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CSM Natural Variability Working Group Meeting

Joint with CSM Seasonal-to-Interannual and Atmosphere Model Working Groups

13-14 April 1999

NCAR, Boulder, Colorado



TUESDAY MORNING (Joint Session with CSM Seasonal-to-Interannual and Atmosphere Model Working Groups), 13 April 1999, Main Seminar Room

8:00 - 8:30

Continental Breakfast


8:30 - 8:40


AMWG, NVWG, and SIWG Co-Chairs


Diagnosis of CSM/CCM3 performance in context of its application

Sumant Nigam


Analysis of upper tropospheric humidity in CCM via TOVS radiances: Results from AMIP II
Subproject 3

Bill Collins


Improving intraseasonal variability in the NCAR CCM3 with alternate deep convection schemes

Eric Maloney


On-line diagnostics of convective transport using short-lived halocarbons

Victor L. Dvortsov, Marvin A. Geller, Susan Solomon, Sue M. Schauffler, Elliot L. Atlas, and Donald R. Blake


Interannual variability of the South Asian Monsoon related to the Tropospheric Biennial Oscillation

Jerry Meehl

10:20 - 10:40




Simulation of seasonal variability over the PNA region in CCM3

J. Shukla


Time dependence of the PNA pattern in response to El Niño sea surface temperature

Hui Wang and Rong Fu


Zonal-eddy coupling and the dynamics of the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Zonal Index

Eric DeWeaver and Sumant Nigam


An upper ocean model for short-term climate variability

Gokhan Danabasoglu


Towards improving ENSO and tropical annual cycle simulation in CSM

Ed Schneider

12:30 - 1:30

Lunch (on your own)



Comparing NCEP, ERA Reanalyses, CCM3, CSM monthly mean upper circulation and temperatures

Jim Boyle


Status of the CSM Seasonal-to-Interannual Coupled Model

Joe Tribbia


The excitation of equatorial waves by deep convection in the NCAR community climate model CCM3

Lucrezia Ricciarduli


El Niño phenomena in the Parallel Climate Model (PCM) and the Climate System Model (CSM)

Jerry Meehl and Julie Arblaster


Coupled runs with the new T31x3' CSM

Bette Otto-Bliesner

3:10 - 3:30

Break, Damon Room


TUESDAY AFTERNOON (Joint Session with CSM Seasonal-to-Interannual Working Group), 13 April 1999, Chapman Room

3:30 - 3:50

Evolution of ENSO variability in COADS observations and CSM

Chul Chung and Sumant Nigam


3:50 - 4:10

Circulation regimes in the CSM simulations

Andy Robertson


4:10 - 4:30

An intermediate tropical atmospheric model: Can it be a useful adjunct to CSM?

David Neelin and Ning Zeng


4:30 - 4:50

CSM simulated 21st climates over the U.S.

Aiguo Dai


4:50 - 5:10

CCM3's simulation of tropical Atlantic variability

R. Saravanan


5:00 - 6:30

Reception, Damon Room
(snacks and beer and wine provided)


WEDNESDAY MORNING (NVWG Session only), 14 April 1999, Damon Room

8:00 - 8:30

Continental Breakfast, Main Seminar Room


8:30 - 10:30



10:30 - 11:00

Break, Main Seminar Room


WEDNESDAY MORNING (Joint Session), 14 April 1999, Main Seminar Room

11:00 - 12:00

Plenary Discussion


Summary/Action Items (Working Group Chairs)