2017 Winter WG Meeting Presentations | SDWG Evaluation of multi-year drought capabilities of the CESM Large-Ensemble using MODE Abayomi Abatan Application Relevance: Need for establishing critical insights into CESM Caspar Ammann Applying Earth System Forecasts for Climate Change to Inform Conservation Planning of The East African Great Lakes S. Asefi Global Initiative for Integrative Modeling of Human and Earth Systems Michael Barton ScenarioMIP CESM2 Susan Bates Challenges in regional verification of climate variability projections and predictions Barbara Brown How does initial land cover uncertainty influence carbon and climate projections? Alan Di Vittorio Substantial effects of land cover uncertainty on carbon and climate projections Alan Di Vittorio CLM5! David Lawrence CLM5: Model Structure Recap Rosie Fisher Improving the maize growth processes in the Community Land Model: implementation, evaluation and future work Kaiyu Guan Project Sim Turtle Cheryl Harrison Quantifying Impacts of Land-use and Land Cover Change in a Changing Climate at the Regional Scale using an Integrated Earth System Modeling Approach Maoyi Huang Co-Production of Applied Climate Knowledge Laurna Kaatz SDWG - THESIS and Applied Projects Peter Lawrence SDWG - Gross vs Net LULCC investigation Peter Lawrence Crops in CLM5 Danica Lombardozzi Spring wheat responses to elevated CO2 in CLM: from version 4.5 t 5 Yaqiong Lu Avoiding and Reducing Long-Term Risks of Climate Change Jeremy Martinich Beyond BRACE: A new activity for the NCAR Climate and Human Systems Project Brian O'Neill THESIS update and Breckenridge plans (Toolbox for Human-Earth System Interation & Scaling) Brian O'Neill Historical and Future Land Use and Land Cover Change in CLM5 and CMIP6 Peter Lawrence Accelerated Scientific Discovery (ASD) Large Ensemble Climate Interventions Simulations Jadwiga Richter Community Experiments for the IPCC 1.5 degree report Ben Sanderson Misadventures in Parameterization and Why the Robots Haven't Won (Yet) Ben Sanderson Irrigation and Plant Hydraulics Parameterizations in CLM5 Sean Swenson Accelerated Scientific Discovery (ASD) Large Ensemble Climate Intervention Simulations Simone Tilmes Incorporating decadal climate predictions into water management Erin Towler Quantifying Future Climate Change Impact on Crop Yield in the Americas: Assessing a new ensemble modeling approach to regional climate downscaling Guiling Wang Proposal for optimizing SDWG computing use Chairs Societal Dimensions Working Group Meeting Co-Chairs