2012 WG Meeting Presentations | WAWG Welcome and status of WACCM Hanli Liu Sun to ice: Impacts on Earth of extreme solar events Stan Solomon Electrical connections and consequences within the Earth system Art Richmond The atmospheric lunar tide simulated in the WACCM Nick Pedatella SSW and blocking Rolando Garcia WACCM studies of polar middle atmosphere Cora Randall Observations and modeling climatology of polar wintertime middle atmosphere disturbances Katelynn Greer Stratospheric heterogeneous processes using SD WACCM4 Doug Kinnison Impact of solar spectral variability on middle atmospheric constituents Aimee Merkel Nuclear winter simulations with CESM-WACCM/CARMA Mike Mills, NCAR Stratospheric sulfur geoengineering using WACCM/CARMA: Particle size and tropospheric burdens Jason English, NCAR-CGD