2015 WG Meeting Presentations | CVCWG Update of CVCWG activities and plans Clara Deser, NCAR-CGD Optimal excitation of the North Atlantic on decadal time scales in CCSM4 Grant Branstator, NCAR-CGD Predictability of the AMOC and Arctic sea ice Steve Yeager, NCAR-CGD The role of ocean heat transport in the climate response to projected Arctic sea ice loss Bob Tomas, NCAR-CGD The relationship between the ITCZ and the Southern Hemispheric eddy-driven jet Paulo Ceppi The Northern Hemisphere winter stationary wave response to global warming in CMIP5 Isla Simpson, NCAR-CGD Understanding spread in CMIP5: Sensitivity of North Atlantic storm tracks to surface temperature projections Laura Ciasto Is western Europe warming much faster than expected? Laurent Terray Quantifying the role of internal climate variability in future climate trends Dave Thompson ENSO teleconnections in a warming climate Shang-Ping Xie Diagnosing ENSO dynamics and predictability from observations and models Matt Newman Effects of the QBO on ENSO teleconnections Yaga Richter Understanding global sea level as an indicator of climate variability and change John Fasullo Does the scaling of extreme precipitation depend on emissions scenario? Angie Pendergrass