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CCSM  Joint Paleoclimate and Climate Variability Working Group Meeting

NCAR, Mesa Lab, Damon Room


2-3 February 2004



Monday, 2 February 2004

8:00 am

Continental Breakfast


8:30 am

Introduction and welcome

M. Alexander, C. Deser, and B. Otto-Bliesner

8:40 am

Variability in CSM simulaitons for four climates: present, glacial, Eocene, and Cretaceous - Part 1

M. Huber    

9:10 am.

Variability in CSM simulations for four climates: present, glacial, Eocene, and Cretaceous - Part 2 

R. Caballero 

9:40 am

Changes in ENSO global teleconnections since the Last Glacial Maximum  

C. Morrill 

10:00 am



10:30 am

How the extra tropical atmosphere has been altered by changes in the tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures on the mid-Holocene hydroclimate changes over North America

M. Khodri

10:50 am

Dynamical constraints of the tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures on the mid-Holocene hydroclimate changes over North America

S-I. Shin (co-authors: R.S. Webb and Prashant D. Sardeshmukh)

11:10 am

External forcing and itnernal modes of climate: New perspectives on natural climate variability on decadal-to-centennial timescale 

C. Ammann

11:40 am  

Variations of the Hadley circulation in CCM3 and CAM2  

X.-W. Quan

12:00 pm

Lunch (on your own)


1:20 pm

Modes of variablity in a changing climate 

G. Branstator

1:40 pm

Mean-state or variability: Using numerical models to decipher ambiguous records of paleoenvironmental change

N. Diffenbaugh

2:00 pm.

Tropical Atlantic-Pacific interaction  

R. Saravanan

2:20 pm.   

Characterization of millennial scale climate variability 

G. Roe (co-author: E. Steig) 

2:50 pm.



3:20 pm.

Developing a millennium-length record of the Asian Monsoon

  D. Anderson

3:40  pm Megadroughts in the Indian monsoon and southwest U.S. regions in a 1350 year global coupled model simulation G. Meehl
4:00 pm Twentieth century climate change: Understanding the effect of Indian Ocean warming J. Hurrell (co-author: M. Hoerling)
4:20 pm Paleomodeling of decreased aridity in northern Africa in the Holocene B. Otto-Bliesner
4:40 pm Response of the Mediterranean Seas circulation to orbital and greenhouse gas forcing in CCSM2: Implications for sapropel formation and recent observed trends E. Brady
5:00 pm Reception (Damon Room)
Tuesday, 3 February 2004
8:00 am Continental Breakfast
9:00 am Marine productivity changes associated with the Permian-Triassic boundary A. Winguth
9:20 am The South Atlantic Circulation at the LGM in the NCAR Coupled Model I. Wainer
9:40 am North Pacific decadal variability in CCSM2 control experiment Y.-O. Kwon
10:00 am Break
10:30 am CAM coupled to a mixed layer ocean model: Model physics and climate M. Alexander
10:50 am Development status and plans for the new GFDL coupled climate model T. Delworth
11:20 am CCSM3 issues W. Collins, WG chairs
12:00 pm Lunch (on your own)
1:00 pm Ocean model results from the CCSM3 present-day integrations with a T42 atmosphere G. Danabasoglu
1:20 pm CCSM3 T42 variability C. Deser
1:40 pm Report on CCSM Isotope Workshop N. Mahowald
2:00 pm Discussion


Community Climate System Model
