CESM Models

CESM1 (CAM5) Large Ensemble Community Project
and Accompanying CVCWG Simulations

The climate simulated by each Large Ensemble member is documented by the new Climate Variability Diagnostics Package (CVDP). This diagnostics package calculates a variety of climate metrics not covered by the individual component diagnostic packages. The CVDP was run over a number of time periods: 1920-2018 | 1979-2018 | 2019-2048 | 2019-2100

Data for all the simulations shown below is available off of the Climate Data Gateway (CDG). For direct CDG links to the data please visit the Data Sets Available to the Community page.

Control Simulations

Brief Description Case Details Diagnostics Length of Run Diagnostics
Large Ensemble 1° Pre-Industrial Fully Coupled Control
Case Name: b.e11.B1850C5CN.f09_g16.005
Data Availability: ESG
Case Name: b.e11.B1850C5CN.f09_g16.005
Machine: NCAR:yellowstone
Compset: B_1850_CAM5_CN
Resolution: 0.9x1.25_gx1v6
Years: 1-2200
Time Frequencies Saved: Monthly, Daily, Sub-Daily
HPSS Location: /CCSM/csm/b.e11.B1850C5CN.f09_g16.005
Start/End Dates: 3/6/13, ---
235-284 - 165-214 Atm Ice Land Ocean Ocean Timeseries ---
Large Ensemble 1° Pre-Industrial Atmosphere and Land Control
Case Name: f.e11.F1850C5CN.f09_f09.001
Data Availability: ESG
Case Name: f.e11.F1850C5CN.f09_f09.001
Machine: NCAR:yellowstone
Compset: F1850LENS
Resolution: 0.9x1.25_0.9x1.25
Years: 1-2600
Time Frequencies Saved: Monthly, Daily
Start/End Dates: 3/14/14, ---
--- Atm --- Land --- --- ---
Large Ensemble 1° Slab Ocean Model Control
Case Name: e.e11.E1850C5CN.f09_g16.001
Data Availability: ESG
Case Name: e.e11.E1850C5CN.f09_g16.001
Machine: NCAR:yellowstone
Compset: E_1850_CAM5_CN-LENS
Resolution: 0.9x1.25_0.9x1.25
Years: 101-1001
Time Frequencies Saved: Monthly, Daily
Start/End Dates: 2015
Individual diagnostics are not available for this simulation.

Historical/RCP8.5 Simulations

Brief Description Case Details Diagnostics Length of Run Diagnostics
Large Ensemble Simulation #1
Case Names: b.e11.B20TRC5CNBDRD.f09_g16.001 / b.e11.BRCP85C5CNBDRD.f09_g16.001
Data Availability: ESG
Case Names: b.e11.B20TRC5CNBDRD.f09_g16.001 / b.e11.BRCP85C5CNBDRD.f09_g16.001
Machine: NCAR:yellowstone
Resolution: 0.9x1.25_gx1v6
Years: 1850-2005 / 2006-2100
Time Frequencies Saved: Monthly, Daily, Sub-Daily
HPSS Locations: /CCSM/csm/CESM-CAM5-BGC-LE
Start/End Dates: 5/30/13, 7/29/13
1981-2005 w/observations Atm Ice Land Ocean Ocean Timeseries (1850-2005)
Ocean Timeseries (2006-2080)
CCR (#1-5)
CCR (#6-10)
2056-2080 w/observations Atm Ice Land Ocean
2056-2080 - 1981-2005 Atm Ice Land Ocean
2056-2080 - CESM1(CAM5) RCP8.5 #1 Atm Ice Land Ocean
1981-2005 - Large Ensemble 1° Pre-Industrial Control Atm Ice Land Ocean
1981-2005 - CESM1 (CAM5.1) 1° 20th Century #1 Atm Ice Land Ocean
Large Ensemble Simulations #2-#35
Case Names: b.e11.B20TRC5CNBDRD.f09_g16.0XX / b.e11.BRCP85C5CNBDRD.f09_g16.0XX
Data Availability: ESG
Case Names: b.e11.B20TRC5CNBDRD.f09_g16.0XX / b.e11.BRCP85C5CNBDRD.f09_g16.0XX
Machine: NCAR:yellowstone
Resolution: 0.9x1.25_gx1v6
Years: 1850-2005 / 2006-2100
Time Frequencies Saved: Monthly, Daily, Sub-Daily
HPSS Locations: /CCSM/csm/CESM-CAM5-BGC-LE
1981-2005 w/observations Atm 002  003  004  005
006  007  008
Ocean Timeseries 2006-2080
002 003 004 005 006
CCR (#1-5)
CCR (#6-10) CCR (#11-15)
CCR (#16-20)
CCR (#21-25)
CCR (#26-30)
Ocn 002  003  004  005
006  007  008
2056-2080 w/observations Atm 002  003  004  005
006  007  008
Ocn 002  003  004  005
006  007  008
2056-2080 - 1981-2005 Atm 002   003   004   005   006  
Ice 002   003   004   005   006  
Land 002   003   004   005   006  
Ocean 002   003   004   005   006  
Large Ensemble Simulations #101-10X
Case Names: b.e11.B20TRC5CNBDRD.f09_g16.10X / b.e11.BRCP85C5CNBDRD.f09_g16.10X
Data Availability: ESG
Case Names: b.e11.B20TRC5CNBDRD.f09_g16.10X / b.e11.BRCP85C5CNBDRD.f09_g16.10X
Run Location: University of Toronto
Resolution: 0.9x1.25_gx1v6
Years: 1850-2005 / 2006-2100
Time Frequencies Saved: Monthly, Daily, Sub-Daily
HPSS Locations: /CCSM/csm/CESM-CAM5-BGC-LE
Individual diagnostics are not available for these simulations.

