2017 Winter WG Meeting Presentations | WAWG Sensitivities to orographic drag in CESM Julio Bacmeister Ice Microphysical Changes in WACCM6 and CAM6 C. Bardeen State of WACCM(6) Andrew Gettelman Polar Stratosphere: Comparison of CESM1 (WACCM4-CCMI) and CESM2 (WACCM6) to Observations D. Kinnison CESM2 release of CAM-SE (& CAM-SE-CSLAM) Peter Lauritzen Development and Validation of WACCM-X Thermosphere and Ionosphere Jing Liu Effect of Nitrate aerosols on indirect forcing as modeled by CAM with MOSAIC Zheng Lu The Influence of Conductivity Disturbances on the Global Electric Circuit Greg Lucas Volcanic forcing in CESM2 Mike Mills Atmospheric Effects of the September 2005 Solar Flares and Solar Proton Events Josh Pettit Interactive QBO simulations in a warming climate Jadwiga Richter Thermosphere-Ionosphere Integration at NRL Fabrizio Sassi Errors in the mesosphere in specified dynamics WACCM Anne Smith WACCM-X Simulations of Climate Change in the Upper Atmosphere Stan Solomon Summary of the WACCM/CAM/Chemistry Modeling Suite Simone Tilmes CAM/WACCM/CHEM Discussion Co-Chairs