2014 WG Meeting Presentations | SDWG SDWG Science Session I Object-oriented evaluation of downscaled Midwest warm-season rainfall Chris Anderson, ISU The representation of water systems in GCAM: A perspective of the human dimension in CESM Mohamad Hejazi, PNNL Brief update on the iESM (integrated Earth System Model) Bill Collins The Water-Food-Economy-Climate nexus of ALPS scenario Kenichi Wada, RITE SDWG-related projects Highlight Session Climate Change Impacts and Risk Analysis Project (CIRA): An overview James McFarland Advanced climate and regional model validation Eric Gilleland Project on the Benefits of Reduced Anthropogenic Climate changE (BRACE) Brian O'Neill, NCAR-CGD SDWG Science Session II IGSM-CLM-WRS framework to undertake a large-ensemble scenario exercise to study Southeast Asia Adam Schlosser ACE/BOR hydrology project Martyn Clark Greenhouse gas emissions and climate impacts of a large-scale biofuels expansion Erwan Monier Enhancing use of CESM output through an efficient downscaling capability with feedback to model development Caspar Ammann Future directions of the SDWG Brian O'Neill, NCAR-CGD