Prescribed SST Simulations

Brief Description Case Details Diagnostics Length of Run Diagnostics
IPCC-AMIP TOGA 10-member ensemble (ERSSTv4)
Case Name: f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.historical.toga.ensXX / f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.rcp85.toga.ensXX
Data Availability: ESG
Case Names: f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.historical.toga.ensXX / f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.rcp85.toga.ensXX
Machine: NCAR:yellowstone
Compset: FAMIPC5CN
Resolution: 0.9x1.25_0.9x1.25
Years: 1880-2014
Time Frequencies Saved: Monthly, Daily
HPSS Location: /CCSM/csm/f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.hist-rcp85.toga
Start/End Dates: Fall 2015
Notes: SST's from 28S:28N set to ERSSTv4. Transition/linear interpolation zone from 28:35 degree latitudes. 35 degrees polewards set to 1880-2014 climatological SSTs (ERSSTv4)/ice (HadISST). Initialized from first LENS historical member on January 1st, 1880, with each ensemble member receiving a small change in the initial air temperature via namelist setting PERTLIM. Ozone dataset: modified SPARC
Individual diagnostics are not available for these simulations.
IPCC-AMIP TOGA 10-member ensemble (ERSSTv3b)
Case Name: f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.historical.ersstv3b.toga.ensXX / f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.rcp85.ersstv3b.toga.ensXX
Data Availability: HPSS (See Details)
Case Names: f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.historical.ersstv3b.toga.ensXX / f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.rcp85.ersstv3b.toga.ensXX
Machine: NCAR:cheyenne
Compset: FAMIPC5CN
Resolution: 0.9x1.25_0.9x1.25
Years: 1880-2016
Time Frequencies Saved: Monthly, Daily
HPSS Location: /CCSM/csm/f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.hist-rcp85.toga
Start/End Dates: Fall 2017
Notes: SST's from 28S:28N set to ERSSTv3b. Transition/linear interpolation zone from 28:35 degree latitudes. 35 degrees polewards set to 1880-2016 climatological SSTs (ERSSTv3b)/ice (HadISST). Initialized from first LENS historical member on January 1st, 1880, with each ensemble member receiving a small change in the initial air temperature via namelist setting PERTLIM. Ozone dataset: modified SPARC
Individual diagnostics are not available for these simulations.
IPCC-AMIP TOGA 10-member ensemble (ERSSTv5)
Case Name: f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.historical.ersstv5.toga.ensXX / f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.rcp85.ersstv5.toga.ensXX
Data Availability: HPSS (See Details)
Case Names: f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.historical.ersstv5.toga.ensXX / f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.rcp85.ersstv5.toga.ensXX
Machine: NCAR:cheyenne
Compset: FAMIPC5CN
Resolution: 0.9x1.25_0.9x1.25
Years: 1880-2017
Time Frequencies Saved: Monthly, Daily
HPSS Location: /CCSM/csm/f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.hist-rcp85.toga
Start/End Dates: Summer 2018
Notes: SST's from 28S:28N set to ERSSTv5. Transition/linear interpolation zone from 28:35 degree latitudes. 35 degrees polewards set to 1880-2017 climatological SSTs (ERSSTv5)/ice (HadISST). Initialized from first LENS historical member on January 1st, 1880, with each ensemble member receiving a small change in the initial air temperature via namelist setting PERTLIM. Ozone dataset: modified SPARC
Individual diagnostics are not available for these simulations.
IPCC-AMIP GOGA 10-member ensemble (ERSSTv4)
Case Name: f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.historical.goga.ensXX / f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.rcp85.goga.ensXX
Data Availability: ESG
Case Names: f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.historical.goga.ensXX / f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.rcp85.goga.ensXX
Machine: NCAR:yellowstone
Compset: FAMIPC5CN
Resolution: 0.9x1.25_0.9x1.25
Years: 1880-2015
Time Frequencies Saved: Monthly, Daily
HPSS Location: /CCSM/csm/f.e11.FAMIPC5CN.f09_f09.hist-rcp85.goga
Start/End Dates: Fall 2016
Notes: SST dataset: ERSSTv4. Ice dataset: HadISST. Initialized from first CESM1 LENS historical member on January 1st, 1880, with each ensemble member receiving a small change in the initial air temperature via namelist setting PERTLIM. Ozone dataset: modified SPARC
Individual diagnostics are not available for these simulations.
AMIP with prescribed sst/ice from pre-industrial control
Case Names: f.e11.F1850C5CNTVSST.f09_f09.002
Data Availability: HPSS (See Details)
Case Name: f.e11.F1850C5CNTVSST.f09_f09.002
Machine: NCAR:yellowstone
Compset: FAMIPC5CN
Resolution: 0.9x1.25_0.9x1.25
Years: 1-100
Time Frequencies Saved: Monthly, Daily
Start/End Dates: Spring 2016
Notes: AMIP-style run with the only time-varying forcings being monthly sea surface temperatures and sea ice specified from the pre-industrial control (b.e11.B1850C5CN.f09_g16.005) starting at year 401.
Individual diagnostics are not available for these simulations.

