2015 WG Meeting Presentations | PCWG Model skill and sensitivity to initial conditions in an operational sea ice prediction system Ed Blanchard-Wrigglesworth CESM simulations of Bering Sea climate and marine production John Walsh Length of the open water season along the Arctic coast using the CESM Large Ensemble Katy Barnhart How does sea ice loss affect clouds? A story about stability in a warming ARctic Ariel Morrison Process-based evaluation of Arctic inversions Line Bourdages Use of CESM to quantify aerosol forcing from the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruptions Mark Flanner Recent Antarctic Atmospheric Warming and Climate Feedbacks Cecilia Bitz Antarctic sea ice in the CESM Large Ensemble Marika Holland, NCAR-CGD Update on CICE5 simulations and physics options for CESM2 Dave Bailey, NCAR-CGD CICE5 physics in RASM with implications for CESM Andrew Roberts Sea ice sensitivity to snow parameters in CICE5 Jorge Urrego-Blanco Update on developments in CICE ice biogeochemistry Nicole Jeffery Arctic Radiative Fluxes: Present-day biases and future projections in CMIP5 models Jason English Plans for CliC /Sea Ice MIP for CMIP6 Alexandra Jahn