Deng, University of Texas-Austin
Simon de Szoeke, University of Hawaii
Robert Dickinson, GA Tech.
Rong Fu, GA Tech.
Steven Gollmer, Cedarville University
Rune Graversen, Stockholm University
Arthur Greene, IRI
Scott Gregory, University of Colorado
Bin Guan, University of Maryland
Qin Han, University of California-Irvine
Feng He, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Matthew Hecht, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Yi Huang, Princeton University
Anthony King, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Clark Kirkman IV, University of Washington
Young-oh Kwon, NCAR
Jialin Lin, NOAA/CU
Zhengyu Liu, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Lixin Lu, Colorado State University
Wenge NiMeister, City University of New York
Baris Onol, North Carolina State University

Francis Otieno, Ohio State University
Adam Phillips, NCAR
Andrey Proshutinsky, WHOI
Taotao Qian, NCAR
Christoph Raible, University of Bern
Edwin Schneider, George Mason University
Karen Shell, NCAR
Gustav Strandberg, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
Haiyan Teng, NCAR

Robert Tomas, NCAR
Daisuke Tsumune, CRIEPI
Steve Vavrus, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Xiaoqing Wu, Iowa State University
Jin-Yi Yu, University of California-Irvine

Li Zhang, NSF
Tianjun Zhou, Chinese Academy of Sciences