2010 WAWG Workshop Presentations Introduction and Status of the IPCC Simulations Dan Marsh Description and Public Release of WACCM4 Mike Mills The Surface-Pressure Signature of Atmospheric Tides in WACCM and the IPCC Climate Models Curt Covey Polar Chemical Ozone Loss using SC-WACCM and Aura MLS Observations Doug Kinnison Ozone Perturbation from Medium-Size Asteroid Impacts in the Ocean Betty Pierazzo WACCM / CARMA Studies at CU Boulder Jason English Sensitivity Study: Modeling the Response of SORCE Solar Variability in WACCM Aimee Merkel An Updated Ozonesonde Climatology for Model Evaluations Simone Tilmes A Global Model of Meteoric Sodium Dan Marsh Potential Impacts of Space Tourism on Ozone and Climate Mike Mills Description and Public Release of CAM5 Andrew Gettelman Discussion