2013 WG Meeting Presentations | OMWG Updates CESM update Marika Holland, NCAR-CGD Atmospheric model developments Joe Tribbia, NCAR-CGD POP developments Mathew Maltrud Topographic control of Gulf Stream Susan Bates, NCAR-CGD Estuary-shelf freshwater exchange parameterization Yu-heng Tseng, NCAR-CGD Regional and High Resolution Modeling Progress on nRCM Justin Small, NCAR-CGD High resolution, fully-coupled simulations with T341 atmosphere and 0.1° POP/CICE Milena Veneziani T85 and T341 fully coupled CESM simulations: Climatology comparisons and Present-day transient initialization strategy Julie McClean High resolution simulations at NCAR Frank Bryan, NCAR-CGD AMOC in CORE-II simulations Gokhan Danabasoglu, NCAR-CGD Evaluation of oceanic and sea ice Arctic Wieslaw Maslowski MPAS-O Developments Status of MPAS-O Mark Petersen, Doug Jacobsen Plans for MPAS-O in 2013 Todd Ringler Biogeochemistry Update on BGCWG Activities Keith Lindsay, NCAR-CGD Automated diagnostics of CESM ocean biogeochemistry Ernesto Munoz, NCAR-CGD Physical-biogeochemical interactions in the CESM Keith Moore Surface iron budget change in a RCP8.5 simulation Kazuhiro Misumi Carbon isotopes in the ocean model of the CESM Alex Jahn, NCAR-CGD Agulhas Leakage in CCSM4 Wilbert Weijer UQ study of parameter sensitivity in POP Detelina Ivanova Further consideration of GM under testbed-based parameter estimation Matthew Hecht Ocean Mixing Climate impacts of sea-ice heterogeneity (CPT) Nancy Norton, NCAR-CGD A sensitivity study of ocean mixing under sea-ice using a 2-column ocean grid in coupled POP-CICE Meibing Jin CVMix: A modular vertical mixing framework Stephen Griffies 1-D KPP Alec Bogdanoff Topographic wave drag David Trossman WaveWatch and Langmuir mixing Adrean Webb Energetically consistent mixing schemes Carsten Eden