2017 Winter WG Meeting Presentations | OMWG Overview of MOM6 Adcroft Wave-floe Interactions Bitz Alternatives to NAO driving of AMOC variability in CCSM4 Grant Branstator Progress on High Resolution Data Assimilation with 1/10° POP2 Fredric Castruccio Community High-Resolution Ocean - Sea-Ice - BGC Hincast Simulation with CESM2 Fredric Castruccio CESM2 Update : Ocean Gokhan Danabasoglu Investigating Southern Ocean Mixed Layer Biases Alice DuVivier QC Leith in High-Resolution (i.e. MOLES) Baylor Fox-Kemper Thermal and silicate fronts in the Southern Ocean using the CESM LE simulations Natalie Freeman Stochastic Parameterizations Ian Grooms Effects of mesoscale turbulence on ocean carbon export: a global perspective Cheryl Harrison Low-Frequency North Atlantic Climate Variability in the CESM-LENS Who Kim Oxygen-dependent Zooplankton graing in CESM-BGC Jessica Luo How does the AMOC affect the amplitude of global warming? Elizabeth Maroon Revisiting sedimentary iron (Fe) flux to global ocean models Kaz Misumi NW Atlantic warming under climate change: new simulations with high-resolution CESM Justin Small High-resolution Ocean-ice simulations forced by CORE vx JRA55: Eastern boundary upwelling Justin Small