Dear CVWG member,
We wish to call your attention to this first announcement of a joint meeting with the Atmospheric Model Working Group the week of 3 March 2003. More details will follow early in 2003. We anticipate that the meeting will last two days, but we have not yet decided on the precise dates.
There will be several foci of the meeting:
We would like to encourage your participation, and we invite you to give a presentation on these or other CVWG-related activities.
The main experiments ready for analysis at this time are:
-- the long CCSM2.0 control run
-- an ensemble of AMIP runs with CAM2, 1949-present
We are in the process of making data from the latter available. Keep an eye on "" for updates. In addition, work is beginning on an ensemble of "Climate of the 20th Century" experiments, in which CAM is forced with observed SST and sea ice plus changes in other external forcings as well. We hope some of those runs will be available by the March meeting.
Finally, we welcome all feedback on the variability diagnostics package (see above) currently under development.
Please let us know if you plan to attend the meeting, and if you would like to give a presentation, by Friday, January 30, 2003.
We hope to see you in March.
Happy Holidays!
Jim Hurrell and Mike Alexander
Co-chairs, CVWG
Community Climate System Model