2017 Winter WG Meeting Presentations | AMWG Sensitivities to orographic drag in CESM Julio Bacmeister Ice Microphysical Changes in WACCM6 and CAM6 C. Bardeen Ultraparameterization: Using large eddy simulation for global simulation of boundary layer clouds and climate Christopher Bretherton ACME Progress Peter Caldwell Advances in the Application of Parallel Split Physics/Dynamics Coupling in Atmospheric Models Aaron Donahue Strategies for Cumulus Parameterization for CESM3 and Begyond Leo Donner Updates to Microphysics in a Global Model T. Eidhammer Forcing Feedbacks in CESM2 Andrew Gettelman Experiments preparing for a coarse resolution NorESM2 Lise Graff CESM2 development simulations: Are we there yet? Cecile Hannay Incorporating realistic surface LW spectral emissivity into the CESM Model: Impact on simulated climate and the potential sea-ice emissivity feedback mechanism Xianglei Huang Lessons learned from the Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP-2016) Christiane Jablonowski How the Midlatitude Surface Influences the Polar Troposphere in Observations and Models Paul Kushner CAM-CLUBB-SILHS-MG2: Sensitivity to horizontal grid spacing Vincent Larson An Overview of the Simplified CESM2 Model Configurations Peter Lauritzen CESM2 release of CAM-SE (& CAM-SE-CSLAM) Peter Lauritzen Effect of Nitrate aerosols on indirect forcing as modeled by CAM with MOSAIC Zheng Lu A coupled model hindcast framework for cloud-associated processes evaluation Hsi-Yen Ma Volcanic forcing in CESM2 Mike Mills A Potential Radiative Forcing Error from the Cirrus Cloud Pre-existing Ice Assumption D. Mitchell Dynamical System Approach to Organized Convection Parameterization for GCMs Mitch Moncrieff Recent Changes in the Community Atmosphere Model, version 6 Rich Neale The Madden Julien Oscillation in CAM5/6: Coupling and Improvements Rich Neale Tracing the origins of tropical SST biases in CESM through a hindcast approach Angela Cheska Siongco Why Do Climate Models Drizzle Too Much and What Impacts Does This Have? Christopher Terai Summary of the WACCM/CAM/Chemistry Modeling Suite Simone Tilmes Enforcing conservation of atmospheric axial angular momentum in CAM FV: Method and results in CESM2 and NorESM2 simulations Thomas Toniazzo Intermittency in precipitation: duration, frequency, intensity and amounts using hourly data Kevin Trenberth Sensitivity of the Pacific Cold Tongue and Double-ITCZ Biases to Convective Parameterization Matthew Woelfle Variable-resolution CESM updates: CAM-SE and CAM-MPAS Colin Zarzycki Water Conservation in CAM5 and the ACME Atmosphere Model Kai Zhang