Pacemaker Simulations

Brief Description Case Details Diagnostics Length of Run Diagnostics
Pacific Pacemaker 20-member ensemble
Case Names: b.e11.B20TRLENS.f09_g16.SST.restoring.ensXX / b.e11.BRCP85LENS.f09_g16.SST.restoring.ensXX
Data Availability: HPSS (See Details)
Case Name: b.e11.B20TRLENS.f09_g16.SST.restoring.ensXX / b.e11.BRCP85LENS.f09_g16.SST.restoring.ensXX
Machine: NCAR:yellowstone/cheyenne
Resolution: 0.9x1.25_0.9x1.25
Years: 1920-2013
Time Frequencies Saved: Monthly, Daily
Start/End Dates: Spring 2015 (members 1-10), Fall 2017 (members 11-20)
Notes: SST anomalies (20°N-20°S,180-80°W) nudged to ERSSTv3b observations + radiative forcing
Individual diagnostics are not available for these simulations.

Single Forcing (all but one) Simulations

Brief Description Case Details Diagnostics Length of Run Diagnostics
XGHG 20-member ensemble
Case Names: b.e11.B20TRLENS_RCP85.f09_g16.xghg.0XX
Data Availability: HPSS (See Details)
Case Name: b.e11.B20TRLENS_RCP85.f09_g16.xghg.0XX
Machine: NCAR:cheyenne
Resolution: 0.9x1.25_0.9x1.25
Years: 1920-2080
Time Frequencies Saved: Monthly, Daily
Start/End Dates: Fall 2017-Summer 2018
Notes: Same configuration as the Large Ensemble, but without time-evolving greenhouse gases.
Individual diagnostics are not available for these simulations.
XAER 20-member ensemble
Case Names: b.e11.B20TRLENS_RCP85.f09_g16.xaer.0XX
Data Availability: HPSS (See Details)
Case Name: b.e11.B20TRLENS_RCP85.f09_g16.xaer.0XX
Machine: NCAR:cheyenne
Resolution: 0.9x1.25_0.9x1.25
Years: 1920-2080
Time Frequencies Saved: Monthly, Daily
Start/End Dates: Fall 2017-Summer 2018
Notes: Same configuration as the Large Ensemble, but without time-evolving aerosols.
Individual diagnostics are not available for these simulations.
XBMB 15-member ensemble
Case Names: b.e11.B20TRLENS_RCP85.f09_g16.xbmb.0XX
Data Availability: HPSS (See Details)
Case Name: b.e11.B20TRLENS_RCP85.f09_g16.xbmb.0XX
Machine: NCAR:cheyenne
Resolution: 0.9x1.25_0.9x1.25
Years: 1920-2029
Time Frequencies Saved: Monthly, Daily
Start/End Dates: Fall 2017-Summer 2018
Notes: Same configuration as the Large Ensemble, but without time-evolving biomass burning.
Individual diagnostics are not available for these simulations.
XLULC 5-member ensemble
Case Names: b.e11.B20TRLENS_RCP85.f09_g16.xlulc.0XX
Data Availability: HPSS (See Details)
Case Name: b.e11.B20TRLENS_RCP85.f09_g16.xlulc.0XX
Machine: NCAR:cheyenne
Resolution: 0.9x1.25_0.9x1.25
Years: 1920-2029
Time Frequencies Saved: Monthly, Daily
Start/End Dates: Fall 2017-Summer 2018
Notes: Same configuration as the Large Ensemble, but without time-evolving land use land cover changes.
Individual diagnostics are not available for these simulations.