2016 Winter WG Meeting Presentations | BGCWG + LMWG
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
Using the CLM Crop Model to assess the impacts of changes in climate, atmospheric CO2, irrigation, fertilizer, and geographic distribution on historical and future crop yields
Peter Lawrence
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
Simulating the United State county level crop yields in Community Land Model with an optimized fertilizer scheme
Guoyong Leng
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
Winter wheat in CLM4.5
Yaqiong Lu
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
Modeling the interaction between climate and timber harvest: A fully coupled approach
Matt Sloggy
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
Evaluating the need for integrated land use and land cover analysis for robust assessment of climate adaptation and mitigation strategies
Alan DiVittorio
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
Threshold behavior in surface response to afforestation
Marysa Lague
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
Results from CESM1.2 BGC simulations
Keith Lindsay
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
State of CLM
David Lawrence
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
Sean Swenson
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
Validating MOSART in CLM5 Beta in comparison with ACME-MOSART
Hongyi Li
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
Snow metric and snow analysis
Andrew Slater
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
Climate simulations with respect to land cover change in CLM4.5 and CLM5.0
Liang Chen
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
Revisions to land cover dataset
Peter Lawrence
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
FACE, ED update
Rosie Fisher
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
Will Wieder
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
Soil Carbon
Charles Koven
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
PFT-level analysis and crop model assessment
Danica Lombardozzi
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
Dynamic root impacts on productivity and evapotranspiration
Beth Drewniak
Joint Land Model, Biogeochemistry, and Societal Dimensions Working Groups
Plant hydraulics
Daniel Kennedy
Joint Land Model and Biogeochemistry Working Groups
Multi-layer canopy
Gordon Bonan
Joint Land Model and Biogeochemistry Working Groups
Hillslope hydrology
Justin Perket
Joint Land Model and Biogeochemistry Working Groups
Representing lateral groundwater flow dynamics improves hydrologic and carbon cycle simulations in an Amazonian basin: Application with PAWS+CLM
Bill Riley
Joint Land Model and Biogeochemistry Working Groups
Soil nutrient competition: Theories, observations, and implementation in earth system land model
Qing Zhu
Joint Land Model and Biogeochemistry Working Groups
Improvements and scientific validation of CLM in the framework of the Terrestrial Systems Modeling Platform (TerrSysMP)
Prabhakar Shrestha
Joint Land Model and Biogeochemistry Working Groups
The impact of SO2 emissions reductions on US carbon update
Gretchen Keppel-Aleks
Joint Land Model and Biogeochemistry Working Groups
An observational constraint on stomatal function in forests: Evaluating coupled carbon and water vapor exchange with carbon isotopes in CLM4.5
Brett Raczka
Joint Land Model and Biogeochemistry Working Groups
Climate impacts of plant structural acclimation in response to climate change
Marlies Kovenock
Joint Land Model and Biogeochemistry Working Groups
Extending assessment of climate teleconnections to account for diverse ecological responses
Elizabeth Garcia
Joint Land Model and Biogeochemistry Working Groups
Using ARM observations to evaluate land-atmosphere coupling in CAM5.1 / CLM4 hindcasts on the U. S. Southern Great Plains
Tom Phillips
Joint Land Model and Biogeochemistry Working Groups
Atmosphere-land surface coupling diagnostics for CESM and CMIP5 models
Jim Randerson
Joint Land Model and Biogeochemistry Working Groups
Using reactive transport codes to provide biogeochemistry representations in land surface models: Progress and challenges with CLM-PFLOTRAN 1.0
Richard Tran Mills
PFT-level analysis and crop model assessment
Danica Lombardozzi
Dynamic root impacts on productivity and evapotranspiration
Beth Drewniak
Plant hydraulics
Daniel Kennedy
Multi-layer canopy
Gordon Bonan
Hillslope hydrology
Justin Perket
Representing lateral groundwater flow dynamics improves hydrologic and carbon cycle simulations in an Amazonian basin: Application with PAWS+CLM
Bill Riley
Soil nutrient competition: Theories, observations, and implementation in earth system land model
Qing Zhu
Improvements and scientific validation of CLM in the framework of the Terrestrial Systems Modeling Platform (TerrSysMP)
Prabhakar Shrestha
The impact of SO2 emissions reductions on US carbon update
Gretchen Keppel-Aleks
An observational constraint on stomatal function in forests: Evaluating coupled carbon and water vapor exchange with carbon isotopes in CLM4.5
Brett Raczka
Climate impacts of plant structural acclimation in response to climate change
Marlies Kovenock
Extending assessment of climate teleconnections to account for diverse ecological responses
Elizabeth Garcia
Using ARM observations to evaluate land-atmosphere coupling in CAM5.1 / CLM4 hindcasts on the U. S. Southern Great Plains
Tom Phillips
Atmosphere-land surface coupling diagnostics for CESM and CMIP5 models
Jim Randerson