2011 LIWG Workshop Presentations SEACISM: A scalable, efficient, and accurate Glimmer-CISM Kate Evans, ORNL The need for improving the glacier surface energy and mass budgets within CESM Alex Gardner, U of Michigan Towards Interactive Analysis of Regional Ice Flow Iulian Grindeanu, Argonne National Laboratory On the Influence of Bed Topography on Results from Dynamic Ice Sheet Models Ute Herzfeld, CIRES Scalable Full-Stokes Ice Sheet Simulation Toby Isaac, UT-Austin Land Ice Modeling Update Bill Lipscomb, LANL Berkeley-ISICLES (BISICLES): High Performance Adaptive Algorithms for Ice Sheet Modeling Dan Martin, LBNL Accelerated melting and disappearance of glaciers and ice caps Sebastian Mernild, LANL Implementation and comparison of finite element methods for higher-order ice sheet models Mauro Perego Quantifying the Uncertainty in Ice Sheet Model Parameters via Model Calibration M.T. Pratola CISM development updates Price Surface mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet simulated with CESM Miren Vizcaino, Berkeley An Update on Modeling Land-Ice/Ocean Interactions in CESM Xylar Asay-Davis