2017 CESM Tutorial Coursework
- Speakers: Dave Bailey, NCAR-CGD, Jim Hurrell, NCAR, Carolyn Brinkworth, UCAR Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- [Video - Hurrell] [Presentation - Bailey]
- [Video - Brinkworth] [Presentation - Brinkworth]
- Speakers: Dave Bailey, NCAR-CGD, Carolyn Brinkworth, UCAR Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- [Presentation -Bailey]
- [Video - Brinkworth] [Presentation - Brinkworth]
- Speaker: J.-F. Lamarque, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Peter Lauritzen, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Rory Kelly, NCAR-CISL
- [Presentation]
- Speaker: Alice Bertini, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Video - Exercises] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Rich Neale, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Simone Tilmes, NCAR-ACOM/CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Mike Mills, NCAR-ACOM
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Dave Lawrence, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Mike Mills, NCAR-ACOM
- [Presentation]
- Speaker: Isla Simpson, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Ahmed Tawfik, NCAR-CGD
- [Presentation]
- Speaker: Christine Shields, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Rosie Fisher, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Susan Bates, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Xiaolin Ren, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Ran Feng, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Karen McKinnon, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Will Wieder, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
Welcome, Intro, Logistics
Welcome, Intro, Logistics
Lecture 1: Introduction to the coupled system
Lecture 2: Atmosphere Modeling I: Intro & Dynamics
Practical Session 1 Intro: Introduction to NCAR computing environment
Practical Session 1 Intro: Run CESM
Lecture 3: Atmosphere Modeling II: Physics
Lecture 4: Atmosphere Modeling III: Chemistry, Aerosols
Lecture 5: Atmos. Modeling IV: WACCM
Lecture 6: Land Modeling I: Biogeophysics
Specialized Talks 1a: Stratospheric Aerosols and Chemistry
Specialized Talks 1b: Simpler Models
Specialized Talks 1c: Convection and Land Use
Practical Session 2 Intro: Run CESM: Simple Modifications
Lecture 7: Land Modeling II: Biogeochemistry: Ecosystem Modeling
Lecture 8: Ocean Modeling I
Applications 1: Short Talks: Economic impacts of climate change on agriculture: Integrating iPETS and CLM
Applications 1: Short Talks: Paleoclimate perspectives on millennial scale future climate change
Applications 1: Short Talks: Observational constraints on the contribution of internal variability to climate trends
Applications 1: Short Talks: Ecological modeling with CLM
- Speaker: Jim Edwards, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Adam Phillips, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Bill Lipscomb, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Peter Gent, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Keith Lindsay, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Samantha Stevenson, NCAR-CGD
- [Presentation]
- Speaker: Cecile Hannay, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Peter Lawrence, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Cecile Hannay, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation] [Exercises / Quiz]
- Speaker: Alice DuVivier, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speaker: Claudia Tebaldi, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speakers: Dave Bailey, NCAR-CGD, Cecile Hannay, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation - Bailey] [Quiz Recap Presentation]
- Speaker: Dave Bailey, NCAR-CGD
- [Presentation]
- Speaker: Bill Sacks, NCAR-CGD
- [Presentation] [Lab Worksheet]
- Speakers: Keith Oleson, NCAR-CGD, Erik Kluzek, NCAR-CGD, Keith Lindsay, NCAR-CGD
- [Presentation - Land]
- [Presentation - BGC]
- Speaker: Dani Coleman, NCAR-CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]
- Speakers: Mike Mills, NCAR-ACOM, Simone Tilmes, NCAR-ACOM/CGD
- [Video] [Presentation]