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Report of the Joint Meeting of
Seasonal-to-Interannual and Decadal-to-Centennial Working Group Workshop
February 3-4, 2000
COLA, Calverton, MD
Ed Schneider and Joe Tribbia, Co-Chairs

The first day was devoted mostly to the following presentations:

Jim Kinter - Welcoming Remarks

Ed Schneider - Overview of the CSM Project

Maurice Blackmon - Remarks on CSM Plans and Activities

Albert Arking and Fei Liu - Discrepancies Between Models and Observations of the Absorption of Solar Radiation in the Atmosphere and their Impact on Climate System Modeling

Jim Carton - Models of the Tropical Atlantic

Gokhan Danabasoglu, Peter Gent, Bill Large, and Jim McWilliams - Simulation of Equatorial Pacific mean SST and its variability

David Straus and J. Shukla - Performance of CCM and Other Models in the DSP Project

Andrey Proshutinsky - Analysis of the Arctic Climate Oscillations

Joe Tribbia - Persistence of Pacific Anomalies in CCM3 and in Nature

David DeWitt - Diagnosis of Differences in Simulated Midlatitude Dynamical Anomalies Caused by a Change of Cumulus Convection Parameterization

Sirpa Hakkinen - Decadal Variability in the North Atlantic

Ed Schneider - Diagnosis of Causes of Differences Between COLA and CSM Coupled Models

Discussions were held for the rest of the meeting.



Eric Altshuler (COLA)
Albert Arking (Johns Hopkins University)
Anjuli Bamzai (NSF)
Maurice Blackmon (NCAR)
Ming Cai (U. of MD)
Jim Carton (U. of MD)
Gokhan Danabasoglu (NCAR)
Tim Del Sole (COLA)
David DeWitt (IRI)
Paul Dirmeyer (COLA)
Mark Eakin (NOAA)
Yun Fan (COLA)
Mike Fennessy (COLA)
Sirpa Hakkinen (NASA GSFC)
Bohua Huang (COLA)
Eugenia Kalnay (U. of MD)
Jim Kinter (COLA)
Ben Kirtman (COLA)
V. Krishnamurti (COLA)
Ants Leetmaa (NCEP)
Fei Liu (Johns Hopkins U.)
Larry Marx (COLA)
Kiku Miyakoda (George Mason U.)
Sharon Nabuda (NASA GSFC)
Sumant Nigam (U. of MD)
Andrey Proshutinsky (Naval Postgraduate School)
Ed Schneider (COLA)
Paul Schopf (COLA)
J. Shukla (COLA)
David Straus (COLA)
Max Suarez (NASA GSFC)
Joe Tribbia (NCAR)
Roxanna Wajsowicz (U. of MD)
Zhaohua Wu (COLA)
Zhengxin Zhu (COLA)