Jia-Lin Lin (in collaboration with Brian Mapes) discussed about the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) problem in climate models. The MJO is the dominant intraseasonal mode of convection and circulation in the tropics, but is poorly simulated in current GCMs. Because the MJO problem is a common problem in many GCMs, their hypothesis is: The MJO problem is caused by some missing physics in current GCMs. Based on the MJO theories and their diagnostic results, Lin discussed about three missing physical processes that are likely important for the MJO: (1) Shear effects on anvil clouds and cloud radiative forcing; (2) Convective momentum transport by shallow convection; and (3) Stratiform precipitation and stratiform heating profile. It would be interesting to install these missing physics into GCMs and test their impacts on the MJO simulation.