2016 Winter WG Meeting Presentations | PCWG

Characterizing Arctic sea ice variability and extreme events in CESM-LE
John Mioduszewski

Separating the influences of sea ice loss and lower latitude warming in the atmospheric response to greenhouse gas forcing
Russell Blackport

Arctic sea ice prediction: An update from the trenches
Ed Blanchard-Wrigglesworth

The atmospheric response to the Weddell Polynya in the high-resolution ASD Simulation
Wilbert Weijer

Polar cloud behavior: Leveraging active satellite observations to evaluate CESM-LE representation
Elin McIlhattan

Deformation parameters derived from suborbital remote sensing observations compared to CICE parameters
Ute Herzfeld

Overview of the HiLAT project
Matthew Hecht / Wilbert Weijer

Joint PCWG / LIWG / PaleoWG Session
Ice Sheet surface fields in CESM2
Jan Lenaerts

Joint PCWG / LIWG / PaleoWG Session
Upscaling in situ observations to surface mass balance estimates and models of the Greenland Ice Sheet
Mike MacFerrin

Joint PCWG / LIWG / PaleoWG Session
Can we constrain the extent of past and future ice shelves: The basal melting calculation
Florence Colleoni

Joint PCWG / LIWG / PaleoWG Session
Mid-Pliocene inception and growth of the Greenland Ice Sheet in CESM
Marcus Lofverstrom

Joint PCWG / LIWG / PaleoWG Session
Contributions to Pliocene Arctic warmth from aerosol indirect forcing
Ran Feng

Joint PCWG / LIWG / PaleoWG Session
Modelling stable isotope tracers through the Greenland and Laurentide Ice Sheets through the last glacial cycle
Shawn Marshall

Joint PCWG / LIWG / PaleoWG Session
Exploring probabilistic cumulative-carbon-based Greenland Ice Sheet stability threshold estimates
Jeremy Fyke

Joint PCWG / LIWG / PaleoWG Session
Predictability of an ice-free Arctic using the CESM Land Ensemble
Alexandra Jahn

Joint PCWG / LIWG / PaleoWG Session
Estimating the extent of Antarctic summer sea ice during the Heroic Age of Exploration
Jonny Day